can a blk man remain straight after a hubby sucks his cock

Wow I'm amazed on a forum where most are looking for casual or extra sex so certain about this issue. The majority seem so positive that you are no matter what. How about the guy who's surprised or even revolted by having that done or attempted. Is he to be branded gay most seem to think so . I think there is no always answer when it's a one time thing. I think of the females i knew in college that got a little wasted or not but had some female munch at the y. They didn't like it never allowed it again, married with ******* are they lesbians. I fail to see the difference.
I think the labels should be something not applied until after the first time, How do you know what turns you on if you've never tried it.
FOH!! If a crackhead smokes crack does that not make him a crackhead!!?
For All the comments that said no it doesn’t make you gay.. stop the fuxkery and Stop trying to down play your homosexuality!! Be proud of who you are and if you let another man suck your cock… rather his wife is in the room or not… you’re gay at best bisexual! Live in your truths instead of making excuses for them!
(...) How about the guy who's surprised (...) what? Wanting a dick in his mouth or his dick sucked by a guy? => Gay!
(...) or even revolted by having that done or attempted. (...)
The question was about sex as a consensual act not or assault! Of course the victims of such crimes commited by a same-sex person are not necessarily gay. The offenders are.
(...) I think there is no always answer when it's a one time thing. I think of the females i knew in college that got a little wasted or not but had some female munch at the y. They didn't like it never allowed it again, married with ******* are they lesbians. (...)
Of course they are... at most bisexuals.
(...) I fail to see the difference.
Me too. ;)
I think the labels should be something not applied until after the first time, How do you know what turns you on if you've never tried it.
🤣 🤦‍♂️ No. You know exactly what you are turned on by. It is called attraction and then arousal. Nobody who is not attracted to the same sex will arrange or agree to a sex date with a same-sex partner just to "try it once". (Adults, i mean. Teenagers in their puberty are a different story.) But at least nobody who is not aroused by the same sex will lap at any part of a same-sex person's body even if an opportunity presents itself (say, in a group sex / orgy situation).
Also... never having had sex makes you a virgin, not necessarily an asexual!
Sexuality is fluid, it didn't stop me from fucking Black and Hispanic chicks after I got tested. My social media status didn't automatically change, hell I didn't even cry during the Buzz Lightyear movie, that would have been a sure sign. Still have my women's foot kink and still send out ransom videos for left behind bras that I've taken hostage. Still looking for a redhead white MILF to claim. I'm waiting tho, the gay will show up visibly one day.
it’s my personal belief and opinion that No one is God so who are they/we/us to judge… why do you care about what I’m doing behind close doors… if you’re going to judge me for eatin another woman’s pussy but praise me for allowing you to fuck my wife… then I ask you what’s the real problem? if you say homosexuality is wrong but partake in adultery…
idk what to tell you… if your ok with women on women but shame men on men then idk what to tell you… i’m surprised that a member from a website committed/ promoting/ providing ways to fuck someone outside of marriage/relationship actually took it upon themself to post something like this… if you aren’t doing the sucking or receiving from a man on man then… Why do you care? Why need to label? why involve yourself in something that isn’t your business?
The worst is when a couple isn’t up front about it

I’ve had to tell the husband to back off while with his wife bc he tried to sneak in getting to touch or suck my cock

was actually setting up something this weekend with a couple from another site. All her pics are her fucking bbc. She tells me on kik we are a couple and i replied with, I am ok with him watching. She responded he’s not cool with just watching you pound me out lol
I completely agree, I make it very clear that I have absolutely ZERO sexual interest in men what so ever but still constantly get some couples and some single men trying to get me to do it.
I have no problem with them doing the things they enjoy, but when I've made it clear that I'm not personally interested in it, then leave me alone.

Whenever I see a couple's post looking for guys and it mentions wanting the guy to be "open minded", "no limits", or "play with both of us" I just move on because I know what that means. I don't message them because we don't match interests so I just move on. I wish some of the couples on here would do the same
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