Black Lives Matter!

There is an attempt on the left and the right to hijack the protests by people who thrive off of chaos, and plenty of those people are white. Instead, like too many people, your post insinuates riots = blacks, and that’s just plain incorrect and wrong. All one has to do is look at the TV, and one can see that’s not true.

But once again, somebody wants to tell us that we didn’t see what we saw, and it’s just a bunch of “thugs” (i.e., black people). People (all shades) are angry, and tired of “turning the other cheek”. They want justice NOW. This country was founded by people who felt the same way, and they resorted to violence to get what they wanted. Think it was called the Revolutionary War.

Holding black people responsible for all of the destruction and violence is racist in and of itself. There are more white people in most of those crowds than anybody else. Black people deserve respect because they are full human beings like everyone else. Not two-thirds of one like the Constitution first considered them to be (outrageous!). Had to start out from the beginning demanding to be treated as a whole person! And still having to do the same thing today.

You dumb fucker! I never said only black people riot! I said you have no fucking chance of deserving ANYONES RESPECT WHEN YOU DO!!! What you sow, so shall you reap! This post is about black lives matter, and that in itself is a racist statement. I know all lives matter doesn't single blacks out, but it's true. But then again, if your a fucking thug, OF ANY COROR, using violence to prove a point, your life doesn't matter, other than to show your life was a waste. Too many people, OF ALL COLORS FOR YOU COLOR BLIND FOLK, make piss poor choices most all their lives, and cry when ******* goes bad. What you sow, so shall you reap! You plant hate, you get hate!
Hello to anyone that is reading this post. This is just a way for me to vent. I am not going to filter myself, if you are offended then you are either apart of the problem or going along with the problem by being complicit.

First, the Black Lives Matter movement has never said anything about all lives don't matter. The media turned it that way because of their biases which is a whole different topic. Using all lives matter as an argument is creating further divide because if all lives truly matter black people wouldn't be getting killed by cops.

*Not all cops are bad but their fraternity to protect the bad ones is what makes them look bad as a whole. Then on top of that the slaps on the wrist that they get for not being held accountable is ridiculous. THERE are good cops but that fraternity is corrupt to allow them to avoid accountability.

All lives matter, reverse racism is all tactics to take away from the pressing issue at hand that black people continually suffer from system racism and people get away with seeing us as less than human beings. Black people cannot be racist because we don't have power so please don't confuse black peoples prejudice and bigotry to racism. Not saying its right but a black person has dealt with systemic racism, prejudice, and bigotry far more than a white person can understand. There are literal racist in this world that have never had a bad experience with a black person but because they were taught to hate or saw hate on the media then hate is all they know. If everything was equal laws wouldn't need to be passed for jobs to not discriminate against a black persons hair. Affirmative action has turned into a quota for most companies and white women benefit from it the most. Affirmative action was supposed to give an opportunity for qualified POC to get an opportunity.

Second, stop changing the narrative to looting and rioting. Businesses have even came out and said their employees will still get paid and merch can be replaced but yet people still focus on that angle. With all the riots people want to get upset but are quiet about the Tulsa Massacre that happened in the past. Where black people and black businesses was specifically targeted. Agitators are the ones thats turning most of these protests into riots to begin with. Even with video footage people still give the aggressors the benefit of the doubt to try and justify their actions. watch the all these videos of the police interacting with the protestors and you'll see who the real "thugs" are.

Third, racism and injustice for black people is literally everywhere this just isn't a USA thing. Black tourist are treated nice in foreign countries because they have money that they can spend. I've traveled as a tourist and studied abroad both experiences were like night and day. The media warps peoples mind to hate us and those people are weak minded to not think for themselves. if you never had anything happen to you by people of color but you still judge them as a whole your incredibly dumb because you aren't thinking for yourself.

Forth, divide has been around so long that poor white people even believe they are above poor black people when they are the exact same boat. SS is greatly used by poor white people but media makes it look like its only black people.

Fifth, please stop being fool by people and companies. If they weren't on the side of Keapernick when he kneeled during the anthem to protest this same topic then they aren't on our side now. People will fake sympathy or hop on a movement because it's trending instead of actually caring about people and what they are going through. People that genuinely cared showed up as soon as injustice peaked their heads not when things get out of control.

Sixth and final point, stop allowing yourself to be fetishized by white sex workers and white women in general. These people are not on our size they only want a black man because he can offer a big dick. When they aren't fuckin she could care less about him. Before anyone gets upset this is specifically for the small percent of white women that do this. As well as the white women that only want to sleep with a black man because they have racist parents.

All and all there is unfortunately more white people that side with oppression and willfully being ignorant than people that are on the side of sympathy for what us black people go through. This post isn't about generalizing there are good people there are good cops. If you don't go against the narrative of racism you are guilty by being complicit. All lives should truly matter but it won't until black people are done being seen as a threat, Muslims are done being seen as terrorist, and etc.

All I ask is please remove your biases and truly open your heart and understand what is going on. If you willingly look for the truth it is out there for you to see. Some are privileged and have never felt oppression or true fear when being innocent. Because you haven't experienced doesn't mean others haven't or it isn't real.
I have seldomly read something this prejudiced and full of self pity. Nice to point at others and blame everybody else without any kind of self reflection. I (and I think it goes for a lot of white people as you call us) am done being called a racist!
I am really sorry to say, that you sir, are a much bigger part of racism as you might think or dare to literally almost every sentence you use black or white! As long as we keep thinking in black and white, it's not going to be better. One more thing, to incriminate people with a different opinion is not only morally wrong, it's dangerous.
You dumb fucker! I never said only black people riot! I said you have no fucking chance of deserving ANYONES RESPECT WHEN YOU DO!!! What you sow, so shall you reap! This post is about black lives matter, and that in itself is a racist statement. I know all lives matter doesn't single blacks out, but it's true. But then again, if your a fucking thug, OF ANY COROR, using violence to prove a point, your life doesn't matter, other than to show your life was a waste. Too many people, OF ALL COLORS FOR YOU COLOR BLIND FOLK, make piss poor choices most all their lives, and cry when ******* goes bad. What you sow, so shall you reap! You plant hate, you get hate!
It's a pity you choose this rather rough language as it takes away the truth in your message. No body these days seems to be accountable for their own doings.
As a police officer, I can tell you that there is zero tolerance for any type of racism or favoritism in Massachusetts. Anyone who displays any signs of that are removed from duty immediately.

Hmmm . . . OK . . . but Boston still does not enjoy the best reputation . . . .
Sorry but this does not belong here. Who are the ones on here saying "we need to change the world dynamic and have more mixed babies". Lets not even talk about some on here want to humiliate the white husbands, New World Order, etc. Isn't that racist? Come on man, this is just adding fuel to the fire. I think everyone on here respects people, black, white, brown, yellow, whatever. We have come a long way and this is not an issue for most people. You are making it sound like every white person hates every black person. We are very far from that, very far. A few rotten apples don't spoil the whole bunch. Justice will be served. And why is it ok if blacks ******* blacks. We never hear about that. Let's all grow up and continue to move forward. And we have moved forward but the media wants to destroy our progress. We are all God's children. And NO it is not ok to riot in the streets because we are upset. That is absolutely no reason to destroy another man's property. Seems childish don't you think?
As a police officer, I can tell you that there is zero tolerance for any type of racism or favoritism in Massachusetts. Anyone who displays any signs of that are removed from duty immediately.
I think one of the biggest issues is the disparity of training and preparedness across forces. 18,000 individual police forces across the US and no national standards. Not saying that fully fixes anything, but at least begin guaranteeing similar ROEs, EEO, etc.
Ive been thinking about this and i type with nervousness, so my thinking is.... no matter what colour someone is that is treated by a cop in this way, the Cop still deserves a prison sentence period, but when we start saying black and white, in that scenario i think it does more harm than good to emphasize racism, it seems to put a wedge between different groups. its a human condition, short dont like tall, tall dont like short, fat dont like thin, think dont like fat, people from Dallas dont like new yorkers, etc etc but if people make it a non issue/non specific then surely prejudices will die out?

We personally dont tolerate racism, we will speak up if we hear it, but we also dont get on our soap boxes and preach. i think also the more we evolve the less it will be relevant, but we live in Europe and i must say it is no where near as prevalent here.

Another thought most countries are the same, in cities there are Jewish areas, white areas, black areas, Arab areas, Asian areas, why is this? if we ALL lived more multicultural lives then im sure this issue would desolve quicker.

I really hope ive not offended anyone, just my thoughts on how to get a utopia,

I must say that the guy who stated that some women here are here for racist reasons, this could also be said for the guys on here wanting white women, but as i said before if we make it a non issue it wont be, and to be a member here and attack women on THIS site is disgraceful!

My thoughts on rioting, as soon as it becomes violent it looses its validity and also global support, likewise heavy handed policing of peaceful protesters, which in fact adds validity and gains global support.

Our thoughts really are with this poor mans friends and family, x
I think one of the biggest issues is the disparity of training and preparedness across forces. 18,000 individual police forces across the US and no national standards. Not saying that fully fixes anything, but at least begin guaranteeing similar ROEs, EEO, etc.
I couldn’t agree more. As a defense tactics instructor, I have watched all of these events with police shooting and deaths that could have been avoided if proper tactics were used. Sadly the big cities and small departments don’t have the money or training to get the best training possible.
To the OP. The first experience I had with the term, "All lives matter", was not from the media. I don't watch the news, especially on an election year. I thought of it myself, before hearing it from anyone else. It made sense to me then, and still does now. I said it before, and I'll keep saying it. Equal rights to a special interest group is an oxymoron. You want equal right, that means everyone gets treated fairly, and the same. That's the way it should be
The problem of racism is getting less and less each day, maybe because the racist are dying off, and most of the next generation are not that stupid to follow. The problem is, some people think they deserve respect because they are black. Maybe you can get it from some of the liberal mindset that way, but not with most of us. We return respect if given to us. Turning a protest into a riot, is like putting a gun to Americas head and demanding. When people do that, they are going against everything MLK stood and fought for, and died for. That is a crying shame
Well said....