I lead 2 lives

Like countless numbers of white women in the past and currently
Heck, we have lots of members here that lead two or more lives just on this website, alone .... sometimes they're females, sometimes they're black males, sometimes cuckold white males. They have their dull lives at home, whatever it is.
Heck, we have lots of members here that lead two or more lives just on this website, alone .... sometimes they're females, sometimes they're black males, sometimes cuckold white males. They have their dull lives at home, whatever it is.
Yes, it is widespread.
I love a good post like this. It shows how we have real lives and risks that we deal with if we want to keep one foot in the real world. Both sides live this trade off. Professional up front. Deviant pervert living just below the surface. The few times when these worlds cross is both dangerous and exciting. Weighing the risks always needs to be first. Getting away with bad judgement is just that, getting away with it. Thrilling but stupid. Hats off to all that understand this balance.
