Biracial births continue to increase

The continually rising birthrate from Black Fathers and white mothers shows that natural selection is at work. White females want to mate with Black Men because they sense the Supremacy and Alpha Status of Black Men. The white male also senses that Black Men are Superior to him, so he has surrendered and now accepts Black Men as his Conquerors. The white male acceptance of his fate and public admission of his inferior status then gives white females a green light to mate with Superior Black Men.
That's so right. I'm as real asian girl married with the former alpha race - German. The new German generation are so weak but the old are very good. Now I choose to meeting the new alpha. The Superior Black Men. Best decision ever.
Surprise! :D

Very funny and hot.
I always wonder how the white husband feels seeing a black baby coming out of his white wife's cunt in front of doctors and nurses at the hospital.
For us we weren't sure who was the *******, me or her black lover so we found out when she gave birth. I was there, but not her lover so yea, we were both in shock even though we knew it was a possibility.
For us we weren't sure who was the *******, me or her black lover so we found out when she gave birth. I was there, but not her lover so yea, we were both in shock even though we knew it was a possibility.
Wow, it must have been extremely exciting for you and your slut wife that she had a black baby pop out of her white pussy in front of the doctors and nurses. How did the doctors and nurses react? How did you and your wife feel?
Why wasn't your wife's black lover at the hospital with you?
Congratulations to you, your wife and the ******* of her black baby? I do hope your wife's black baby is healthy and that you and your wife will love your wife's black baby as much as you would a baby your wife had with you.
Wow, it must have been extremely exciting for you and your slut wife that she had a black baby pop out of her white pussy in front of the doctors and nurses. How did the doctors and nurses react? How did you and your wife feel?
Why wasn't your wife's black lover at the hospital with you?
Congratulations to you, your wife and the ******* of her black baby? I do hope your wife's black baby is healthy and that you and your wife will love your wife's black baby as much as you would a baby your wife had with you.
Nerve-wracking is how I'd describe it. When her baby came out the doctor and nurses were cool, and really didn't let on but when they were wiping her off one of them looked at me like "WTH?". My wife's expression was also telling mainly because she was crying and you could tell they weren't necessarily tears of joy. Her boyfriend stayed away because he felt that it'd be freaky to have two men there for the birth. We agreed. After they moved us to a private room we were quiet because she was feeding her baby. I didn't know what to say, and just sat there silently. She looked at me and said, "I fucking can't believe this. I had his baby". I told her that I would stand by her and she said, "you'd fucking better". The nurses came in and asked how we were doing and I said fine. She said, "your baby is so beautiful. Do either of you have any black relatives?" We bother were like "uhh", and she said, "that's alright, stuff happens" and she walked out. I was furious, but what could I say?
Nerve-wracking is how I'd describe it. When her baby came out the doctor and nurses were cool, and really didn't let on but when they were wiping her off one of them looked at me like "WTH?". My wife's expression was also telling mainly because she was crying and you could tell they weren't necessarily tears of joy. Her boyfriend stayed away because he felt that it'd be freaky to have two men there for the birth. We agreed. After they moved us to a private room we were quiet because she was feeding her baby. I didn't know what to say, and just sat there silently. She looked at me and said, "I fucking can't believe this. I had his baby". I told her that I would stand by her and she said, "you'd fucking better". The nurses came in and asked how we were doing and I said fine. She said, "your baby is so beautiful. Do either of you have any black relatives?" We bother were like "uhh", and she said, "that's alright, stuff happens" and she walked out. I was furious, but what could I say?
Thanks for your honest exciting reply. I believe the reality of seeing your wife's black baby being born in front of you, the doctors and nurses must have been very nerve wracking. What could prepare you for that reality. Of course now that your wife has had one black baby, you and your wife will much more prepared when she has her next black baby. You were lucky that only one nurse looked at you like "WTH".
Why was your wife sad that she had her lover's black baby?
That was considerate of your wife's black lover to not be there when your wife had his black baby. But it is a shame he did not get to see his black baby popping out of your wife's white pussy. It sounds to me that you could have all enjoyed your wife having his black baby more if he had been with you.
Why was your wife mad at you because she was a slut and let a black man fuck his baby into her married white pussy and womb? After all, most husbands would have been very mad at their wife for having a black baby and probably would have left their wife right their immediately. You did the right thing by saying that you would stand by her. Then she was mad at you for that also? WTF?
Nice that the nurse congratulated you and your wife on having a black baby. Sounds like she was offering you and your wife a nice way to explain your wife having a black baby. Then she said, "that's alright, stuff happens". Which was saying she understood and accepted that your wife had a black man's baby as a mistake as a result of your wife fucking around on you. Which again, sounded like a nice understanding nurse.
Why were you mad?
Nerve-wracking is how I'd describe it. When her baby came out the doctor and nurses were cool, and really didn't let on but when they were wiping her off one of them looked at me like "WTH?". My wife's expression was also telling mainly because she was crying and you could tell they weren't necessarily tears of joy. Her boyfriend stayed away because he felt that it'd be freaky to have two men there for the birth. We agreed. After they moved us to a private room we were quiet because she was feeding her baby. I didn't know what to say, and just sat there silently. She looked at me and said, "I fucking can't believe this. I had his baby". I told her that I would stand by her and she said, "you'd fucking better". The nurses came in and asked how we were doing and I said fine. She said, "your baby is so beautiful. Do either of you have any black relatives?" We bother were like "uhh", and she said, "that's alright, stuff happens" and she walked out. I was furious, but what could I say?
Stuff happens... The nurse knows what your wife did and what you are. Smiling and know yes one more girl got a baby from a alpha. You as a beta take care
Thanks for your honest exciting reply. I believe the reality of seeing your wife's black baby being born in front of you, the doctors and nurses must have been very nerve wracking. What could prepare you for that reality. Of course now that your wife has had one black baby, you and your wife will much more prepared when she has her next black baby. You were lucky that only one nurse looked at you like "WTH".
Why was your wife sad that she had her lover's black baby?
That was considerate of your wife's black lover to not be there when your wife had his black baby. But it is a shame he did not get to see his black baby popping out of your wife's white pussy. It sounds to me that you could have all enjoyed your wife having his black baby more if he had been with you.
Why was your wife mad at you because she was a slut and let a black man fuck his baby into her married white pussy and womb? After all, most husbands would have been very mad at their wife for having a black baby and probably would have left their wife right their immediately. You did the right thing by saying that you would stand by her. Then she was mad at you for that also? WTF?
Nice that the nurse congratulated you and your wife on having a black baby. Sounds like she was offering you and your wife a nice way to explain your wife having a black baby. Then she said, "that's alright, stuff happens". Which was saying she understood and accepted that your wife had a black man's baby as a mistake as a result of your wife fucking around on you. Which again, sounded like a nice understanding nurse.
Why were you mad?
Well, where to begin? LOL. For one, you're welcome. Explaining our experiences is cathartic, and has helped me keep perspective on our situation. The world is a mess up place, especially now so there's far more serious problems to keep in mind than what we/she did. What could've prepared us better? Knowing for sure would've helped us prepare emotionally for the birth. Most likely I would've not been present, though we probably would have suggested a cover story that she's a surrogate mom, etc. It wasn't so much that she was sad, and fearful of the reality hitting her. I mean, she was already a hormonal mess so having a biracial baby when you have a white husband pushed over the edge. That's what she told me, and she wasn't mad at me, but needed reassurance that I'd keep my word. In retrospect the nurse was trying to calm our visibly frayed nerves, but again, in the moment we weren't processing on all cylinders so gut reaction was that she was fucking with us, teasing us and me especially but in retrospect I know otherwise. As far as having another baby, biracial or otherwise, nope. The factory went out of business so she's had four ******* and she's over with that.

Well, where to begin? LOL. For one, you're welcome. Explaining our experiences is cathartic, and has helped me keep perspective on our situation. The world is a mess up place, especially now so there's far more serious problems to keep in mind than what we/she did. What could've prepared us better? Knowing for sure would've helped us prepare emotionally for the birth. Most likely I would've not been present, though we probably would have suggested a cover story that she's a surrogate mom, etc. It wasn't so much that she was sad, and fearful of the reality hitting her. I mean, she was already a hormonal mess so having a biracial baby when you have a white husband pushed over the edge. That's what she told me, and she wasn't mad at me, but needed reassurance that I'd keep my word. In retrospect the nurse was trying to calm our visibly frayed nerves, but again, in the moment we weren't processing on all cylinders so gut reaction was that she was fucking with us, teasing us and me especially but in retrospect I know otherwise. As far as having another baby, biracial or otherwise, nope. The factory went out of business so she's had four ******* and she's over with that.
Thank you for another honest exciting reply. I am happy for you that " Explaining our experiences is cathartic, and has helped me keep perspective on our situation". I think it does help to have a conversation with people that understand that we are in a lifestyle that is not considered normal but support us anyway. I know that I enjoy talking with people about our cuckold lifestyle when they try to understand and support our lifestyle and not attack it. I have not been in your situation so I can't say for sure but I think I would have wanted to be present with my wife even if I knew she was having a black baby. My wife has talked to me recently about wanting to have a black baby girl. Sadly, my wife is too old to have babies now. But I do see the joy in her face when we talk about it. A surrogate mom would be a good cover story. It is very easy to understand that your wife was already a hormonal mess so having a biracial baby when you have a white husband pushed over the edge and that she needed reassurance that you would keep your word. I am glad that in retrospect, that the nurse was trying to calm your visibly frayed nerves. I can see how you thought the nurse was fucking with you. I often tell other people that are considering starting into our cuckold lifestyle to think about it very seriously and to remember that the reality of a cuckold lifestyle can be much different than they imagine it to be. You went through an extreme experience and I think you handled it very well. I wish you, your wife and your baby a wonderful future.
Thank you for another honest exciting reply. I am happy for you that " Explaining our experiences is cathartic, and has helped me keep perspective on our situation". I think it does help to have a conversation with people that understand that we are in a lifestyle that is not considered normal but support us anyway. I know that I enjoy talking with people about our cuckold lifestyle when they try to understand and support our lifestyle and not attack it. I have not been in your situation so I can't say for sure but I think I would have wanted to be present with my wife even if I knew she was having a black baby. My wife has talked to me recently about wanting to have a black baby girl. Sadly, my wife is too old to have babies now. But I do see the joy in her face when we talk about it. A surrogate mom would be a good cover story. It is very easy to understand that your wife was already a hormonal mess so having a biracial baby when you have a white husband pushed over the edge and that she needed reassurance that you would keep your word. I am glad that in retrospect, that the nurse was trying to calm your visibly frayed nerves. I can see how you thought the nurse was fucking with you. I often tell other people that are considering starting into our cuckold lifestyle to think about it very seriously and to remember that the reality of a cuckold lifestyle can be much different than they imagine it to be. You went through an extreme experience and I think you handled it very well. I wish you, your wife and your baby a wonderful future.
I appreciate that. I also explain that sex can undermine agreements, relationships and marriages because what begins as mere passion may morph into an emotional connection. The latter is where the trap lay, and what I believe makes this lifestyle so addictive. You know it can happen, and at the same time you dread it and are excited by it happening. My wife and I had discussed, though briefly, what would happen if she became pregnant? This is when they were using condoms, and he was on the pill so the chances of her getting pregnant were practically nil. At that time it was easy for me to say "Of course I'd stand by, support and love you, and be a good ******* to any baby you had", or whatever it was I said (something close to that). Even when he stopped using condoms I thought it was still a near impossibility b/c my wife and I had sex for years with her on the pill, and she never even was late let alone pregnant. I knew she loved it bare, and since I was the one who talked her into the lifestyle I felt I'd be hypocritical to deny her what she wanted, or make her go behind my back. Again, it was easy to reassure her b/c I thought nothing would happen. Once she was pregnant, I had a choice to make to either keep or break my word, and I felt that keeping my word was more important than becoming angry and resentful.