Go Biden

I really hope the undecideds and the moderate liberals see what a disaster this leftist ticket is. Socialists are just behind the curtain, waiting to pounce as soon as Joe falters, if he's elected. And he will falter. He doesn't have 4 years left in him, politically speaking.
So no, Joe. And no'ing is half the battle. No Joe!
Yeah, scary socialist are just behind the curtain.
All the socialist ******* you are afraid of, takes a congress to approve, House and Senate and then the President signature.
Democrats won't loose the souls like Republicans did for Trump. We'll fix the republic and keep it going.
And, put Russia back in its place.
In west you have more job opportunities and less small corruption, that is right, but there is no riot or trouble in Russia, strong frontiers, authority is kept and our cultur and important values are preserved. We all know Biden will be strongly implicated in Ukrain but he have not strong leadership and support here because at list we prefer be safe in peaceful country than in country without lead or order
Western Europe and EU in general see Russia as the devil and Slavic as backwards people or rednecks waiting for freedom. We feel that, I feel that, and that is not good for trade, exchange or debat between our two sides
In west you have more job opportunities and less small corruption, that is right, but there is no riot or trouble in Russia, strong frontiers, authority is kept and our cultur and important values are preserved. We all know Biden will be strongly implicated in Ukrain but he have not strong leadership and support here because at list we prefer be safe in peaceful country than in country without lead or order
Safety over Freedom. Got it. Give up your freedom in exchange for a safety of an overreaching, autocratic, ham-fisted government. Cool.

I prefer the 'ol "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death". My country is founded on protests and riots.
Protesting government is a protected right of each and every citizen and we have gained a lot of great change through it.
We had dozens of them before our Revolution.

And you're living in France under the Fifth Republic, you should probably understand that a bit more.
Look who's back! And I agree with you!
Californians like the Republican Leader in the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy.
And, big city east coast elite New York City born and raised President Donald Trump.
Damn coastal elites.

Without the electoral college, the Republican Party would disappear. Most Americans live in cities. Most American cities vote Democratic.
You need the electoral college advantage, you also need the senate to remain 2 per state, instead of based on population like the House.

Mitt “flip flop” Romney used to ******* me talking about a liberal eastern elite. He ran MASSACHUSETTS for cryin’ out loud (and supported near universal healthcare . . . can you say FLIP FLOPPER???). Anyway, my reply would always be, “Uhhhhhh Mitt . . . YOU ARE the eastern elite running the liberal state of Massachusetts"! He can’t hide from his past past in Utah now. He's been found out and can’t obfuscate the reality of his being and actions!
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Western Europe and EU in general see Russia as the devil and Slavic as backwards people or rednecks waiting for freedom. We feel that, I feel that, and that is not good for trade, exchange or debat between our two sides

Those Slav girls sure are damn good in bed 🛏 though! Know how to toss their pretty Slav asses around and give up that POPE-ka too————>(_*_)!!!
Yeah, scary socialist are just behind the curtain.
All the socialist ******* you are afraid of, takes a congress to approve, House and Senate and then the President signature.
Democrats won't loose the souls like Republicans did for Trump. We'll fix the republic and keep it going.
And, put Russia back in its place.
Not sure if you noticed, but Russia is back in its place. Obama was wheeling and dealing with them when he thought the mics were cut. Oops.
If you doubt that Trump is tough on them, google this phrase, "U.S. Sanctions on Russia: An Overview " and look how many were put in place in Trump's tenure.
All the socialist ******* is real. There's a reason why the DNC keeps trying to undercut Bernie. Now he has a few sidekicks with growing popularity.
It would be foolish to take it lightly. Dumb people always rush in to socialism, and if you're educated, you know where that leads.
I'm not sure what "loose" the souls means.
And you don't need to fix the republic. Republicans are already in the process of fixing Obama's mess.
Safety over Freedom. Got it. Give up your freedom in exchange for a safety of an overreaching, autocratic, ham-fisted government. Cool.

I prefer the 'ol "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death". My country is founded on protests and riots.
Protesting government is a protected right of each and every citizen and we have gained a lot of great change through it.
We had dozens of them before our Revolution.

And you're living in France under the Fifth Republic, you should probably understand that a bit more.
In France yes but I am Russian citizen and I think we do not like missionaries in arms to outing Slavic people from the influence of Kremlin. We choice to follow a strong guiding system because West see use only as an opportunity to expand their influences without understand our choice and culture. That is not fair.
Western Europe and EU in general see Russia as the devil and Slavic as backwards people or rednecks waiting for freedom. We feel that, I feel that, and that is not good for trade, exchange or debat between our two sides

I think Western Europe and the US see Russia as an expansionist power that invaded Crimea. And uses chemical warfare e.g. against Chechen rebels.

And is run like a mafia oligarchy, complete with routine poisoning of political opponents. Not to mention people imprisoned for criticizing the Church, or P_utin.

The Russian people are great (I live in NYC and work with and am friends with loads of people from Russia), but the government of Russia is corrupt garbage.
They want Russia to give Crimea back, but it is a russian country who voted to follow our Federal Republic. What Biden will do in Ukrain ? What if Belarus joins Russia as planed in 90's end ? What will Biden do if Russia choose to protect russian citizens and stateless russians in Baltic countries ? What about pro russian lands in Moldova and Georgia ? More economic sanctions ? It does not work. War ? It will be terrific.
Russia won't go to war. P_utin doesn't want to lose a war, because he would lose support.

Russia wants Trump elected, so that he'll back off and give P_utin what he wants (like in Syria). If we have a normal president who is willing to strengthen NATO and work with European leaders like Merkel, Russia will go back to being contained, and we'll wait for things to change there before they rejoin the rest of the world in having a normal economy and standard relations with other countries.
Not sure if you noticed, but Russia is back in its place. Obama was wheeling and dealing with them when he thought the mics were cut. Oops.
If you doubt that Trump is tough on them, google this phrase, "U.S. Sanctions on Russia: An Overview " and look how many were put in place in Trump's tenure.
All the socialist ******* is real. There's a reason why the DNC keeps trying to undercut Bernie. Now he has a few sidekicks with growing popularity.
It would be foolish to take it lightly. Dumb people always rush in to socialism, and if you're educated, you know where that leads.
I'm not sure what "loose" the souls means.
And you don't need to fix the republic. Republicans are already in the process of fixing Obama's mess.
Good to know.
Trump is so tough on them, they love him. He chit chats with their president like it's his fucking girlfriend. He did fuck all nothing over the bounty hunting scandal, and still kisses up over the election interference because it benefits him- and your agenda.
Obama slammed sanctions that actually affected them, shut down their consulates when we got information on their spying and sent them back to Moscow.
Obama was so hard on them, they went into overdrive to cheat and get their buddy Trump elected.

The socialism is already happening. Money for Farmers after Trump fucked up the trade deal.
Stimulus money and an extra $600 for Americans after Trump fucked up the response to Covid.
Bailout money for the Airlines after Trump fucked up the response to Covid.
Bailout money for corporations because Trump fucked up the response to Covid.
Trumps presidency has helped fuel the very socialism you're looking out for on the Left.
If you let P_utin have every region with a certain percentage of Russian-speakers in it, we'd have to give him Brighton Beach in Brooklyn. No way P_utin, we need that beach.

It’s how WWII kicked off with Hitler demanding territory and land connections to bring Germanic peoples together. It was never enough. Then when he invaded Poland, that was it. Anybody had Polish pussy by the way? Polish pussy is good. My favorite pussy in Europe is Polish and Czech. Grab less land. Grab more pussy and ass.
All the socialist ******* is real. There's a reason why the DNC keeps trying to undercut Bernie. Now he has a few sidekicks with growing popularity.
It would be foolish to take it lightly. Dumb people always rush in to socialism, and if you're educated, you know where that leads.
I'm not sure what "loose" the souls means.
It appears you don't wish to acknowledge Reagan's "trickle down" economics that actually caused the first $10 trillion of national debt to appear on the books, or the theory of "tax cuts pay for themselves" BS as Republicans continued cutting income taxes for the wealthy to "create those jobs" that never came to fruit. All that BS theory did was create larger debt & deficits, and increase the INCOME GAP wider between upper & lower income workers, thus tossing millions and millions of middleclass workers into the poor house. Its all very documented, submission52 ... easy reading. Year by year, too. Why don't you go read about it. Do you need some links?
And you don't need to fix the republic. Republicans are already in the process of fixing Obama's mess.
Republicans "fixin' Democrats mess"? You kidding? What you been smoking "fool?" lol Republicans are the ones creating the messes to begin with ... look at what GW Bush handed Obama when he became President... a crashing economy. Do you need details to THAT again? Or, look at what Obama handed the Orange President ... shrinking deficit, 76 consecutive months of jobs growth, and Republicans looked over THAT PART to complain about Obamacare, and Republicans & Trump's promises that they had a plan less expensive and with better benefits ... oh where oh where is THAT PROMISED Republican health plan, submissions2? Look at the spending deficit now ... was around $300 billion with Obama and going down every year, now its back up to over .... wait for it ... here it comes .... over a TRILLION a year deficit spending with the Orange president.
So, pray tell me how great we got it under Farts For Brains? No Mexican paid wall, no better health care, no de-nuclearized middle east, no national debt or deficit spending paid down ... please enlighten us Democrats at the awesome job Orange Prez has done for us ... with his rotating cabinet members who are being indicted and going to prison every month, and his drainage of the "swamp" .... ??? Please explain all those goodies Trump has blessed America with. Oh, and I won't even get into the sharing of highly classified US information with the RUSSIANS, or all the private meetings Trump has held with MrPutin and other Russians where no US witnesses or stenographers were present.
I can't wait ... let's hear it, fool!

Let me see if I can get on YOUR LEVEL of understanding our recent political history .... gif_Yellowball-SmokingDope2.gif
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They want Russia to give Crimea back, but it is a russian country who voted to follow our Federal Republic. What Biden will do in Ukrain ? What if Belarus joins Russia as planed in 90's end ? What will Biden do if Russia choose to protect russian citizens and stateless russians in Baltic countries ? What about pro russian lands in Moldova and Georgia ? More economic sanctions ? It does not work. War ? It will be terrific.
The United States recognizes those governments. Meaning, those governments decisions are backed by us supposedly, if they were democratic. You think the US would sit back and let Mexico take New Mexico back, even if the people of that state felt closer to Mexico (almost half are Mexican descent)? Hell no. We are a Union. They can start a war over it, but that won't end well.
Same thing in Russia. They don't want a war. Without China's help, the Russians wouldn't last a week. Military is too small and underfunded.
I think it's ironic, that you enjoy the benefits of Liberty and Freedom, by living in France, but try to praise th greatness of of... I'm not sure what to call the government of Russia. Totalitarian Oligarchy? But, swinging back to our original disagreement, it ain't a democracy.
It’s how WWII kicked off with Hitler demanding territory and land connections to bring Germanic peoples together. It was never enough. Then when he invaded Poland, that was it. Anybody had Polish pussy by the way? Polish pussy is good. My favorite pussy in Europe is Polish and Czech. Grab less land. Grab more pussy and ass.
I live in Chicago. Of course I have. Plenty.
I from the camp of women are women, there is not much difference except in the accent and how much freedom they give you.
Make them happy, and your life is easy. Be an ass, and the degree of retribution varies. From breaking up with you weekly, to setting your 1972 Triple Black 442 interior on fire.
They are all crazy (black, white, latina, Euro immigrant, Asian, South Asian, MENAs), it's just what kind of crazy can you be cool with.
And ladies, we are all jerks. It's known.
I live in Chicago. Of course I have. Plenty.
I from the camp of women are women, there is not much difference except in the accent and how much freedom they give you.
Make them happy, and your life is easy. Be an ass, and the degree of retribution varies. From breaking up with you weekly, to setting your 1972 Triple Black 442 interior on fire.
They are all crazy (black, white, latina, Euro immigrant, Asian, South Asian, MENAs), it's just what kind of crazy can you be cool with.
And ladies, we are all jerks. It's known.

They’re better in their home countries before they come over here and get Americanized. Believe me.