How many of you consider yourself a slut?

Well said! Don’t get me wrong. I’m
Very openminded. Everyone is not the same. We all want different things. We all get excited over different things. But there is a thin line between reality and fantasy. There are many factors to consider about this subject on this site. First of all, how many people are who they say they are here? How many are men pretending to be women? How many husbands hiding behind a couples profile? How many are gay men hiding behind a profile? How many women acting slutty that would never act that way in real life and just playing around? If you are promiscuous.......fine! More power to you. Many men out there love that. But we are all strangers here. In real life we are not hiding behind a computer pretending. Most would not walk up to strangers in public and say the things discussed here. Men are not going to approach women the way they approach here. Women are not going to be as promiscuous in real life like there are here. We all have fantasies of that perfect person. That perfect meeting. Everything perfect. Where you both say and do the perfect things that you dream about. But the world is not perfect. It takes time to get to know someone. For someone to know you. To learn you! To learn your likes. Your dislikes. Your boundaries!!! When two people respect each other and feel very comfortable with each other. Pleasing each other has no limits. Role playing is fine. I want my partner to experience all his fantasies. If he wants to dominate a little. I’ll sacrifice myself a bit! Even though it’s not really in my personality. Lol.
I just personal do not understand the degrading aspect. That’s just not me! But I do understand other’s may enjoy this type of sex!!!

Well said :blackheart: