Impromptu Job Interview.


I met a couple not too long ago that I really got along with. From the start, it seems we were just clicking on all cylinders. The topic of work came up and what we do for a living. The couple were private business owners. They asked what I did for a living and I told them. They asked if I was satisfied (I am) and they would like me to come work for them. The Husband expressed his frustration about his employees being unreliable and not on time and was even willing to give me a managing position. He went on to ask me interview related questions while we are all taking a breather from me pleasing his wife. Lol. He even tried to use sex with his wife at the office to close the deal. She was very excited at the proposal.

I didn't take up on their offer. At the time, I didn't want to mix business with pleasure. Don't ******* where you eat as the saying goes, but now, a few months have passed and I wondered about taking the job. I always thought the boss/coworker fantasy was hot and it was a great moment to live it out. Til this day, these people are nice people. We stopped playing because they have a young family to raise and don't always have the time.

Has anyone here been involved in a situation like this? It seems dicey to say the least.
It sounds dicey but also pretty exciting. I don't have any first hand experience to share. Unfortunately it's still fairly rare to find black men in higher positions in companies in Germany. But it's always been a fantasy of mine that I have a juicy relationship with a black client or coworker.
YOLO bro, do it
The opportunity has passed. So its sort of hindsight thinking. I think maybe if I knew them long term like for years and years, I might have considered it, but at the time, I just thought 'don't ******* where you eat' and left it at that. I also know that you could have a friend that's great but they make a terrible boss or coworker so I didn't want to mix it . Didn't want to entertain this guy being a dick at work, but forsing myself to separate the two.

I know business owners have to play the dick role sometimes but I also know, how you treat people in any setting shows your true character. I am who I am at work or in a place of business. I do not change up. So you can say that was one of the factors I was concerned with.