Falling in love...

We aren’t saying don’t get feelings, but it’s the same as any other relationship in some ways. Once you start developing feelings for someone in your friend group, or at work you can just shut that down. Stop the flirting and hanging out is pretty much all that’s needed, distance yourself before further feelings develope.

With that said I realize different people value their current relationship more and some less though.
1000 percent respect to you guys. Some people value their relationship differently.we refuse to let a female or male com between our relationship
re: Falling In Love

Not at all if you're trying to get rid of her. Sounds logical to me.
Not necessarily. In my case and knowing my wife of 27 years very well, i know she would feel so much passion and pleasure if she has an attachment to a Bull.
We have a rock solid marriage and i was confident enough (and proved right in the end) that she would not leave me.
Yes, i agree there is always that chance, but for some reason the fact she fell madly in love with him made the realationship - for both of us - that much better.
But yes, i understand that everybody is different of course.
Interesting question. I don't think I've ever "fallen in love" with anyone in the lifestyle.

I do however, believe that deeper feelings do develop if you meet with someone and are intimate with them on a regular basis. We have a "friend" that we have known now for probably 8 years or so and get together with him on a regular basis. I don't think I'm in love with him. But I think I have strong feelings for him because we have shared intimate moments, spent a lot of time together and had a lot of fun. We talk a lot. We hang out a lot, and spend a lot of time together. Throw in the fact that we are sexual together, and yeah, I'm pretty close to him. Close enough that if he moved away or if we stopped seeing each other, it would be disappointing because we are pretty close. (By the way, he and my husband are very good friends too.)

I would also point out that I am madly in love with my husband. We are best friends and have a very strong and open relationship. He knows what I like, what I don't like, and our marriage is really good. (Don't take that as perfect--sometimes I want to put my foot so far up his ass... lol) I'm very lucky. If my husband said we needed to stop being in the lifestyle (which I don't ever see him doing) but if he did, I would do that in a heartbeat. No questions asked. Some disappointment for sure. But no questions asked.

Just my $0.02
Very well said. We agree
I have said it before and will always believe that a husband is playing with fire if he encourages his wife to take a black lover(s). If the sex is amazing for her and the guy is good to her in other ways then it is very likely that she will fall in love with him. If that relationship should ever reach a point where her black lover wants her to choose, then the husband may be in trouble. Great lovemaking is a powerful ******* for a woman.
This happened to my wife a few years ago, with my full encouragement and acceptance.
It was the hottest time for both os us. She loved us both in very different ways and after they ended or, should i say, after he dumped my wife, i was there to pick up the pieces
This happened to my wife a few years ago, with my full encouragement and acceptance.
It was the hottest time for both os us. She loved us both in very different ways and after they ended or, should i say, after he dumped my wife, i was there to pick up the pieces
It is good that your marriage remains intact. However, you must feel bad that she was hurt.
It is good that your marriage remains intact. However, you must feel bad that she was hurt.
Yes very bad. However also somewhat relieved. He wanted her to leave me and she said no.
He had already cut me off totally with sex with my wife. I agreed as wanted to make things easy.
He took her away alone which i paid for and gladly accepted as the right thing.
He made her very happy and i loved that.
But he ruined it by pushing her to leave me.
Again i left the decision to my wife and she refused. He dumped her.