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y'all seem to forget the droves of Europeans that were let in here for free with no f****** test okay? What about all the swiss that came? What about all the people who came before the country was actually country and were given land that did not belong to them and tools to work their land? Y'all are the worst most destructive people on the planet. That's why that South African president is talking about the extension of white man.

Think that was before a country was formed called America and congress passed border and immigration laws. Change the laws to open borders then no one would be complaining.
Hmmm....Africans weren't going around the planet calling themselves the fittest and killing the inhabitants of far away lands just to create a failed settlement that would slowly siphon and eat up all the worlds resources.

you might want to re-think that many thousands of innocent farmers and etc......white men, women and children were killed during Africa's little revolution?
and it was all hushed up
every country has that little thing they would like to sweep under the rug
true right now this pres is taking us back 100 years in social equality...but my question to you is...did you vote?
This may seem wrong but why not work for citizenship here and I'm not talking about what we got now with Visa's. I mean they work for free and the company provide housing and food for them as they see fit. And when they work for the allotted time they become automatically naturalized. Also this way there is no problem with assimilation because they become property to the company until naturalized. I know what I'm saying sounds like slavery but honestly it's not. Unless we officially open borders this problem will never get fixed and don't get me wrong I'm totally against this push for protecting illegal immigrants. It's against the law but this problem has been here since before the Alamo though. It's inert and inherited they believe there is no border already and that alone has got to change with a wall and an official work for being naturalized if found here illegal. Also they should be so fined and indebted to us that they have no choice but to work it off for free. It's indentured servitude and I think it would work
Fast track, Join the military - citizenship after 4 years of service, Including spouse if married (getting married while in service doesn't count). Otherwise apply like everyone else. If you cross illegally, then you are given the legal papers to fill out, informed of the legal process, and you are sent back. (Maybe even include a paper on how to stage a revolution, assuming they are fleeing their tyrant government).

Or we could just make Mexico the 51st state of the union,.... Cuba the 52nd, .....Belize the 53rd .......... ;)
Fast track, Join the military - citizenship after 4 years of service

not a sure thing!
there have been a few "vets" sent back to mexico….I'm guessing they got back in after some time...but don't know that...I do know some vets were sent back!

need I go on......
Sub. Tried private messaging but it won't let me for some reason
not a sure thing!
there have been a few "vets" sent back to mexico….I'm guessing they got back in after some time...but don't know that...I do know some vets were sent back!

need I go on......

Not saying that is how it is now, I'm saying that it should be. ;)