Go Biden

it is the people that will decide in November,
I don't think so, hottobe, and neither do you. If popular vote was the deciding factor in who is elected President, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now, now would we?
Thing is, Trump is now attempting to do again, what he did in 2016 ... tilt the table of the fair election system. How many times does Trump need to lie to you before you finally say "I don't believe the man"? If he gets away with it again, you can kiss our current form of government "good bye". All of us should hope that the people will vote in some fashion to express their opinion of a fair government and election system. We will miss it when its gone.
Hillary has been the most hated candidate in my adult lifetime. Ed you have a right to support anyone you choose. Trump is the most hated by way of a great number of those who don't like him to the point of violence against anyone that holds a different view point. I don't hate Joe Biden as a person, but I do hate the way he is being used as a pawn by the democratic party. Tell me this, was Kamala Harris lying when she attacked Biden in the Debates or is she lying now by praising him??
So now, Joe is a pawn of the organization he's been a part of, and a leader for 50 years?? No, that's just more dumb ******* that doesn't make sense.

However, Trump came along and used the republican party. Most of his donations were to democrats which is how voted and his ******* up until his election. Never went to church without a camera now running around all palsie with Evangelicals (who've lost all credibility). He lies, he cheats, he's corrupt. But you go ahead and embrace him, and point to us, like we found Joe Biden wandering around. He was the Vice President of the United States with a very successful administration. He was a United States Senator for decades. Trump was ready to file for bankruptcy number 7 when he insulted his way to the nomination.

Did Kamala praise Joe on bussing? Did she? No.
Did she call him a racist? No. That's a republican speaking point that the 'poorly education' that Trump loves (see @subhub174014 posts- trumps words). But you keep running to the bread and circuses. They love telling you whatever knowing you won't research it, ot hold it against them.
So now, Joe is a pawn of the organization he's been a part of, and a leader for 50 years?? No, that's just more dumb ******* that doesn't make sense.

However, Trump came along and used the republican party. Most of his donations were to democrats which is how voted and his ******* up until his election. Never went to church without a camera now running around all palsie with Evangelicals (who've lost all credibility). He lies, he cheats, he's corrupt. But you go ahead and embrace him, and point to us, like we found Joe Biden wandering around. He was the Vice President of the United States with a very successful administration. He was a United States Senator for decades. Trump was ready to file for bankruptcy number 7 when he insulted his way to the nomination.

Did Kamala praise Joe on bussing? Did she? No.
Did she call him a racist? No. That's a republican speaking point that the 'poorly education' that Trump loves (see @subhub174014 posts- trumps words). But you keep running to the bread and circuses. They love telling you whatever knowing you won't research it, ot hold it against them.
Your have RACIST burned into your Brain, I said she attacked him in the debate, period! And now she Praises him just because He or those behind the Scenes in the Democratic Socialist Party chose Kamala to fill that position of a black woman to take advantage of the BLM rebellion and better their chances to regain Presidential Power. Good luck with this pick because she is far from liked and far from the most qualified running mate he could find, black, white or other, Man or Woman.

I don't think so, hottobe, and neither do you. If popular vote was the deciding factor in who is elected President, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now, now would we?
Thing is, Trump is now attempting to do again, what he did in 2016 ... tilt the table of the fair election system. How many times does Trump need to lie to you before you finally say "I don't believe the man"? If he gets away with it again, you can kiss our current form of government "good bye". All of us should hope that the people will vote in some fashion to express their opinion of a fair government and election system. We will miss it when its gone.
I do wish that my vote would count. but because of my location in Maine chances are good it won't, I think it is time to reconsider the Electoral College.
I do wish that my vote would count. but because of my location in Maine chances are good it won't, I think it is time to reconsider the Electoral College.

So let's see . . . there's something wrong with the Electoral College when your candidate loses in your state simply because more Mainers voted for the other guy? No, your vote counted . . . it just didn't count enough to secure the win because not enough other people voted like you did. That's what's going to happen in Maine.

I would suggest that there's a problem with the Electoral College when a candidate can receive 3,000,000 more votes than the other candidate and still lose (sound familiar?)! But we don't see you complaining about that now do we? Only when some perceived shortcoming(s) with the system don't work to your favor. Then it's time to scrap the whole thing :rolleyes:
Ya NEED the electoral college to offset all the idiot coastal elites in New York and California - prolly had those 3 million votes in California alone - sure as shite don’t want California calling the shots for me :|
Ya NEED the electoral college to offset all the idiot coastal elites in New York and California - prolly had those 3 million votes in California alone - sure as shite don’t want California calling the shots for me :|

aw come on...California is the sunshine state?

besides that doesn't really hold true...…….look at all those ******* kickers that vote republican.....cant drive in farm country without seeing republican signs....for miles!

welcome back into the fray
Ya NEED the electoral college to offset all the idiot coastal elites in New York and California - prolly had those 3 million votes in California alone - sure as shite don’t want California calling the shots for me :|

All those college students are back home though because of 'rona. Wonder if they might be pissed off at the president who is wrecking the country, and ready to vote?

Ya NEED the electoral college to offset all the idiot coastal elites in New York and California - prolly had those 3 million votes in California alone - sure as shite don’t want California calling the shots for me :|
Look who's back! And I agree with you!
Californians like the Republican Leader in the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy.
And, big city east coast elite New York City born and raised President Donald Trump.
Damn coastal elites.

Without the electoral college, the Republican Party would disappear. Most Americans live in cities. Most American cities vote Democratic.
You need the electoral college advantage, you also need the senate to remain 2 per state, instead of based on population like the House.
Your have RACIST burned into your Brain, I said she attacked him in the debate, period! And now she Praises him just because He or those behind the Scenes in the Democratic Socialist Party chose Kamala to fill that position of a black woman to take advantage of the BLM rebellion and better their chances to regain Presidential Power. Good luck with this pick because she is far from liked and far from the most qualified running mate he could find, black, white or other, Man or Woman.

You chose a guy who's only success was the ratings on a fake reality show. A character.
That's why the country is on fire, the economy is in the tank, and there has been nothing but a week to week ******* show coming from the White House.
He's chosen more criminals as advisers and staffers than any other president in history.
He's insulted and continually demeans the intelligence and national security apparatus.
He has perverted the Justice Department and it's earned credibility.
You've lost your ability to tell us who is qualified and who isn't.
More from that 2007 New York Observer interview from Biden:

"Barack Obama is probably the most exciting candidate that either the Democratic or Republican party has produced at least since I've been around," Biden said. "He's fresh, he's new, he's insightful."

Biden said he regretted that "some have taken totally out of context my use of the word 'clean.'"

"My mom has an expression 'clean as a whistle, sharp as a tack,'" Biden said. "Look, the idea is, this guy is something brand new no one has seen before."

Biden reminded those on the call that he has a long record of support within the African-American community in Delaware and claimed he had spoken with Obama personally about the remark.

According to Biden, Obama told his colleague, "'Joe, you don't have to explain anything to me.'" Biden said he felt Obama "knew what I meant by it."
We already know that Joe misspeaks, we accept that.
Like you guys accept that Trump lies multiple times a day.
President Trump, who constantly and falsely claims superlative achievements in every field of human endeavor, has every right to one historical claim: He is the king of lies. Trump’s presidency has offered up an endless Las Vegas buffet of completely shameless, sometimes laughable, often malicious, always self-serving falsehoods.
Joe Biden doesn’t even know where he fucking is .
Why only two choices ? That is very short... In French or in russian democracy, you have many choices
That's the way the system works. Every once in a while a third party makes and appearance but, in a winner takes system, that person acts as a spoiler for one of the two major party candidates.
It takes a lot of work, and support to get on the ballot in the states. Different states have different rules. Next, it takes at least $150million dollars to even be competitive. Campaign donations are limited per individual and political action organization. The two major parties candidates have their party and political organizations running supportive campaigns, commercials, ads, etc.
We don't have proportional representation, which would make a difference. And, we don't have public financing which means a very few would even be able to entertain a run.

But, did you say 'russian democracy'? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Look who has run our major cities for 50 years ....Just saying

Yeah and they're awesome.

I took advantage of universal Pre-K here in NYC. I also loved San Francisco and Oakland when I lived there.

I did not like living in Upstate New York or most of South Carolina. Most of the rural US is an absolute shithole.