Cuckold Podcast Coming Soon

Yes, because of the subject matter we want people to be able to listen to it while driving, working out, doing things around the house without feeling like they're missing anything by not being able to watch.
I had some unknown person or persons who purchased some items off our wishlist and Amazon does not tell you who purchases items so I have no way of knowing whom to thank. If my mysterious Santa is reading this, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU. The fact that all of you have shown your generosity by giving your support to a podcast that hasn't even started yet is truly a humbling feeling. This motivates me even more to deliver the type of show that you all have been waiting for. With people like all of you showing your support, I know that we will be successful.
Hello everyone. Just wanted to give an update on how things are coming along with the podcast. Thanks to the generosity of others, we have received all of the equipment that we need. Right now I am giving myself a crash course as I learn how to work the equipment and the software. Our plan is to have the first few episodes available by mid April. We are very excited about this and cannot wait to bring this to all of you.
Do your thing bro . I see you . It's cool we are helping these cucks . I have a place where I host cucks and Qos. I do events there as well. Perhaps you can come and do a cast at my place or some sort of collaboration. Fwm . #cuckmatchmaker
Hey bro. Thanks for the support. Yea we should definitely talk about putting our heads together on something. I'm all about elevating this lifestyle and promoting it every chance I get.
As some of you may already know, I am pretty heavily involved with the cuckold lifestyle. From training couples, hosting my cuckold parties, helping new cucks find their way I'm pretty much up to my neck in all things cuckolding lol. I've recently been kicking around the idea about doing a podcast based on this fantastic and exciting lifestyle. Well after talking to a few people at my cuckold party last night I decided to do it. I'm going to be co-hosting the podcast with a very dear friend of mine who is a cuckoldress. She is also the woman that I host my parties with so we already have a good thing going. The podcast will focus on all things dealing with the cuckold lifestyle with the primary goal being REALISM. Just like with our parties we want to approach this with our feet firmly planted in reality. We will discuss fun things, serious things, sexy and naughty things as well as the impact that these things can have on our real lives. Connecting with our listeners is going to be very important to us so I will be encouraging people to submit questions that we can answer in future episodes. I am also open to hear about any topics that you would like to hear us discuss. We want to record at least 5 episodes before we publish and I will keep those of you who are interested updated with when the first episode will be available. Hopefully this is something that can continue to grow and I look forward to bringing this to you.
I'll support that!