If You Truly Desire Black Men

I say to my younger brothers.....Please, Please, Please, thoroughly research the laws regarding marriage in your jurisdiction because it remains a very High Risk and Dangerous proposition for men to sign a legal document where you risk your current and future assets.

Not telling you younger gents NOT to marry but, recognise Family/"Divorce" Courts view men as a walking-penis -with-a-wallet.

I know I am a bit off topic but, too many of my friends ...now tell their sons too view marital relations as a business contract with the potential for long-term comittment and love but, the laws allow for women to end it when they no longer value it.

I do hope Blackmen find love and long-term partners with partners regardless of colour...oh yes, brothers network with each other for business purposes....
Interesting viewpoint. I was the one who had to split a bloody fortune with my ex husband (money that I MADE). Marriage is very much a business contract. But it's a false narrative that all men get screwed.....women like me have paid HUGE settlements. Every person can choose to stay single and keep all your stuff....I remarried to a financially responsible man and I'd rather be with him than without him ( and NOT for financial reasons....I was fully financially independent before I met him) I realize my situation is not the norm....but be careful with characterizing these issues as only one way...they are not.
Yes I can. And have. So that narrative is Bullshit. I fucked plenty of white women and their husband , bf were black( of course , they not on this site ). If he's comfortable in the lifestyle , he wants his woman fucked.
Relax my man. First of all I was not making a blanket statement about all black men. I'm an exception to the rule myself so of course I don't think I am the only one. Secondly, I stated that it is a reason, not THE reason. I simply said that it was a reason that was not mentioned. Now, if you're among the black men who can share the woman he loves, good for you, welcome to the club. But don't make it seem like what I said is a false narrative. Also, this question was asked on a website where most of the women are looking to fuck black men, not get into a relationship with a black man. If this question had been asked on a non lifestyle site then we are talking about a completely different argument.
“…why have you not taken that next step, and left your husband(s) to be with a black man, that you desire?”

Since I became sexually active in high school thirty-four years ago, I’ve been with nearly 150 men. Not bragging, just stating facts. Less than a score of those were black; just below the Census Bureau’s info on what percentage of the American population is African American. I’ve never made it a point to date black guys. I’ve always used physical attractiveness and ‘chemistry’ to determine who I wanted to go to bed with.

Last May I started seeing a black guy, Quint, age 25. He’s the unmarried brother of a girl who married my husband’s cousin’s *******. In all my years of hotwifing, I saw guys occasionally, once, or twice a month. Due to COVID-19, I stopped seeing other men last March. Circumstances (and I’ve covered this in other posts) are such that I have been seeing Quint about three times a week since last May. So, this is a completely different experience.

If I were half my age and single, I might consider being in a relationship with him that could lead to marriage. I’m not sure what word to call such a relationship. Maybe ‘committed’ or ‘serious’ or ‘meaningful’ or ‘romantic’. I think I get the point across.

But I am fifty, love my husband, and have about thirty years (twenty-seven of them married) invested in our relationship. I’m not looking to REPLACE that relationship. Quint has no desire for a committed relationship with me, and respects that I’m happily married (he believes my husband knows nothing). We’ve talked about that since before we started messing around.

I didn’t want Quint to think I was interested in, or offering, more than some fun on the side. We set the NSA terms and abide by them. Though honestly, as time has passed, we’ve become very intimate with an extraordinary amount of trust and openness. We do have a great friendship, but when we’re together, he’s my conqueror and I’m his eager and obedient whore. While he’s been able to remain emotionally separate, I’ve become infatuated with him. And the fact that he’s become the ‘bad boy’ who objectifies and uses me for pleasure draws me to him even more.

Leaving my husband is impractical. There’s Quint and my age difference and all that entails, the family implosion if we ever went public, and the fact that we certainly don’t have a committed relationship. Quint and I have only a sex-centric relationship with a great friendship. I’m not the girl he wants to spend his life with.

Leaving my husband is undesirable. We’re in an exceptional relationship that has thrived through the years, even as we’ve seen several couples close to us end in divorce. I want to grow old with this man, and I can’t imagine having a bond with anyone else that would come even close to the love, caring, trust and attachment we have for each other.

I don’t think there is a ‘next step’ with Quint. Not relationship-wise. We have friendship, mutual respect, and honesty. We’re not going to fall in love. But being ‘in lust’ works just fine.
So white women don't marry black men because they not going to share them with another bbc ? The main reason huh ? It's our fault . smh.
hall of fame game missed the point GIF
I am hesitant to even share my thoughts in this thread because, like many others on this forum, it has devolved into absurdity with a mix of good responses. However, woman like myself (married or in a long term consensually non-monogamous relationship with a white man whom have sex exclusively with black men) are asked the question the OP originally asked. "If we adore black men so much why don't we just date/marry them??" That is the question that I will be addressing-not the OP. It is apparent he has an agenda with this post and none of the perfectly reasonable, logical responses that have been offered thus far have been given any credence by him so I don't expect mine to.

There is a broad spectrum of women who enjoy/prefer sex with black men. They may be married, single, or attached. They may be in consensual non-monogamous relationships or they may be pursing their desires without their husband/boyfriend's knowledge. They may be in relationships based on their sexual freedom such as hot-wifing and cuckolding and their desires for black men may be fully encouraged by their husband or partner. There are a myriad of reasons why women remain in relationships with men other other ethnicities while having sincere, deep passion for their black lovers. Sure, some women's reasons may be problematic, or even racist, but you cannot paint us all with a broad brush.

The simple answer to this question is, for me and the majority of my girlfriend in the LS, we would date black men! I dated black men before I realized I had an sexual preference for black men. I was attracted to the man I was dating. Life circumstances and happenstance brought me into a relationship with a white man who fully encouraged me to pursue my ultimate sexual pleasure. I have since discovered a deep sexual devotion to black men. Furthermore, I also enjoy a relationship with a man who worships me as his queen and promotes my pleasure before his own. I do not view the black men I have sexual relationships with as props or fetishes. They have complex reasons for pursing a relationship with a cuckoldress and our bond is built on fun, sex, and a mutual admiration.

I get that it's easy to make assumptions about women like me, and frankly I could care less what other's opinions are. I just find it a sign of narrow-mindedness to uphold your assumptions despite hearing impassioned and reasonable responses.
Even though i prefer, well only sleep with black males, i still love my husband love and sex are not exclusive nor dependent on one another. Sex with black men is just better more for lack of a better term aggressive more desirable for me. Why did it take me until I was 31 to start having black males as partners isnt about not finding them attractive(always thought they were) but more the lack of contact and the family and soiety pressure that I experienced as a young girl /woman growing up in Texas. As a adult I had to learn who and what it was i liked and what i desired and what gave me pleasure before I was really able to start to make a decision on who I would give myself to and who I would please sexually. So saying all that I do still love my husband and would gladly have sex with him if he had any interest but I would be bored and unhappy sexually if i was not involved with black men since thats what I find to be most pleasurable. Not sure I am explaining this well but thats kinda my 2 cents In addition I met my husband and married him long before I started in the lifestyle
You've explained it well enough, Steph. As some wise chronicle said once, "you like what you like..."
I wonder if it occurred to some of the naysayers that most of the black men on here are probably not interested in finding a white soulmate or have no interest in that :unsure:

Clearly it has not. Some people just have a myopic take on things and nothing can change that.

As hard as it is for some of you naysayers to believe there are actually black men who just want the sex.

Hard to believe, eh? Yes, yes. I tell no lies. There are those who just like relationships in which they bang white men's wives and that's the extent of their interest. Period.

Yes, yes. They find this satisfactory and fulfilling. Hard for some to wrap their heads around, I know, but it is so.
I wonder if it occurred to some of the naysayers that most of the black men on here are probably not interested in finding a white soulmate or have no interest in that :unsure:

Clearly it has not. Some people just have a myopic take on things and nothing can change that.

As hard as it is for some of you naysayers to believe there are actually black men who just want the sex.

Hard to believe, eh? Yes, yes. I tell no lies. There are those who just like relationships in which they bang white men's wives and that's the extent of their interest. Period.

Yes, yes. They find this satisfactory and fulfilling. Hard for some to wrap their heads around, I know, but it is so.
@B Brown

Then there are forward thinking black men, like myself who prefer to be with Latina, Mexican American women, who have natural beauty.

We are very selective.
No one said it was higher, but i appreciate your t rex arms attempt to put words in my mouth.

Black men like myself, who are of high value, tend to think outside of the box.

When our revenue is higher than average, we can afford to have options, we dont have to settle for anything less, than we desire.
@B Brown

Then there are forward thinking black men, like myself who prefer to be with Latina, Mexican American women, who have natural beauty.

We are very selective.
What kind of a crazy response is this? This is fetish site first of all. It is called BlacktoWhite.net because that is the race dynamic. Not sure why you mentioned anything about Latinas or Mexican American women when the site is for a black/white fetish.

Fetish is the operative word. This is not Match.com for blacks and whites or EHarmony or anything like that.

For most people, or the few real people on here are looking for hookups (which believe it or not, many of us value). People are not here for interracial love affairs although I bet many will take it if it happens to come along. I know I would.

Also, forward looking people to use your expression, they don't see this alternative lifestyle fetish as something degrading. In fact to think of it that way, degrading, is a rather vanilla and a squarish point of view, if you ask me.

The site is not for cheeseball vanilla love affairs for interracial couples. It's about finding sweet, hot, passionate, lustful relationships. Forward thinking people like myself see value in this.
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What kind of a crazy response is this? This is fetish site first of all. It is called BlacktoWhite.net because that is the race dynamic. Not sure why you mentioned anything about Latinas or Mexican American women when the site is for a black/white fetish.

Fetish is the operative word. This is not Match.com for blacks and whites or EHarmony or anything like that.

For most people, or the few real people on here are looking for hookups (which believe or not, many of us value). People are not here for interracial love affairs although I bet many will take it if it happens to come along. I know I would.

Also, forward looking people to use your expression, they don't see this alternative lifestyle fetish as something degrading. In fact to think of it that way, degrading, is a rather vanilla and a squarish point of view, if you ask me.

The site is not for cheeseball vanilla love affairs for interracial couples. It's about finding sweet, hot, passionate lustful relationships. Forward thinking people like myself see value in this.
@B Brown

Why would i not, considering that there are many naturally beautiful Latinas on this site, who are oh so sexy from head to toe.
@B Brown

Why would i not, considering that there are many naturally beautiful Latinas on this site, who are oh so sexy from head to toe.
Nothing wrong with that, but basically the site is for black to white affairs. No one is going to turn away a hot Latina or oriental or another black for that matter. Your OP is not something I take any issue with by the way. All that I'm saying is this is not exactly the best place for finding vanilla interracial relationships. Not sure if you're looking for that here, but if I were you, I'd look elsewhere. And, hopefully you're not someone who is upset because you haven't been able to find a white chick to have a vanilla relationship with.
Latinas who are in Brazil, Columbia, who very beautiful, and have that beauty natually, are don't need to tan, to be beautiful.

Their naturally bronze toned skin is flawless, and they carry themselves in a different way.

Latinas in the United States are very enticing, and naturally beautiful, what black man in his right mind, would not be inclined to be with a beautiful, down to earth woman of that stature!
Nothing wrong with that, but basically the site is for black to white affairs. No one is going to turn away a hot Latina or oriental or another black for that matter. Your OP is not something I take any issue with by the way. All that I'm saying is this is not exactly the best place for finding vanilla interracial relationships. Not sure if you're looking for that here, but if I were you, I'd look elsewhere. And, hopefully you're not someone who is upset because you haven't been able to find a white chick to have a vanilla relationship with.

@B Brown

Naaw, far from upset, i'm not losing sleep, i know what's good, and i plan on sharing my bed with a Latina
Latinas who are in Brazil, Columbia, who very beautiful, and have that beauty natually, are don't need to tan, to be beautiful.

Their naturally bronze toned skin is flawless, and they carry themselves in a different way.

Latinas in the United States are very enticing, and naturally beautiful, what black man in his right mind, would not be inclined to be with a beautiful, down to earth woman of that stature!
All of that is mighty yummy but there are those who only like white. If you're not white, that ain't right as far as they are concerned. These men are in the minority, but they do exist.