For the ladies

Male Anatomy 101: 8 Little-Known Facts About Penis Size
Sep 5, 2014 05:57 PM By Lizette Borreli @lizcelineb
These little-known facts about penis size — from when size really matters to the country with the most penis enlargements — will blow your mind away. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

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The pressing sexual question asked by men from all walks of life is, does penis size matter? This hotly debated topic stems from men’s preoccupation with the glorified male body part and what they believe it says about their manhood. While some men pride themselves over their above-average size, and others tuck themselves away in a corner, the truth is the vast majority of men have more than enough bulk and length to sexually perform.
It’s time to take a load off your minds and separate fact from fiction with these little-known penis size facts that will blow your mind away:
1. Average Erect Penis Size
The average erect penis is a little more than 5 inches long and 1.5 inches in diameter. Specifically, a 2013 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found the average American man’s penis is 5.6 inches (14.2 centimeters) long when erect and 4.8 inches in circumference. Only 15 percent of men are over 7 inches, and only three percent are over 8 inches.
2. Penis Size Does Matter… For One-Night Stands
Men looking for one-night stands may feel under a lot of pressure for a night of meaningless sex. A 2014 study presented at the meeting of the Association for Psychological Science in San Francisco, Calif., in June, found girth, not length, matters for one-time partners, but not for long-term ones. The researchers speculate this preference could be because the vagina’s pressure-sensitive nerve endings can detect the sensations of stretching, which could detect penis girth. Larger girths tend to bring the clitoris closer to the vagina during sex, which is believed to help women achieve orgasms.
3. The Most Desirable Penis Size
Penis size does matter for one-night stands, but what about for the others? Less-endowed men can rest assured bigger genitalia isn’t always better. In an ASAPScience video, “Does Penis Size Matter?” Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown found a penis in proportion with the male body is much more desirable by women. It is a man’s confidence, enjoyable personality, and attraction that are strong predictors for sexual satisfaction, and weigh far higher than disproportionate penis size.
4. Penis Anxiety Doesn’t Correlate With Penis Size
No matter how well-endowed men are, they are likely to experience penis anxiety when they think about the perceived size of their penis. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found even men who were average or above-average, along with a less endowed package, expressed feelings of inadequacy and self-consciousness. Thirty-five percent of men surveyed were happy with their penis size and 30 percent reported dissatisfaction with their size.
Penis anxiety was highest among gay, bisexual, and older men. It is believed the prevalence of penis shame among gay and bisexual men could be attributed to the opportunities to compare body parts. However, in older men, this insecurity could derive from fears about the physical ability to perform.
5. Germany Has The Most Penis Enlargement Procedures
The answer to whether or not penis size matters is arguable, but Germany has risen to the occasion. As the world’s capital for penis enlargement, it's clear size matters — at least to them. 2014 data by the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery found 18 percent of all penis enlargements in the world are done in the land of the 2014 FIFA World Cup champions. This translates to roughly eight out of every 100,000 adult males who reside in the country. Venezuela, Spain, and Mexico shortly follow Germany with the countries with the most penis enlargement operations.
6. Best Way To Appear Larger Is Losing Fat
There are a plethora of penis enhancement creams, pills, and procedures that promise to increase a man’s penis size, but the truth is there is no scientifically proven way to increase penis size. Psychology Today suggests losing the pot belly by exercising, eating less meat and cheese, and more plant foods to shed the weight. A big belly can touch the base of the penis and actually make it look smaller. Losing belly fat will help make your penis look bigger in size.
7. Erect Gay Penises Are Bigger
On average, the size of a gay man’s penis is a third of an inch longer. A 1999 study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found erect gay penises tend to be this length, and suspect it might have something to do with prenatal hormones that affect the structure and size of genitalia, and certain structures of the brain that affect sexual orientation. Penis size was self-reported.
8. You Can’t Predict Penis Size Without Looking At A Penis
Scientists have tried to connect the size of men’s penises to the size of their feet, noses, thumbs, earlobes, and index fingers. A 2006 study published in the West African Journal of Medicine tested the well-held belief that a man’s penis size can be predicted by his physique and the size of his buttocks, with people of small physique and flat buttocks likely to have long penile lengths. While this relationship may have a scientific basis, the researchers found large buttocks are more predictive of longer penile length than small buttocks, but penile length has no relationship to physique. Overall, you cannot predict penis size without looking at the penis.
Keep these eight little-known penis facts in your back pocket and blow someone’s mind away.
The “Black Men Are Bigger” Myth Just Got Debunked
By Graham Gremore August 27, 2015 at 7:08am · 42 comments

“I have a problem with my dick size,” psychologist Bill Johnson II (pictured) writes in a HuffPo op-ed. “It’s not big and I want it to be! … I’m also Black, and the ‘word’ is all Black men have a large phallus.”
According to Johnson, he doesn’t know exactly how large he is because he’s never actually measured.

“I hate bad news,” he writes, “and that’s the type of information that can ruin my day. … There are literally some days when I look down at my crotch and ask ‘is that really all you got?’”
Related: A Black Man Answers: “Are Black Men Really Bigger?”
If he had to guess, though, Johnson says he’d probably land in the “average” category.
“No sexual partner has ever said my dick size was a problem,” he confesses. “Then again, would they actually tell me?”
But the real problem, Johnson points out, isn’t he’s penis at all, but rather the racist stereotype that because of his skin color he’s supposed to be bigger, thicker, longer.
“I have internalized the racist notion that Black men have big dicks,” he writes, “which has its roots in European racism, used to justify slavery and racial oppression.”
Related: Is Lee Daniels Responsible For Perpetuating Myths About Black Men On The “Down Low”?
Put simply, the idea was that black men were “lust-driven” and “animalistic.” They had large penises which they used to ******* innocent white women, hence why they needed to be controlled and oppressed.
That stereotype, Johson argues, continues to this day, particularly in the adult film industry.
“Many of the adult movies with Black men in starring roles use racial themes in the title and often as the flick’s primary selling point,” Johnson explains. “The idea of the salacious Black male and his monster cock has been used to perpetuate the objectification and ******* of African American men.”
So what can be done?
For starters, Johnson says, we need to drop the stereotype. Also, people need to get over their obsession with penis-size.
“Contrary to popular belief, human males are the best endowed of the hominids, proportionate to body size,” he writes. “The average human penis size is five inches. … If men were not bombarded with a barrage of messages preaching their inadequacy, insecurities related to the male genitalia would be minimal.”
Average Size ... for a Black Man: Myths About Size, Racism, and the Patriarchy

By Bill Johnson II

Sharon & Nikki McCutcheon/Flickr

“We the shaboinkin people. We got some ******* hanging down on us ... Ya’ll don’t believe it? White people the ones that made up the rumor. Ya know black people got some tremendous dicks ... The Brother’s dick is too big, it fucks up his balance.”Eddie Murphy, Delirious, 1983
“I’m blessed. I’m big boneded. I’m heavy structured. I’m hung low. If I pull my ******* out this whole room will get dark.”Bernie Mac, Def Comedy Jam All Stars Vol 2, 1993
Just Another Average (Black) Dick
I have a problem with my dick size. It’s not big and I want it to be! I guess it is about average size, and that’s just not good enough!
I’m also Black and the ‘word’ is all Black men have a large phallus. Not sure where I was when they gave them out, I obviously skipped kindergarten that day.
At around age 12, I had a neighbor who was hung. He felt so highly about his member that he frequently had it on display. If he was not talking about it, he was challenging other ******* to a dick size contest. It was not enough that he was the tallest and seemed to garner the most female attention; he had to be hung as well.
It was not just the neighborhood ******* talking about the uniqueness of African American dick size. Comedian Eddie Murphy in his hit stand up Delirious and the late great entertainer Bernie Mac also discussed the apparent enormity of Black genitalia.
Meanwhile there are literally some days when I look down at my crotch and ask “is that really all you got”?
I can´t say exactly what my measurements are because I have never taken a ruler to my penis. The primary reason for this is because I hate bad news, and that’s the type of information that can ruin my day. Furthermore, at least this way I can honestly answer “I don’t know” when asked my size. Besides I have watched enough pornography, been in enough locker rooms and read enough literature on male penis size to know the difference between big and average. I am (at most) average. And that stinks.
I suppose I have no reason to complain. No sexual partner has ever said my dick size was a problem. Then again, would they actually tell me?
Just Right
Although no partner has ever informed me that I have a small penis, on two occasions I have been labeled “not big.” Upon first moving to Australia I was in a relationship with a very beautiful and caring, White Australian woman. A few months into our romance we chatted about her friends and their impressions of me. One of the first questions they asked her was, “Is it true what they say about Black men?”
The sad part is, I wanted her to be able to answer their question with “Yes, his dick is massive and magnificent.” I don’t know how she actually responded, but the look in her eyes appeared to say “You’re no porn star, but it’ll do.”
Two years later and I was dating a beautifully curvaceous, bubbly, Italian-Australian female. Early on her friends bluntly asked her: “Is his dick big?” She responded by saying that my penis was “just right.” JUST RIGHT? “Just right” is for room temperature. For my genitalia, I want BIG!
Undoubtedly, the interracial nature of the above unions played a role in the myth of the Black phallus being selected as a central topic of conversation. The question is: if the two women were Black, would the weight of this stereotype continue to bear down heavily upon me?
Long before I began dating, I was aware of the perception of that to be a Black man is to have a large penis. Therefore, it is likely that this insecurity would be present for me regardless of the ethnocultural background of my sexual partner.
I have tried penis exercises to no avail and even considered penis enlargement surgery, but I cannot reconcile the idea of sharp objects in that neighborhood. So I’m stuck with what I got.
Origin of the Big Black Dick
Digressing: I realize that systemically speaking my desire for a larger cock rests at the intersection of racism and patriarchal socialization. That is to say, I have internalized the racist notion that Black men have big dicks, which has its roots in European racism, used to justify slavery and racial oppression.
This particular brand of stereotyping has been called “sexual threat” or “sexual racism.” Fear of Black male sexuality in particular is said to be a core reason for the subjugation of Black American men. Historically, Black men were described as sub-human, animalistic, and lust-driven. This reasoning concludes that Black men are a sexual threat to society and are prone to ******* White women.
This idea is vividly depicted within the D.W. Griffith film “Birth of a Nation.” In the film, the central Black character, Gus, aggressively pursues a White female, who ultimately jumps to her death to avoid his advances. Gus is then tried and killed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, who are heroically depicted in the film.
Accusations of Black male impropriety towards White women were used to justify lynching of Black men. In one of the more notorious real life lynchings, 14-year-old African American Emmett Till, was kidnapped and brutally murdered for reportedly flirting with a White female.
Author/Professor Gail Dines accurately reported the ways in which the porn industry plays upon sexual racism. Many of the adult movies with Black men in starring roles use racial themes in the title and often as the flick’s primary selling point. Titles such as “Big Black Dicks, Little White Chicks,” and ‘There´s a Black Man in My Wife´s Ass,” are a microcosm of the porn industry´s perpetuation of Black male sexual stereotypes. In these cases the troupe includes exacerbation of the notion of Black male obsession with White females which was often used to justify lynching of Black males.
Larry G. Morton II, in his article entitled: MSM, the Streets, and Lockdown: Sexual Threat and Social Dominance in America, reported that present day stereotypes such as ‘once you go black you never go back’ are examples of attempts to stigmatize Black male sexuality. Or, as Dines revealed: “From the image of the black woman as Jezebel, to the black male as savage, mainstream white representations of blacks have coded black sexuality as deviant, excessive and a threat to the white social order.”
Going Forward
So the idea of the salacious Black male and his monster cock has been used to perpetuate the objectification and ******* of African American men. However, how does one transcend messages of marginalization when they are transmitted through interpersonal, institutional and historical channels?
For starters, more education is needed in order to re-socialize males starting from childhood. Looking back, much of my education came from my childhood peers, most of whom were as misinformed as me. Such information can include confronting present stereotypes and hyper masculine ideals about male sexuality as well as providing concrete research on male anatomy.
For example, I was recently informed by a colleague that, contrary to popular belief, human males are the best endowed of the hominids, proportionate to body size. The average human penis size is five inches. As my colleague concluded, if men were not bombarded with a barrage of messages preaching their inadequacy, insecurities related to the male genitalia would be minimal.
Furthermore, there is general agreement among sex experts that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone, not external genitalia. The more in tune we are to the sexual preferences of ourselves and our partners, the more enhanced the sexual experience. This type of information may be useful in rewriting the dominant masculine narrative.
Black male voices
Finally, I find that there is very little literature written about Black American male sexuality in the absence of disease and oppression. One might conclude that the strict scholastic focus on Black American male sexual behavior pertaining inflexibly to disease and oppression itself constitutes a racist distortion of Black American Male sexuality.
I would argue that this type rigid focus on sexuality inadvertently deflects attention away from African American men’s individual attitudes about their sexuality. Our understanding of Black American male sexuality would benefit by according attention to both macro and micro level dynamics.
Examination of the sexual experiences, attitudes and beliefs of Black American men and how these individuals construct stories about their sexual experiences appears warranted and yet conspicuously absent from the literature.
As for television, I am still waiting on a male equivalent to “Sex in the City”: a space for men to authentically talk about or experiences, hopes, dreams, and fears in reference to sex and sexuality. Discussing our insecurities in particular may be a path towards liberation from our societally imposed, hypermasculine prison. Remember, you’re as healthy as your secrets.”
This originally appeared on
Republished here with permission.
Yes but it's a normal distribution. Two normal distributions one shifted to the right a bit. So the vast majority of those that are bigger are bigger by only a very small amount. Again, most black men are in the 6-8 inch range. Very few black men are smaller than 6 or bigger than 8
I was using stats from personal experience. We didn't go out and start surveying random men lol
Worthless? LOL So you have took every single black male and measured them? Yeah ok. Run along please You seem to be taking this a little too serious
Worthless? LOL So you have took every single black male and measured them? Yeah ok. Run along please You seem to be taking this a little too serious

No...that is the entire point of large random sample size studies. Far more reliable than your small non random evidence. You're really not very bright.
Worthless? LOL So you have took every single black male and measured them? Yeah ok. Run along please You seem to be taking this a little too serious

He may not have, but other people, medical professionals, have. Well, not EVERY black male, but realistic sample sizes, not simply composed of cuck white guys and black bulls. If that is the sample, of course it will be skewed. It's reasonable to say that a majority of "black bulls" do this because they meet the stereotype. I doubt many black males with below average penises get into this. And a majority of cuck white males tend to be average or less, with some exceptions (like in this thread).

Medical studies are more valid than horny size queen females taking about their small sample sizes.
Why must everything be racial,i noticed the guys taking the discussion about the penis size so serious are white and i believe want to make every activities that is going on this forum look inferior.It is important to note that the population of white women fucking black guys is very low compared to the whole population of white women.

If you are a white guy and you are not getting pussy,it is because you are in the wrong forum,this forum is mainly for white ladies that want black dicks.There are many forum on the internet that will satisfy your curiosity, Black girls that love White Dicks, Asian girls that love White Dicks e.t.c

Pls, do not take it personal, the reality is many blacks do have a bigger dick,that is the fact.i am a black guy i have seen many big black dicks that i was wondering if black guys were horse and for those that say small dick black guys do not attend shows because they are embarrass,that is false,there are both small and big dick black guy at shows,to the average white women they are all big but for the black girls they can surely know who is a joke and who is not. in addition not all black guy wanna fuck a white lady or be in this lifestyle,some are not open minded for these type of fun.

Personal experience speaks louder than all statistics,i have seen many white women who have personally said 3 out of 5 black guys have a big dick and that is true.there are black guys will small dicks and white girls still love their dick because it does wonder to them and there are also white guys with big dick and it does wonder.

I know of white women who started squirting and getting orgasms from an average black dick,so i dont understand the fuss about the whole situation.The reality is that if you can use your dick well,you become a messiah for some women.

This forum is one of the only serious forum dedicated to white ladies that want a taste of a black dick and i dont care if it is small or big black dick,they want a taste and want satisfy their curiosity.

If you do not like the lifestyle while are you on the site criticizing everything,trying to bring racial discord,if you are not comfortable or do not like what you see,you are free to delete your profile,i just feel so uncomfortable reading the comments,there are always some people here trying to make every interaction look weird instead of them enjoying the flow and be happy,seems they get happy when planting disunity and unhappiness.

Can people/couples just have fun and be happy.hype or no hype,go outside,have fun and be happy,life is too short.
Why must everything be racial,i noticed the guys taking the discussion about the penis size so serious are white and i believe want to make every activities that is going on this forum look inferior.It is important to note that the population of white women fucking black guys is very low compared to the whole population of white women.

If you are a white guy and you are not getting pussy,it is because you are in the wrong forum,this forum is mainly for white ladies that want black dicks.There are many forum on the internet that will satisfy your curiosity, Black girls that love White Dicks, Asian girls that love White Dicks e.t.c

Pls, do not take it personal, the reality is many blacks do have a bigger dick,that is the fact.i am a black guy i have seen many big black dicks that i was wondering if black guys were horse and for those that say small dick black guys do not attend shows because they are embarrass,that is false,there are both small and big dick black guy at shows,to the average white women they are all big but for the black girls they can surely know who is a joke and who is not. in addition not all black guy wanna fuck a white lady or be in this lifestyle,some are not open minded for these type of fun.

Personal experience speaks louder than all statistics,i have seen many white women who have personally said 3 out of 5 black guys have a big dick and that is true.there are black guys will small dicks and white girls still love their dick because it does wonder to them and there are also white guys with big dick and it does wonder.

I know of white women who started squirting and getting orgasms from an average black dick,so i dont understand the fuss about the whole situation.The reality is that if you can use your dick well,you become a messiah for some women.

This forum is one of the only serious forum dedicated to white ladies that want a taste of a black dick and i dont care if it is small or big black dick,they want a taste and want satisfy their curiosity.

If you do not like the lifestyle while are you on the site criticizing everything,trying to bring racial discord,if you are not comfortable or do not like what you see,you are free to delete your profile,i just feel so uncomfortable reading the comments,there are always some people here trying to make every interaction look weird instead of them enjoying the flow and be happy,seems they get happy when planting disunity and unhappiness.

Can people/couples just have fun and be happy.hype or no hype,go outside,have fun and be happy,life is too short.

The op asked a question. Why make up lies. Of course you have an incentive for them to be perpetuated. You're a black man benefitting from them. Come on now. Let's be real. Personal experience absolutely does not speak louder than statistics. That's the words of a truly uneducated individual. If that were true then we wouldn't need to study ******* to get them approved. We'd just have a few people take them and ask them what they think. What an ignorant statement. This forum is completely out of control with delusion and frankly needs a dose of reality. I see pics of condoms filled with literally half a cup of cum and guys saying it's real. Never once have I seen a black man cum even close to that much. It's a fucking joke that anyone would believe that but the op here actually did. This ******* is getting ridiculous
I think the problem here is what constitutes 'black'. Here in Melbourne, Australia we have a massive population of immigrants from the sub-continent (i.e.: India/ Pakistan etc. approx. 2 billion people) and a lot are very dark/ black skinned. We get SO many responses on our swingers profile seeking bulls, and I would say without exaggeration if we got 100 responses, 75% are very lucky to be average and at least 20% are small..they think because they are black that will make them a bull...and probably in their own culture they may not be considered small in size. So saying black men are are bigger to me doesn't work, unless you then break down the actual nationalities. All my early boyfriends were from Sudan and Senegal, black as the night sky, all very thin and lean pyhiscially and all hung like horses.
@cynyc85 i wouldn't argue with you about dicks,everybody is entitled to his or her opinion.i cant make up lies for things like these,i guess you having an inferiority complex with the situation on dick will be black dick,big and fat,get use to the reality,no matter what you write here or the video you bring out.white women will derive pleasure from it whether you like it or not

As they say Experience is the best teacher and it topples all statistics because statistics doesn't give a real view of the situation of black dicks on ground

i will be happy if you can take a tape and measure all black man on earth.after you research you will shamed and disappointed after a meaningless research with no value to man-kind.what a waste of research fund.

if you are not comfortable with black guys with big dick then it is up to you

there are black guys with average dick but there are more black guys with big dick,if you are uncomfortable with it then it is up to you.

i see no reason in arguing about if black dick is big or not,if white women derive pleasure from it,who am i or you to stop them.
@cynyc85 i wouldn't argue with you about dicks,everybody is entitled to his or her opinion.i cant make up lies for things like these,i guess you having an inferiority complex with the situation on dick will be black dick,big and fat,get use to the reality,no matter what you write here or the video you bring out.white women will derive pleasure from it whether you like it or not

As they say Experience is the best teacher and it topples all statistics because statistics doesn't give a real view of the situation of black dicks on ground

i will be happy if you can take a tape and measure all black man on earth.after you research you will shamed and disappointed after a meaningless research with no value to man-kind.what a waste of research fund.

if you are not comfortable with black guys with big dick then it is up to you

there are black guys with average dick but there are more black guys with big dick,if you are uncomfortable with it then it is up to you.

i see no reason in arguing about if black dick is big or not,if white women derive pleasure from it,who am i or you to stop them.

I have a bigger dick than most black guys so no, not inferiority. You're illiterate. Fuck off. Just annoyed by people like you who want it racial when it benefits them only.
@cdnyc85,you had a racial intention and intonations but disguise it,you became abusive and aggressive without me throwing some abusive words at you.

if you have a bigger dick than most black guys and so what,how does it help the society and the world at large.

having a big dick whether black or white doesn't mean you are capable of satisfying a woman.

people here are trying to have fun,i guess you are in the wrong forum.
I have a bigger dick than most black guys so no, not inferiority. You're illiterate. Fuck off. Just annoyed by people like you who want it racial when it benefits them only.

There is a ridiculous amount of confirmation bias present in this thread. People are all about "I've seen" taking precedence over scientific studies and logic.

Confirmation bias

It would be like if we discussed the average height of the black male, and a couple basketball players came in and said "I've played basketball with about 300 black guys, and every one has been 6'5" or taller, so the average black male has to be about 6'6"or 6'7" ". It's confirmation bias based on their sample size. Same for women who are size queens, who seek out large black cocks.

I think it's great that there are black men with large cocks who want to have dominant sex with white women. At the same time, it's a fantasy that every black male has a large penis. The average black male penis is (I believe) less than 7 inches, which means, roughly, half of all black male penises are less than 7 inches (knowing that mean and median are not the exact same, but are close). That one guy has nonsense, that 3 out of 5 black penises are "large" (what is the definition of large, anyway?).

This is an exciting fetish, but folks need to use their brains.
@cdnyc85,you had a racial intention and intonations but disguise it,you became abusive and aggressive without me throwing some abusive words at you.

if you have a bigger dick than most black guys and so what,how does it help the society and the world at large.

having a big dick whether black or white doesn't mean you are capable of satisfying a woman.

people here are trying to have fun,i guess you are in the wrong forum.

Intonation? Do you even know what that means? You can't get intonation from text. Wow. Seriously stop typing. I can't understand you. You need to learn English. Use smaller words.

I've been abusive to no one. You're just ignorant and arrogant like half the guys here and I'm sick of it. I happen to LOVE interracial porn but some of the bullshit on this forum is completely ridiculous. I have a lot of black friends and they would laugh at the ******* said on here. It's a joke.

Let's go back to the OP's original question. It was about dick size and cum volume, etc. Stop making this thread about something bigger than it is. The issue is that these things are all blown hugely out of proportion so much that this woman had to start a freaking thread asking if it was true that they're all so big and all cum half a cup. No they aren't all so fucking big. They're an inch longer on average. If you want to find huge ones it won't be hard though. And it won't be that hard to find huge white ones either. Seems like most women into black men gravitate that way because they have or had a less well endowed and poorly skilled lover as a white male, then associate that with all white men. Go fuck Manuel Ferrara and I can assure you your brains will be fucked out. And watch porn for two seconds and you'll see all the guys cum the same amount on average
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