Etiquette, limits, and toleration


How often have you faced situations after knowing the bull/ bulls for a long time and with them relaxing the rules you all set out or innovating and perhaps going beyond what you consider acceptable? Do you just let things happen or have rather a word, and when do you do it if at all?
With first time, first night, the rules usually stay fairly rigid and in place. With more frequent dates and more comfort with the guy and the situation, things relax more as they should. Guess the guys earn the rights as they show her more pleasure. Makes it hotter for all of us as the boundaries expand.
When she finally agreed to start doing this she had all the guidelines figured out and basically told me what they were
As time went on and things progressed she met a guy and wanted to have a more steady relationship with him, at that point she wanted my blessing and had already thought about how she’d like things to progress with their relationship, which she was upfront and honest with me about.
Really my one and only “rule” was that she stayed away from abusive men.
With first time, first night, the rules usually stay fairly rigid and in place. With more frequent dates and more comfort with the guy and the situation, things relax more as they should. Guess the guys earn the rights as they show her more pleasure. Makes it hotter for all of us as the boundaries expand.
What if the bull wants to exert more control over her and you and she is ok with it?
What if the bull wants to exert more control over her and you and she is ok with it?
What I mean is following: he's now doing stuff to my wife that she and I agreed we would not like him to do, but she now lets him, like grabbing her from her hair and then cumming on her face, calling her names and even racist stuff. She is still fine with it. But she's who she is, my wife, and I feel indirectly a bit offended. I know it's a cuckold life and I don't want to be a jerk. But what else could I do?