Becoming a single mum for mixed babies

Would you raise a baby on your own?

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I've been thinking lately about interracial pregnancy. Many people in this website are swinger couples who love their black bulls, but not many of them would consider the possibility of having their bull's baby. The reasons are understandable, mainly the possibility of the kid growing up bullied because their parents are white, yet he/she is of mixed race, which could place an emotional burden on the baby, and that wouldn't necessarily be an easy talk to have with them.
Whilst I'm sure one day will come when society will be less judgemental about this, in the present we haven't yet achieved that level of normalisation.

However, that led me to think about single women who love black men. Whilst plenty of them probably just want to enjoy great sex lives, and some of them might not have any plans on getting married or having children at any point, I'm sure there are a few of them who would like to have children regardless. In fact, I think I can confidently say that there's a good likelihood that plenty of women who prefer black men have experienced, at least once, that their partner was so fine looking, so well built and the sex was so good that they considered, or at least fantasised of having that fine man's baby.
Certainly, there are still plenty of people out there who criticise single mums. However, views on this matter have been changing a lot for the better, and unlike a mixed baby being born from a white couple, a mixed baby born from a single woman wouldn't raise that many eyebrows. Of course, single parenthood isn't something that is financially viable for plenty of people, but, assuming you had the wish to have a baby, you knew the black man whose baby you would like to bear, and you had the resources to be able to deal with being a single mum, would you?
... and you thought all this out on your own, too!
If you think it so hot to have mixed race ******* (for whatever reason) why not find yourself a cute black lady and knock her up. Don't marry her ... just get her pregnant 'for the thrill of it all'.
You're right, however, a single woman having a baby isn't raising eyebrows these days. Just do your thing. Knowing what I know with ******* of my own, I wouldn't suggest any lady, unless financially stable, even consider it.

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The irony of single-motherhood, is that well educated white women who spent their 20s and early 30s striving for a career....are the ones who can afford to have a baby. But now they're pushing 35 -- and all the men they want, don't want them -- or are taken. So they are freezing their eggs and paying Mercedes prices for fertilization processes that have low success rates.

As BLM and Critical Race Theory continue to gain strong political support under Biden/Harris, IR culture is making inroads at higher levels. These women may be more inclined to mate with superior and virile Black men, to improve their chances to become mothers. Having a Black husband will be an enviable social marker of a successful white woman.
Considering the fact that children do much better in a two parent household consisting of a man and a woman, why would anyone make a decision to raise a baby as a single mom? You're making a decision to unduly burden your baby before they are even born and usually for selfish reasons.
Yeah, like preaching to the church choir, isn't it?
However I certainly understand there are a lot of "financially well off" ladies out there who don't want a permanent man in their lives. My mom use to jokingly tell my sister "If it has tires or testicles, its gonna cause you trouble eventually".
I understand what you're saying but my point is that children do far better when they have both a mom and a ******* at home taking care of them and raising them (providing they are not abusive, of course).

The breakdown of the traditional family unit is the chief cause of higher crime and incarceration rates among the new generations. It's very sad.
I understand what you're saying but my point is that children do far better when they have both a mom and a ******* at home taking care of them and raising them (providing they are not abusive, of course).

The breakdown of the traditional family unit is the chief cause of higher crime and incarceration rates among the new generations. It's very sad.
This trend is simply related to urbanization and living in apartments indoors.
I've been thinking lately about interracial pregnancy. Many people in this website are swinger couples who love their black bulls, but not many of them would consider the possibility of having their bull's baby. The reasons are understandable, mainly the possibility of the kid growing up bullied because their parents are white, yet he/she is of mixed race, which could place an emotional burden on the baby, and that wouldn't necessarily be an easy talk to have with them.
Whilst I'm sure one day will come when society will be less judgemental about this, in the present we haven't yet achieved that level of normalisation.

However, that led me to think about single women who love black men. Whilst plenty of them probably just want to enjoy great sex lives, and some of them might not have any plans on getting married or having children at any point, I'm sure there are a few of them who would like to have children regardless. In fact, I think I can confidently say that there's a good likelihood that plenty of women who prefer black men have experienced, at least once, that their partner was so fine looking, so well built and the sex was so good that they considered, or at least fantasised of having that fine man's baby.
Certainly, there are still plenty of people out there who criticise single mums. However, views on this matter have been changing a lot for the better, and unlike a mixed baby being born from a white couple, a mixed baby born from a single woman wouldn't raise that many eyebrows. Of course, single parenthood isn't something that is financially viable for plenty of people, but, assuming you had the wish to have a baby, you knew the black man whose baby you would like to bear, and you had the resources to be able to deal with being a single mum, would you?
As a single 40 years old white woman, I have certain thought about becoming a single mom. I have the financial resources to support myself and my baby. I definitely would do it. However, if I had a black baby born to a white woman like me and being single would raise a lot of eyebrows. I would need to think about my baby growing up and asking questions about why am I black and you white? I of course wouldn't know who the ******* would be. Also how much bullying would my kid encounter growing up. Would I do it than? I definitely would do it. I'm more than ready to be a mom and I am only getting older.
As a single 40 years old white woman, I have certain thought about becoming a single mom. I have the financial resources to support myself and my baby. I definitely would do it. However, if I had a black baby born to a white woman like me and being single would raise a lot of eyebrows. I would need to think about my baby growing up and asking questions about why am I black and you white? I of course wouldn't know who the ******* would be. Also how much bullying would my kid encounter growing up. Would I do it than? I definitely would do it. I'm more than ready to be a mom and I am only getting older.
Why would having a mix race baby "raise a lot of eyebrows", what does that even mean? This isn't America of the 18th or 19th century.
You won't be the first, and certainly not the last. A chunk of US athletes are mix race, infact its a trend now that most white pussies wanna be mommies to biracial ******* by black men like myself.
Why would having a mix race baby "raise a lot of eyebrows", what does that even mean? This isn't America of the 18th or 19th century.
You won't be the first, and certainly not the last. A chunk of US athletes are mix race, infact its a trend now that most white pussies wanna be mommies to biracial ******* by black men like myself.
Because it does. I brought this subject up and one lady told me that I must be a craving white whore for BBC.
As a single 40 years old white woman, I have certain thought about becoming a single mom. I have the financial resources to support myself and my baby. I definitely would do it. However, if I had a black baby born to a white woman like me and being single would raise a lot of eyebrows. I would need to think about my baby growing up and asking questions about why am I black and you white? I of course wouldn't know who the ******* would be. Also how much bullying would my kid encounter growing up. Would I do it than? I definitely would do it. I'm more than ready to be a mom and I am only getting older.
You should definitely be a mom. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world.
Why would having a mix race baby "raise a lot of eyebrows", what does that even mean? This isn't America of the 18th or 19th century.
You won't be the first, and certainly not the last. A chunk of US athletes are mix race, infact its a trend now that most white pussies wanna be mommies to biracial ******* by black men like myself.
Yes and even white hubbies want their white wives to fuck hung black men and many want their wives to get pregnant by black men. I think it's beautiful and this world needs that.
As a single 40 years old white woman, I have certain thought about becoming a single mom. I have the financial resources to support myself and my baby. I definitely would do it. However, if I had a black baby born to a white woman like me and being single would raise a lot of eyebrows. I would need to think about my baby growing up and asking questions about why am I black and you white? I of course wouldn't know who the ******* would be. Also how much bullying would my kid encounter growing up. Would I do it than? I definitely would do it. I'm more than ready to be a mom and I am only getting older.
seriously, who cares about what eyebrows it raises?