Is cuckolding in heredity?

In 2000 i was 21 yrs old one gentlemen approach me in bar offered free beer and he confessed that he is a cuckold and then we headed to there place i met his wife who is quite ordinary but for me she was a free pussy we fucked and he watched after three rounds he gave me head we fucked 4th time in one night then he offered me ride up to hostel in his luxurious car and during ride i asked him why all this you got everything a man can earn wealth family reputation everything then why risk to loose it all
He replied its in his ******* his ******* was a cuckold his two more brothers are too so he is one i was dumbfounded that moment till today i wonder was he saying truth or just to change the topic he blah blahed anyone give any light on it
I have heard that it is genetic. I am a bull and have been with a number of wives. One of the husbands said something similar - his dad and his brother were both cucks as well, and it was discussed openy amongst the 3 wives.
Thank you for valuable input
I am also Indian (parents from India, I'm from the US). All of the cuck couples I've been with were white, as well as one indian cuck couples. It's a shame this kind of thing is not more openly accepted in our culture.
I am also Indian (parents from India, I'm from the US). All of the cuck couples I've been with were white, as well as one indian cuck couples. It's a shame this kind of thing is not more openly accepted in our culture.
Time will change everything earlier love marriage and sex before marriage was also considered as sin but now people accepting all these and couple on social media increasing from almost every part of India
My step-******* was very dominant but shared my mom with his friends, including several black men. His over bearing dominance turned me into a wimp so I wasn't really surprised that my wife easily cucked me. So I don't believe it is hereditary but more environmental. The old nature or nurture argument.
My step-******* was very dominant but shared my mom with his friends, including several black men. His over bearing dominance turned me into a wimp so I wasn't really surprised that my wife easily cucked me. So I don't believe it is hereditary but more environmental. The old nature or nurture argument.
Somewhat agree environment and upbringing have its effect too but try to find out about your biological parents and grandparents lifestyle are they were too swingers or not
My step-******* was very dominant but shared my mom with his friends, including several black men. His over bearing dominance turned me into a wimp so I wasn't really surprised that my wife easily cucked me. So I don't believe it is hereditary but more environmental. The old nature or nurture argument.
If you are not (only) being cheated on but (also) enjoying the lifestyle of sharing your Woman with other men then you are not a wimp!

The term "wimp" is the abbreviation of "white insecure male person" and often used as an acronym for white (and other non-black) men who feel (sexually) threatened by the presence of a Black man, especially near a (white) Woman. They typically suffer anxiety from the fear of losing their spouse or "their Women" to "The Black Man" whom they intrinsically sense as being sexually superior to them. As reactionary behavior they try to repress both Women and Black men socially and/or openly ridicule Black men and Women in relationships (of whatever form) with Black men, including usage of degrading slurs and otherwise racist and sexist wicked behavior. - Weak behavior that is an attempt to disguise their insecurities but actually and eventually ridicules nobody but themselves.

A man with a "cuck" mentality is typically not a "wimp" because he exchanges any possible insecurities for feeling secure within the boundaries of the lifestyle he actively chooses.

Well okay, and then there is the dictionary definition of "wimp" that's slightly different. :rolleyes:
Many men are cuckolds and do not know it so in that case it is the woman
In an open cuckold relationship it takes a woman and a man so both would need to be genetically predisposed to cuckolding
If the woman is dominant and the man is submissive it may be they are both genetically predisposed to certain behaviors
It is difficult to tell who decides when it comes to open cuckolding because the woman may make the man think it is his idea
There are degrees of being a cuckold from just accepting your wife fucking other men to finding men for her , sucking them and letting other men fuck you
once a woman has you accept being a cuckold she can pretty much have you do anything she wants
I don’t know if my parents were in the cuckold lifestyle but I do know my dad had a huge range of interracial porn and they are now divorced and guess what, mums currently with a black man! I think it is hereditary
Hot, do they know you find its so hot she upgraded to a Black man?