Cock measurements (or lack thereof!)

It's almost sad and embarrassing how some dudes misrepresent themselves. Smh.
Man I’m not misrepresenting anythin, nor calling out any one else. What’s the point in doing that? I’m not a hater of any Bruthas. A Brutha wouldnt do that to another. I’m getting mine just like I’m sure you guys are. One thing I can say, I’m not on here to look at y’all’s cocks anyway, I’m hear for fun and ladies.

Btw...I didn’t measure it, a playmate did. Frankly I don’t care, it gets the job done.
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Yeah I don't listen to any measurements I'm given, 90% of guys lie and measure it like they're scraping that last spoonful of ice cream out of a bowl. Let it go, it's was already enough before you don't need that last bite. Same with your dick, it's fine the way it is, stop trying to convince us you're going to obliterate our cervix. It only gets you high fives from the cucks and inexperienced girls anyways
Yeah I don't listen to any measurements I'm given, 90% of guys lie and measure it like they're scraping that last spoonful of ice cream out of a bowl. Let it go, it's was already enough before you don't need that last bite. Same with your dick, it's fine the way it is, stop trying to convince us you're going to obliterate our cervix. It only gets you high fives from the cucks and inexperienced girls anyways

Please tell me you travel
Man I’m not misrepresenting anythin, nor calling out any one else. What’s the point in doing that? I’m not a hater of any Bruthas. A Brutha wouldnt do that to another. I’m getting mine just like I’m sure you guys are. One thing I can say, I’m not on here to look at y’all’s cocks anyway, I’m hear for fun and ladies.

Btw...I didn’t measure it, a playmate did. Frankly I don’t care, it gets the job done.

Look at you back peddling now. Then don't report phony numbers. Because you 100% are misrepresentating yourself and continuing to lie about it in the post above and trying to say to your "bruthas" you'd do no such thing. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Too many guys like you with no integrity who when called out for being full of ******* just say...oh nevermind I'm here to have fun let's not talk about size anymore
Man I’m not misrepresenting anythin, nor calling out any one else. What’s the point in doing that? I’m not a hater of any Bruthas. A Brutha wouldnt do that to another. I’m getting mine just like I’m sure you guys are. One thing I can say, I’m not on here to look at y’all’s cocks anyway, I’m hear for fun and ladies.

Btw...I didn’t measure it, a playmate did. Frankly I don’t care, it gets the job done.
Bro i was making a general statement about guys online. I didn't reply to u nor tag u in any statement i made. So my words were meant for any guy on here that it applies to. Now if u feel that u may fall into that category, then deal with it as u wish. I wasn't tryna single u out by any means.
Look at you back peddling now. Then don't report phony numbers. Because you 100% are misrepresentating yourself and continuing to lie about it in the post above and trying to say to your "bruthas" you'd do no such thing. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Too many guys like you with no integrity who when called out for being full of ******* just say...oh nevermind I'm here to have fun let's not talk about size anymore

Well I don't know. I don't think I'd want a cock fight with DFWSundevil...
You live in Cali
You are No
You just want to see how BBCs are so you cyber to our pics

I'm very straight and have absolutely no interest in men, and the fact that you won't post a pic proving size tells me everything I need to know. Anyone with a cock over 9 inches that is legitimately that big, because that's really massive, would be willing to prove it. Claiming 11 inches and not willing to prove it means I know with certainty you're lying. As does everyone else here.
6.5" insertable length is great, the average vagina is only 3.77" deep and expands to about 4.75-5.5" when aroused
Good to have some physics involved. It is, I guess, all about translating what you have into what Earth so clinically calls "insertable length".

Guessing that posterior fornix thing is a myth then? Or just a select reserved club for the black gentlemen?
Good to have some physics involved. It is, I guess, all about translating what you have into what Earth so clinically calls "insertable length".

Guessing that posterior fornix thing is a myth then? Or just a select reserved club for the black gentlemen?
During sexual intercourse in the missionary position, the tip of the penis reaches the anterior fornix, while in the rear-entry position it reaches the posterior fornix.
Some women receive enjoyment from stimulation of the fornices, while other women say that their fornices cannot be stimulated without stimulation of the cervix, which may be painful.
The fornices appear to be close to one reported erogenous zone, the cul-de-sac, which is near the posterior fornix.

It not exactly a magical third opening in the vagina it's just the side areas set back in around the cervix