Impregnated Wives

I'm close to making this decision ....moze you get me pregnant
You are beautiful, think about it and talk to your husband, because you are beautiful, lucky the bull who can fuck you and mix his gene with yours, you will generate a beautiful s o n, and you will still give a wonderful gift to your husband!

In my country there is a very important phrase for you to say to your husband "******* is the one who raises the *******"
well, alyssa found the f@ther for her next baby. the last several were over 7ft tall, & this one was too!
in fact, i swear he's the tallest yet. i'm not sure how tall either. just at least 2-3" taller than any before.
he's also into bodybuilding &is an engineer. he's got 2 doctorates & is going for his 3rd.
he's almost scary looking too...but very charming. serious nocturnal camouflage tho!
she saw him & went right after him. she told him exactly what she wanted & he was all good with it.
she was more than ready once we got to the hotel. she was on him like its on asphalt!
despite being a bit of a size queen, it took her quite some time to get him in & he had to spend the first half-hour plus just to get mostly in.
it took still longer before he pushed past her womanhood & was fully in.
it was as much the width as the length! tho he was longer than the previous. ha also was thicker too. notably so.
he had her all night where she was most fertile. her O-day. he probably dropped a dozen loads all the way in.
he'd not go soft in between until after 4times, then she's suck him hard right away again. this happened several times.
that was about a month ago, & she's 2weeks late now.
no one really comments anymore because her boss & a few other ladies at work now have mixed babies.
the same is true with both of her sisters & several girlfriends.
she was the 1st, but obviously not the last. she's created her own support group.
i am not a wimp-cuckold type, because both of her sisters & a few of her GFs have had my brown babies as well.
she actively helps me to spread my seed too.
her lovers also know to respect the resident alpha lion.
...but she is the alpha lioness, & i have sense enough to respect her instinctive right to choose the f@ther of her children.
she never tho acts without consulting with me. we are a team!