COVID 9-9-9-19

Herman Cain attended the Oklahoma Trump rally sans mask and is now in an Atlanta area hospital with COVID-19. Hope he recovers and is actually wiser for it, but you can’t make this ******* up.

You know who i wish would wise up. These dumb ass 20 somethings out at the bars and beach clubs and pool partys hanging all over each other. While there is no way to complely contain covid unless you go full military stay at home lock downs for everyone we had at least brought the numbers down to a manageble level. Now the ******* is out of control again.
Many others will be "reaping" what a relatively small number of people have "sown". Do the "Trump waivers" include those infected by attendees to the rally?
So poor old Herman Cain didn't make it. He spent a MONTH in Intensive Care, dying of respiratory failure. This is a gruesome way to die. You know how agonizing it is not to be able to breathe for just a minute or so. Now imagine it going on . . . for a month.

Trump: "“We have tested over 40 million people. By so doing, we show cases, 99 percent of which are totally harmless. . . ."

The Pinocchio Test
There is no evidence to support Trump’s claims that 99 percent of the people who contract the coronavirus find it “totally harmless.” He earns Four Pinocchios.
Four Pinocchios
Hi Raylene..... The % of afflicted people having severe problems is very low...but the transmission rate of the virus is very many, many people are infected and therefore there is much death and sorrow. The "open it up" people focus on percents while the "social distance/shut it down" people focus on actual number of people dying and the increase in that number. Unfortunately, we do not seem to have regional random sample testing of people to estimate the infection rate of people at large.
A very sad thing indeed. Too many will die because of doubt and ignorance. Our leaders should have stepped up like others did around the globe. Testing from the beginning, isolating those who tested positive. Doubt was given a big boost by the Trump administration. For over two months they called it a hoax, a plot to make Donald look bad and their old stand by fake news. People sick and dead around the globe and they call it a lie to make Donald look bad. Other countries started wearing mask immediately while our leaders refuse to or say flat out there not necessary. Ignorance on a massive scale. Ignorance that Trump and the no nothings he's assembled know more than the WHO or our own medical professionals. They doubted it could happen here. They said those very words to the people who tried to brief them on the plan handed down from Bush to Obama. They even closed the labs around the globe to track and detect possible killer diseases. Labs that had been set up by the previous republican administration. Started because they believed the experts who warned two decades ago this could happen. They turned a killing virus into a political thing, even making people think being safe is against the party and Trump. Insane is the only explanation for believing any of those who still speak and act as if millions have not lost their lives already. How do they think all those dead people in other countries died. So Trump would look bad, why would they care, he's not their leader. At some point people will wake up. Who closed those labs to get funds for the dam wall, Trump. was the mile or two of new wall worth the death toll to date and climbing at the rate of over a thousand lives a day. No wonder the whole bunch is trying to blame China, Obama, Hillary and every other perceived foe of Donald Trump. China is ironic because one of those closed labs was only a few miles from the believed first reported infected persons location. The death toll keeps going up and there's still those who think it's not happening like this fool who paid the price for his folly.