Bulls let me ask you a question.

In this lifestyle everything is all about presentation and chemistry. If you don't like the way that someone looks on their profile you're not going to even engage in conversation with them because it's the presentation that draws you in to take a closer look at their profile and even contact them if you like what you see and read.

There are people who have met a bull or couple for a meet and greet and discovered that there was no chemistry. That can be a turn off and cause some people to end the prospect of them becoming playmates.

On a more personal note I can give you this observation. The lifestyle can be a little clique-ish. These clique's can be based upon social economic status and or the level of beauty of the hotwives in the clique.

For example I have been to many private hotwife parties in both the more wealthy and affluent parts of my city, parties in the suburbs, and parties at hotels organized by random couples off of craigslist. As a single guy it was not common to see people from either of these groups mixing. When you went to a lifestyle party at some private mansion all the women were straight up trophy wives like Gabrielle Santini and Sandra Otterson. A handsome, fit, hung bull can go anywhere except for venues that only allow couples.
You would know that ahead of time if you did your homework properly. People dont tend to approach others they dont have an attraction too.
We have all had the situation where the photos are not current or realistic but you can usually figure that out before you meet.

On the other hand, a lot of women are not very photogenic and look much better in person!
There are three things I look for when it comes to making a connection:
1) Physically Attractive
2) Personality and communication
3) Sexual Enthusiasm
With all these being rated on a scale of 1-10 anything below a 4 instantly eliminates the possibility of a connection. So a woman doesn't have to be physically a 10 if she has a fun personality and is sexually open to new things. It goes the other way around too; so if a woman is a physically a 10 but has an unpleasant personality and is a fish in bed then that ruins the connection.
people score GIF by South Park
Yeah. If it's a gang bang with other suitors coming you can just make a zip to grab your free beer and then exit as more suitors are jumping into the dumpster fire.

There are indications of a disaster at times.
If they have face pics and don't smile they may have questionable smile.
If they take angle pics they have a belly or like getting you dizzy ahead of time.
If the pic is upside down or damn close she is definitely bigger than what she says.
You sure for hell not going to meet her upside unless your into that..

Not SAYING anything is wrong with her size but we don't need special effects or illusions at all.

I like women of all sizes, shapes and colors. A woman's mannerism or ability to fucking talk can make me overlook my long list of what I like in a woman physically.

There are three things I look for when it comes to making a connection:
1) Physically Attractive
2) Personality and communication
3) Sexual Enthusiasm
With all these being rated on a scale of 1-10 anything below a 4 instantly eliminates the possibility of a connection. So a woman doesn't have to be physically a 10 if she has a fun personality and is sexually open to new things. It goes the other way around too; so if a woman is a physically a 10 but has an unpleasant personality and is a fish in bed then that ruins the connection.
people score GIF by South Park
So are you saying they have to average a 4? Or any score below four and they are out?