
Well, I didn't say anything about a green card, but ...
If you are sponsoring someone for a family based green card (U.S. lawful permanent residence) you will, in most cases, need to fill out an Affidavit of Support for that person. This is ordinarily done on Form I-864, published by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Maybe if I make the type really BIG you will understand better???

I really don't care if it is your mom or your 3rd cousin - that's not the point. If that person wants to come to this country, then they can apply for themselves, no more sponsorship. But my point is, Trump IS NOT trying to stop legal migration, that is the hook line and sinker YOU swallowed.
Simply getting rid of the sponsorship program does not prevent family members from coming, if they want to legally file.

But here is the official form from the USCIS


I said why do you want to lower legal immigration. Legal immigration = green card (legal status to stay in America).

You then made it about extended family.. ninth cousin 8 times removed.. whatever.

I said the law says its limited to immediate family.. but you still want to believe the narrative of chain migration which doesn't even exist.

Now you're saying you didn't say anything about green cards.

Well then why is Trump trying to lower LEGAL IMMIGRATION which are rights given to US citizens to be with their immediate family?

Oh right because Trump and neo nazis said it is good for you.. LOL.

I said why do you want to lower legal immigration. Legal immigration = green card (legal status to stay in America).

You then made it about extended family.. ninth cousin 8 times removed.. whatever.
NO, that was you that did that by posting your links about chain migration. I asked for link that proved Trump was trying to stop leagal immigration - nothing more. You failed to do that. the links you posted were about Legal immigrants sponsoring relatives to come to the US, call it what ever you want to call it.
I said the law says its limited to immediate family.. but you still want to believe the narrative of chain migration which doesn't even exist.
Lets imagine I am a legal immigrant, I sponsor my brother. He then sponsors his wife and two *******. His wife then sponsors her sister who then sponsors her husband and 4 *******. Her husband then sponsors his mom and ******* and 3 brothers. ...... starting to see the picture? There is no reason why these people can't apply for their own legal status. There is no need for a sponsorship (aka Chain migration) program.
Direct or indirect relatives wasn't may argument to begin with.

Definition of chain migration:
Chain migration refers to the process where foreigners from a certain city of region tend to migrate to the same area as others from their city or region. It can also refer to the process where relatives who have previously migrated to a new country can sponsor family to migrate to the same city by sponsoring them.
When did chain migration start?
When chain migration first started appearing in academic texts in the 1960s, it was not a pejorative term. Roughly ten years later, the term family reunification entered the immigration lexicon.
Democrats and progressives says that "chain migration" has become a loaded term and have thus adopted the term family reunification, while their Republican counterparts typically stick with chain migration. The Trump administration has favored chain migration over family reunification. In fact, a Google Trends search yields a large uptick in the popularity of chain migration vs. family reunification during the first year of the Trump presidency.
Direct or indirect isn't the point, so stop trying to focus the discussion on that.

Now you're saying you didn't say anything about green cards.
I didn't. I'm not arguing semantics. You simply want to cherry pick your arguments because you can't show that Trump is trying to eliminate legal migration.
Well then why is Trump trying to lower LEGAL IMMIGRATION which are rights given to US citizens to be with their immediate family?
I simply don't believe that stopping the sponsorship program is preventing immigrants from coming to this country. The only difference is they will have to apply for legal status themselves, without a sponsorship. You claim that the Right is using the false term "Chain Migration" as a scare tactic to gain support of stopping the sponsorship program. However, I say left is also using scare tactics by convincing people that stopping the sponsorships will prevent all immigrants from coming into the country, and that simply isn't true. The left is once again making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Post removed by Site Admin per slander and violation of site rules. Note to everyone, we are watching so be civil.
I didn't. I'm not arguing semantics. You simply want to cherry pick your arguments because you can't show that Trump is trying to eliminate legal migration.
Yep, can't prove your claim so result to slander. typical and expected.

Do you even speak english? Are you an illegal immigrant with zero english comprehension? I might have to call ICE on you.

And here it is again: Trump's pillar of immigration reform: Restrictions on Family-Based Immigration

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So what is YOUR solution to Illegal immigration?
I just realized, while reading the comments, that President Trump & I have some agreement on things, like his opinion of what to do with Illegal Immigrants is the same as my opinion of what we need to do with Illegal Presidents. That's awesome ... something I can't disagree with him about, finally. :)
As long as they start at the TOP, I have no argument with that idea. The ones sucking the life out of the US are the corporations and wealthiest. What little "welfare" gets passed down to the 47%ers is taken back in new tax schemes. The corporations & rich come out way, way ahead and the gap between the "haves" and "have nots" continues to increase.

Corporations don't pay taxes. Never have, don't now, never will. Only people pay taxes. All taxes on corporations are paid for by consumers, employees, and owners/shareholders.
Corporations don't pay taxes. Never have, don't now, never will. Only people pay taxes. All taxes on corporations are paid for by consumers, employees, and owners/shareholders.
You've been watching way too much pic_logo-FOXNews.jpg
Corporate tax in the United States
Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Since January 1, 2018, the effective corporate tax rate in the United States of America is a flat 21 percent due to the passage of the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" on December 20, 2017. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable. Corporations are also subject to a federal Alternative Minimum Tax and alternative state taxes. Like individuals, corporations must file tax returns every year. They must make quarterly estimated tax payments. Controlled groups of corporations may file a consolidated return.

There's a tiny bit of documentation on MY END ... and plenty more available. What documentation you got "oh wise one"?



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View attachment 1921832
You've been watching way too much View attachment 1921833
Corporate tax in the United States
Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Since January 1, 2018, the effective corporate tax rate in the United States of America is a flat 21 percent due to the passage of the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" on December 20, 2017. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable. Corporations are also subject to a federal Alternative Minimum Tax and alternative state taxes. Like individuals, corporations must file tax returns every year. They must make quarterly estimated tax payments. Controlled groups of corporations may file a consolidated return.

There's a tiny bit of documentation on MY END ... and plenty more available. What documentation you got "oh wise one"?

View attachment 1921831

There are 2 types of Corporations, Mac. A "C" corp and a "S" corp. ( we will ignore LLC, which don't pay taxes either)

An S corp must file, but pays no tax on the federal level, but pays state tax. The share holders then pay tax on their share of the profits. Taxing the corporation, and then making the share holders pay as well is called "Double Taxation". Corporations only pay taxes when they have grown really large, like Google or Wal*Mart. Then they have to file as a "C" corp and the corporation pays a % of the profits or dividends paid while share holders pay the rest.

It's all covered in the links you provide, maybe you should read them.
Some types of corporations (S corporations, mutual funds, etc.) are not taxed at the corporate level, and their shareholders are taxed on the corporation's income as it is recognized.[4] Corporations which are not S Corporations are known as C corporations.
C corporations and S corporations both enjoy limited liability, but only C corporations are subject to corporate income taxation.

Furthermore, most taxes can be offset by Tax deductions, credits, and higher product or service prices. Every corporation I have worked will will do one of two things, or both, whenever the corporate tax rate is increased - 1. Lay off workers, 2. Increase their prices. They will offset the tax because the bottom line to the shareholders is all that matters.
View attachment 1921832
You've been watching way too much View attachment 1921833
Corporate tax in the United States
Corporate tax is imposed in the United States at the federal, most state, and some local levels on the income of entities treated for tax purposes as corporations. Since January 1, 2018, the effective corporate tax rate in the United States of America is a flat 21 percent due to the passage of the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" on December 20, 2017. State and local taxes and rules vary by jurisdiction, though many are based on federal concepts and definitions. Taxable income may differ from book income both as to timing of income and tax deductions and as to what is taxable. Corporations are also subject to a federal Alternative Minimum Tax and alternative state taxes. Like individuals, corporations must file tax returns every year. They must make quarterly estimated tax payments. Controlled groups of corporations may file a consolidated return.

There's a tiny bit of documentation on MY END ... and plenty more available. What documentation you got "oh wise one"?

View attachment 1921831

Sure, it looks like corporations "pay" taxes. They certainly file tax returns and transfer money to the government to the extent necessary per their tax returns. However that money ultimately comes out of your pocketbook and mine. As I've explained to you & others multiple times, and Nonaming1 correctly said above, corporations are not tax payers. They are tax collectors. Corporations work on a balance sheet with expenses and income. When expenses (where taxes fall) rise....they simply increase prices to accommodate. If you're a good liberal democrat politician, it is a good way to keep the useful idiots engaged, telling them how you're going to sock those evil corporations with higher taxes....knowing full well they are reaching right into the pockets of those same useful idiots who voted for them.

Here's a good refresher course for you in corporate tax 101 from a discussion a few years back about the pervasive impact on you and I from raising taxes on corporations:

Thing is you won't be "pumping that into the economy" You can pass a law that corporations are taxed 30% with zero loopholes if you want. What will happen? Corporations work on a balance sheet with income and expenses. Taxes hit the expense side so income has to change to accommodate the added expense.

Since we're talking about flushing politicians, let's talk toilet paper. If JB Hunt or Buffett's railroad is shipping raw material to Proctor and Gamble, they have to pay this new tax we've just added. So the cost they charge P&G for shipping goes up to accommodate. That makes more $s on the expense side for P&G. So when they sell finished TP to WalMart, well the price goes up to accommodate their added raw material to accommodate the added income tax P&G has to pay on their sale. Oh, lets see, Walmart has to get that TP from P&G's plant to their distribution center/stores. In comes JB and/or Buffett again. Well, there's a few more $s that WalMart has to pay them to cover the new taxation. Assume WalMart intends to make a profit in order to survive, well they'll have to pay more to the feds they get to tack on their added taxes on top of the already higher prices they paid all up the supply chain. You the end consumer is the one who ultimately pays all those taxes when you decide you'd like to buy some TP to wipe your ass.

Bottom line, corporations aren't tax payers. They are tax collectors. Ultimately it is always the consumer who is paying all those taxes in the end ( pun intended here :) )
Trump: Won't sign 'moderate' immigration bill in GOP setback

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump ignited eleventh-hour confusion Friday over Republican efforts to push immigration through the House next week, saying he won't sign a "moderate" package. A top House Republican said the chamber would not tackle the issue without Trump's backing.
The tumult erupted days before GOP leaders planned campaign-season votes on a pair of Republican bills: a hard-right proposal and a middle-ground plan negotiated by the party's conservative and moderate wings. Despite their policy clashes, both factions have been eager for the votes to be held as a way to show voters where they stand approaching an election in which GOP House control is at stake.
"I'm looking at both of them," Trump told reporters at the White House. "I certainly wouldn't sign the more moderate one."
The compromise bill includes provisions easing the high-profile problem of children being separated from parents when the families are caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally. It would mandate that families be kept together for as long as they are in the custody of the Homeland Security Department, whose agencies staff border facilities and enforce immigration laws.

Spotlighting the political sensitivity of the issue, congressional Republicans have distanced themselves from the Trump administration's policy of separating children from their parents at the southern border. The White House has cited the Bible in defending its "zero tolerance" approach to illegal border crossings.
House Speaker Paul Ryan has said that Trump backs the compromise plan. GOP aides said Trump's remark caught party leaders off-guard, and White House officials did not immediately respond to requests to clarify the president's comment.
While the conservative measure is seen as virtually certain to lose, party leaders have nurtured hopes that the compromise bill could pass. Trump's backing has been seen as crucial for passage, and his apparent pullback of support would be an embarrassing setback.
Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., the GOP's No. 2 vote counter, told reporters later that leaders were seeking "clarity" from the White House about what Trump meant. Meanwhile, he suggested that plans for votes next week were being reconsidered.
"House Republicans are not going to take on immigration without the support and endorsement of President Trump," McHenry said.
Corporations & Federal IncomeTaxes
....Reliable sources (such as the Govn'mt Accountability Office & US Treasury) say corporations DO pay federal income taxes. No doubt the largest corporations have fancy lawyers to help the companies dance around the taxes, but they do pay federal taxes to the tune of over$226 billion in 2016. In fact I have an article here that shows what the 25 largest corporations paid ... its disgusting, do doubt that over 22% of large companies pay no federal income tax, and the average tax rate for all large corporations is like 14% due to companies like GE & Bank of America paying in "0" on billions of sales. Corporate accounting & tax codes are very complex, and for a reason no doubt. They've been provided every possible loophole to dodge paying their fair shairs ... ie: inversion, earnings stripping, depreciation, loopholes of every imaginable kind like past year losses, not to mention offshore tax havens, and making loans to themselves. Its pretty silly to think Republicans have just lowered the federal corporate tax rate for NO REASON, right?
Corporations & Federal IncomeTaxes
....Reliable sources (such as the Govn'mt Accountability Office & US Treasury) say corporations DO pay federal income taxes. No doubt the largest corporations have fancy lawyers to help the companies dance around the taxes, but they do pay federal taxes to the tune of over$226 billion in 2016. In fact I have an article here that shows what the 25 largest corporations paid ... its disgusting, do doubt that over 22% of large companies pay no federal income tax, and the average tax rate for all large corporations is like 14% due to companies like GE & Bank of America paying in "0" on billions of sales. Corporate accounting & tax codes are very complex, and for a reason no doubt. They've been provided every possible loophole to dodge paying their fair shairs ... ie: inversion, earnings stripping, depreciation, loopholes of every imaginable kind like past year losses, not to mention offshore tax havens, and making loans to themselves. Its pretty silly to think Republicans have just lowered the federal corporate tax rate for NO REASON, right?
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Perhaps you should bother to actually read and understand some of your links. That link you gave from the Balance shows Nonaming1 and I are dead on. Corporations don't "pay" taxes. They collect taxes from you and I and pass that money on to the government in their tax returns.

From YOUR article:

Why Raising the Corporate Tax Rate Might Not Help You
Shouldn't corporations pay more? It might not matter. Corporations pass on their tax burden to you. They will either raise prices or reduce wages. They must maintain their profit margins at a certain level to satisfy stockholders.

If taxes are raised, they pass that on to consumers or workers to keep share prices high. That's why it doesn't matter what happens with the corporate tax rate. There is no way around it, U.S. taxpayers will always have to pay taxes. The best way to reduce income taxes is to reduce spending, not shift it to corporations.
They collect taxes from you and I and pass that money on to the government in their tax returns.

If you are going to post that ******* least be sincere about it!
besides there ARE ways......they did it in the 50's and early 60's
until the gov gave them so many loop holes
and those loop holes sure weren't created by the working man
....You can't talk sense to the Supply Side Economics disciples. Wealth trickles down from the top & corporate greed and welfare doesn't exist. Conservatives only believe in being conservatives & balanced spending when liberals hold the offices. If they'd quit giving out years of technology research for fake friendships to other countries, we'd be able to pay a real living wage to our citizens.
....And it appears, once again, a democrat President & congress will need to do another major 'cleanup' after another republican President & congress.
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