Cheating with BBC

I think the most heart pounding exciting sex a married wife will and can have is affair sex…. Sex that her husband will never ever know about ….and If her brand new lover is a good looking Black guy that reaches and touches her deeper unprotected than her husband can touch her …and he s fantastic in bed with her until she feels him
release deep inside her with his warm fertile seed then that wife is in the Mount Everest of affair world.

if you are husband that loves your wife unconditionally and would do anything in the world for her happiness…. You wouldn’t ever stand in the way of an experience that other wives have had ….You truly want her to experience heart pounding sex at least once in her life …then let het have a secret affair but tell her he has to be Black and ge has to stay in.

She’ll be in heaven feeling that
For me it's gotten to the point on where I had to tell my wife I tried to keep it to myself but the urge has always been there I love my wife to death but only gift I'll ever want is for her to fuck big black cock. She accepted it but wants to move slowly I've bought all her toys in black and at least once a month go out to dinner and watch videos while having sex. I've also gotten her pole dancing classes so that she can feed into her wild side