If your Husband / Boyfriend tells you to stop cuckolding him, will you stop

And she is basing that on what? Because if your relationship hinges in the her enjoying BBC, or the lifestyle, then that's a bigger issue. The lifestyle should NOT be the glue that holds things together or a tool to fix a relationship.
I based that on how our relationship came about and has been developed over the many years and many long conversations. Our relationship is more than a typical relationship.
I based that on how our relationship came about and has been developed over the many years and many long conversations. Our relationship is more than a typical relationship.
Every relationship and dynamic is different. Especially when it comes to cuckold relationships. You can't cookie cut how each works, and there are no right or wrong answers - only what works for you as a couple.
I based that on how our relationship came about and has been developed over the many years and many long conversations. Our relationship is more than a typical relationship.
Oh I totally get it, and sure, you need to evaluate, or reevaluate if you need too. The bottom line is making sure whatever decisions or choices made, are ones you can sleep well with. Sometimes you have make distance and eliminations for the sake of happiness and peace of mind even if that means hurting someone else. It's not intentional, but self preservation takes precedence sometimes.
Can only answer based on my speculation of her…it’s the million dollar question ..I think she would but as if we’ve gotten deeper into this , I often question if that’s the case…I think as long as there is some form of joint decision making I can make due either way
My Hubby, Was quite disappointed when, I said stop aged 62 years, So glad I did.
He means so much to me, That I felt I needed to devote myself solely to Him.
Plus my Black lover of 10 years moved 400 miles away, might of had something to do with it.😜
To start, it does depend on where your relationship was before marriage. If you were both swingers / hotwife / cuck before marriage it would be unfair to expect that dynamic to change afterward unless you both were just done with it.

If you, as a married couple decided to try it, hopefully you discussed ground rules before entering the lifestyle. And if you've been doing it for a while and one of you wants to stop, then there is a discussion to be had. But each the cuck and hotwife have a decision that is all their own. You can stop / continue, and stay married / get divorced if the other partner isn't seeing things the same way.