How should I handle this?

Come to think of it a bit longer, even if you are okay with it, in bases she cheated on you. So in my opinion there is something wrong in your marriage. And that is trust. Because she cheated you cannot trust her anymore. She should have talked to you, orbtold you she did something. But she did not, so there is a trust issue here.
. ******* happens. Hot blooded attractive women get hit on by young studs every day. Some guys are very persistant. Lots of mature wives saying yes and husbands never know. No condom in kleenex in her purse and this husband has no evidence. Did she leave it there on purpose ? Was this her first time ? Does she have a lover ? Yes. They need to have "the conversation " all us cucks do. But he needs to think about where he wants to do. He needs to think about where this will go. Many wives are now fucking other studs as husbands support them. Some men prefer to move on.
I would throw her ass out the door! Unless you guys discussed the cuckold lifestyle and this is something you wanted and talked to her about, if not she cheated on you! The fact that she didn’t tell you about it or ask if it was ok is not apart of the lifestyle! Yes you were cuckolded but not in a healthy good way!
Let's assume she just fucked her first BBC and it was awesome. She had lots of orgasms and it was great sex. Now you get to watch and see where this goes from here. Many husbands wait months or years for this.
Yes, but it is a fantasy of them and discussed with the wife (I mean the other man).
This is just cheating. Nothing more and nothing less. And cheating is wrong, simple as that. The trust is gone.
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I would throw her ass out the door! Unless you guys discussed the cuckold lifestyle and this is something you wanted and talked to her about, if not she cheated on you! The fact that she didn’t tell you about it or ask if it was ok is not apart of the lifestyle! Yes you were cuckolded but not in a healthy good way!
Don't overreact here. Could be the beginning of lots of hot sex. Sex often gets dull with many couples. Giving the wife room to fuck other guys often turns her into a firecracker for hot sex. Maybe she dresses more sexy. Maybe she goes to the gym now
Yes, but it is a fantasy of them and discussed with the wife.
This is just cheating. Nothing more and nothing less. And cheating is wrong, simple as that. The trust is gone.
Some women begin this lifestyle by cheating a few times. First. It builds their self confidence. Second it shows they can do it which is a big step. Third. They find they enjoy sex with other men. Then it seems they become more open when husbands talk about sex with BBC.
This is crazy.
Bulls defending husbands from a cheating wife?
This is some Twilight Zone ISH. lol
So cheating is worse than fornification? Cheating is worse than sex without protection? Cheating is worse than one night stands? Cheating is worse than gang-bangs?
Could it be that she’s trying it out before she jumps all the way in? Maybe she’s putting a toe in the water before jumping from the diving board!
It seems to me that when women “cheat” folks are ready to discard them but when men cheat, society says try to work it out.
Scratching my head on this one. ;)
But for the kleenex and condom he would never know. Hello. Today lots of women having sex. Many women travel for business. Having dinner alone , some handsome stud approaches them. He is sauve and sophisticated. A few drinks later they are in the room and his cock is deep inside her pussy. The next day , she gets back on the plane and flys back to husband, home, and family. Nothing is ever said.
Finding a used condom in a purse. No woman does that just as a man keeps a used condom in his pocket.

This never happened and the OP should have put this is the fantasy section.
A woman in a hurry might if it were sex in a car. Otherwise flush it down the toilet. Unless of course , if she were saving it. How many men save a girls/ womens panties ? Remember Monica lewinski. What trouble that dress was for poor Bill. Suppose this wasn't just some hot young stud. Suppose it was some guy cheating on his wife. Now this wife has proof that he was cheating. Suppose it was some superstar athlete. Now she has proof she was with him. So many maybes. Or maybe she just screwed up and forgot it was there as she rushed to take the shower before husband could smell the cum on her.
Don't overreact here. Could be the beginning of lots of hot sex. Sex often gets dull with many couples. Giving the wife room to fuck other guys often turns her into a firecracker for hot sex. Maybe she dresses more sexy. Maybe she goes to the gym now

But it is still cheating, no matter how much you want to turn it.
Don't overreact here. Could be the beginning of lots of hot sex. Sex often gets dull with many couples. Giving the wife room to fuck other guys often turns her into a firecracker for hot sex. Maybe she dresses more sexy. Maybe she goes to the gym now
It’s still cheating! This is not the start to healthy open or cuckolding relationship! He says he even feels confused about the situation! I know this site is 99% bs fantasy but if this guy is real then this not a good thing for him! I know I’m no psychologist but this not a healthy relationship wether it’s a normal vanilla one or the start of a cuckold one! It’s one thing to start the lifestyle and she plays alone with the understanding from both him and her but this is behind his back and no communication is one the biggest downfalls in the lifestyle!
This is crazy.
Bulls defending husbands from a cheating wife?
This is some Twilight Zone ISH. lol
So cheating is worse than fornification? Cheating is worse than sex without protection? Cheating is worse than one night stands? Cheating is worse than gang-bangs?
Could it be that she’s trying it out before she jumps all the way in? Maybe she’s putting a toe in the water before jumping from the diving board!
It seems to me that when women “cheat” folks are ready to discard them but when men cheat, society says try to work it out.
Scratching my head on this one. ;)

Nothing twilight zone about this. She just cheated, plain and simple. If her husband cheated on her than that would be just as bad.
Thirty-five years ago, I caught my wife bringing her boyfriend into the house when I came home from a work trip a day early. As she stepped inside the house, she noticed me in the living room, so she turned and shut the door right in his face. I chose not to say anything, because I'm a cuckold and expect her to fuck other men and not me. We finally discussed it a few months ago, and she denied it ever happened. However, she asked me why I didn't say anything, and I just told her I didn't want to. We haven't discussed it again.
Thirty-five years ago, I caught my wife bringing her boyfriend into the house when I came home from a work trip a day early. As she stepped inside the house, she noticed me in the living room, so she turned and shut the door right in his face. I chose not to say anything, because I'm a cuckold and expect her to fuck other men and not me. We finally discussed it a few months ago, and she denied it ever happened. However, she asked me why I didn't say anything, and I just told her I didn't want to. We haven't discussed it again.
Unfortunate for the boyfriend. Perhaps he was the dominant type and thing would not have gone well with you there. Wonder how she explained it to him. 35 years ago. Have there been others since ?
Unfortunate for the boyfriend. Perhaps he was the dominant type and thing would not have gone well with you there. Wonder how she explained it to him. 35 years ago. Have there been others since ?

There have been several other things that I found out about and at least 3 other guys that I eventually determined she had been seeing. One of them was an 11 year affair. I also found receipts from a hotel that was 5 blocks from our house, which went back 5 months for several nights. Then there were the "night shifts" she was "working" that didn't really exist. She's actually been really good at covering her affairs, but I've never really snooped into things because I'm fine with her fucking around.