Desperately seeking help..

All the hinting here and there jokingly over last month or so, I haven't brought it up yet, but 2 days ago she shows me a pic on her phone as we are watching T.V its a blk guy tattoo shirt off with shorts on and his buldge is outlined she is focused and showed me the buldge .. all jokingly playfully.. I reacted wow that big, I acted jealous, statred playfully saying don't think you can handle a big man like that.. she said i am sure i can once again all playfully jokingly
Advice and direction desperately needed by submissive minded white husband to a beautiful white wife of 10 yrs committed marriage.
I cannot satisfy her with my tiny penis as we rarely have sex but she is sexual person, I need help and guidance on how to persuade her to take a black bull. She is unaware I want this for her and our marriage controlled. Please read my about page for further details as I am desperate for any help please..
Guys, the OP, mw29 is a fake. In chatting with him he posted several pics of other members here to me in private claiming they were his wife. When I called him out on it he was stunted. He is a total phoney baloney, one of way too many here.
Guys, the OP, mw29 is a fake. In chatting with him he posted several pics of other members here to me in private claiming they were his wife. When I called him out on it he was stunted. He is a total phoney baloney, one of way too many here.
Man, that sucks to hear. You'd think if someone were gonna make it all up, they'd come up with different stories (or at least different chapters) to post about, rather than the same one over and over, never developing either of the sad characters, never advancing the plot... Sheesh! That's just lazy story telling!
Not at all thats complete BS,
B Brown and i was talking i showed him pics never saying was my wife actually stated she looks like her similar built, now every chance he gets he says i am a fake, my situation is very genuine and help is needed and really good, why would i make up the same small steps needed. B Brown is dead wrong..
MW29 is the same person on here with multiple fake profiles for whom English is probably definitely not his first language. His poor grammar and not knowing how to punctuate is a dead giveaway.

He's posted several dick pictures that with a little inspection one could see is of different men, yet he claims they were all pics of his small dick. He adds a lame story he's been beating to death now about needing someone to help him convince his wife to go black. In other words the lamest, most tired fake story that's posted around here seemingly forever.
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