Go Biden

I went to a lake on the Ozarks, and within an hour of us arriving, a guy had a heart attack (weighed maybe 350 lbs) and died waiting 90 minutes for an ambulance. It was seriously sad and upsetting. I feel really bad for anyone that lives outside of major cities in the US.
That's the way the system works. Every once in a while a third party makes and appearance but, in a winner takes system, that person acts as a spoiler for one of the two major party candidates.
It takes a lot of work, and support to get on the ballot in the states. Different states have different rules. Next, it takes at least $150million dollars to even be competitive. Campaign donations are limited per individual and political action organization. The two major parties candidates have their party and political organizations running supportive campaigns, commercials, ads, etc.
We don't have proportional representation, which would make a difference. And, we don't have public financing which means a very few would even be able to entertain a run.

But, did you say 'russian democracy'? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Yes 8 candidates during the last presidential election for the first time since 2000, but this an other topic
Yes 8 candidates during the last presidential election for the first time since 2000, but this an other topic
You mean the Russia where the President 'wins' with almost 80% of the vote?
The one where the President's opponents end up falling out of windows, ingesting poison, or just dead?
The Russia without a free press, is a democracy?
That's kind of impossible. A perversion of a democracy.
Russia's state industries being given away (or sold for pennies on the dollar) to cronies during the break-up of the Soviet Union is super fascinating. All the politics there is basically Game of Thrones complete with the ******* and assassination, but with former state industries and natural resource oligarchs instead of regional lords and kings.
That is what we see in western medias but it is not different in others powerful countries. You did and continue to do the same in other countries. We think Poutin deals with it and tries to do his best with our system and economy in our area, but if Biden wins it could be the total war in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukrain
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I don't like war, that's for sure. Letting P_utin conquer nearby countries that are closely aligned with the EU doesn't seem like the best way to avoid that though.

Last time we tried to appease an autocrat by letting them take over countries like Czechoslovokia it went pretty bad.
Ya NEED the electoral college to offset all the idiot coastal elites in New York and California - prolly had those 3 million votes in California alone - sure as shite don’t want California calling the shots for me :|
I agree with you, I was just complaining that here in Maine my vote doesn't accomplish much because Southern Maine has the population and like other cities they vote blue.
Vote Biden if you want a bellicose NATO strategy in Eastern Europe. There is a lot of official warnings fo years about a probable war in baltic countries, Moldova, Poland or Romania like in Ukrain or in Georgia (who are more peaceful since Trump's administration change US strategy of advanced enhanced NATO presence)
I really hope the undecideds and the moderate liberals see what a disaster this leftist ticket is. Socialists are just behind the curtain, waiting to pounce as soon as Joe falters, if he's elected. And he will falter. He doesn't have 4 years left in him, politically speaking.
So no, Joe. And no'ing is half the battle. No Joe!
Vote Biden if you want a bellicose NATO strategy in Eastern Europe. There is a lot of official warnings fo years about a probable war in baltic countries, Moldova, Poland or Romania like in Ukrain or in Georgia (who are more peaceful since Trump's administration change US strategy of advanced enhanced NATO presence)

Russia's economy is still in the toilet from global sanctions. They don't have the capability to actually engage NATO militarily.

Trolling online is cheap and effective though, so they can do that super well.
Perhaps but Russia had the skill to get back Crimea and made hypersonic missiles. I am very afraid about a possible conflict if Biden continue democrat's international politic
And once again typical reply - don't agree with you so I must Shut up, is that right? You leftist are only open to your own ideas.
This is you, I suggest you learn from it.
Can't learn from fools, so no to you and him. Clowns.
well apparently we do need something....if france is now supporting p.utin
I am russoukrainian native from Kursk. France and French do not support Poutine much, but they don't whant an aggressive NATO strategy from America in Europe. You don't have the confidence of the europeans, especially in France.
Vote Biden if you want a bellicose NATO strategy in Eastern Europe. There is a lot of official warnings fo years about a probable war in baltic countries, Moldova, Poland or Romania like in Ukrain or in Georgia (who are more peaceful since Trump's administration change US strategy of advanced enhanced NATO presence)
This is truly a blast from the past. You are afraid of NATO expansion because the West influence is bad? Real democracy is bad?
You're a Russian living in France, the West.
Those countries do not like Russia trying to influence their politics and economies and in Ukraine actually taking land (though Ukraine has to stand up for itself first, half of them are pro Russia, the other half - Slava Ukraini! Heroiam slava!)
NATO is needed more today that just a few years ago. Trump has been taking out its teeth and weakening it, which is what Poutin has spent his life trying to do. Our allies need us to enforce the alliance.