Has this ever just remained a long term fantasy between couples?

I think you need to respect your girlfriend or wife’s wishes and stop pushing your fantasy on her. You dudes have to start accepting this is a you issue not a her issue. So what actually happens on the vast majority of cases when you keep pressing your woman to fuck another man she just eventually loses respect for you and falls out of love at which point she will eventually agree to fuck another man because you have trained her to not be your lover. This is also why most people who do this end down this road if she won’t have sex with me anymore just another men of course she won’t have sex with you anymore she don’t love you anymore you drove her away with your stupid fantasy obsession which reenforces how unworthy and unmanly you are.

So ya keep pushing your silly fantasy is a great way to destroy your actual relationship and turn your woman into a buddy you pay the bills for.

Btw once you do your fantasy irl it’s no longer a fantasy so you lose that as well. So control your fantasy and enjoy happy relationships or let it control your life and be some cucklord loser being used by women who fuck other guys for the rest of your life.
I think you need to respect your girlfriend or wife’s wishes and stop pushing your fantasy on her. You dudes have to start accepting this is a you issue not a her issue. So what actually happens on the vast majority of cases when you keep pressing your woman to fuck another man she just eventually loses respect for you and falls out of love at which point she will eventually agree to fuck another man because you have trained her to not be your lover. This is also why most people who do this end down this road if she won’t have sex with me anymore just another men of course she won’t have sex with you anymore she don’t love you anymore you drove her away with your stupid fantasy obsession which reenforces how unworthy and unmanly you are.

So ya keep pushing your silly fantasy is a great way to destroy your actual relationship and turn your woman into a buddy you pay the bills for.

Btw once you do your fantasy irl it’s no longer a fantasy so you lose that as well. So control your fantasy and enjoy happy relationships or let it control your life and be some cucklord loser being used by women who fuck other guys for the rest of your life.
Whoa, first of all, let me just stop you there. I've never even mentioned my fantasy to my girlfriend, she is completely oblivious, I never have and never will push anything on her. I am not "pushy"... Secondly, your opinion about the fantasy being silly is just an opinion, one which we do not share. Lastly I do not need to be told to respect my girlfriends wishes, her wishes are always fully respected and I don't need to be patronised, thank you very much.
Ok I might have made some progress (a very small amount of progress but every little counts). My gf came round last night and we had some food and drinks she became super horny she wanted to try new positions and explore a little. She gave me the best blowjob I've ever had in my life she is absolutely incredible at giving head, we were fucking and I handcuffed her hands behind her back and got out the penis extender which tbh is a bit too big it's very girthy. But she wasn't reluctant, I started very gently, she could only manage a quarter of it but she was willing. I've now purchased a less girthy one and see how that goes but it seems she's very open to try new things. I don't want to rush anything. We've still not watched porn together but I'm going to slowly introduce new ideas to her. It may seem like nothing to some people but to me it's very promising. I've bought a large black vibrator for her for when I'm away because her vibrator broke and she's encouraging me to buy her lingerie which I obviously obliged. So yeah slow and steady wins the race. Hopefully :p:devilish: