Adult ******* has found out about my lifestyle

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I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
So sorry to hear that. Sounds like this is definitely not what you planned on dealing with. Hang in there. Sending ❤️
First thank you all for the nice comments from my family here on B2W :lips:. Ok well her and I spent a lot of time together yesterday afternoon and had a very adult talk about my lifestyle and her *******'s. I told her that we are still very much in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. I'm not going to go into details but I pretty much said I have a high sex drive that her ******* can't satisfy and he's good with it and that I like being with black men. Of course there was a hell of a lot more in between and hours of talking. She left with an understanding that I enjoy what I do and she was fine with it :love:. The most important thing was she didn't tell anyone else, which I was very happy with. Were good

wow interesting and nice she understood, she showed some curiosity about the lifestyle?
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
Oh that’s awful news! Take care as it will take time to work through the shock to hope it’s easier soon x
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(

It's a difficult time. But just as they are entitled to their own lives we as parents are entitled to ours.

Our ******* are 21 and 18, with the youngest in the process of getting ready to leave for university and although we don't discuss this we have started being more open with what we do.

It's not something ever discussed in front of them and we wouldn't do anything directly in front of them but it's our life and we need to live it.

Give her time and I'm sure she will appreciate you are entitled to your own fulfillment.

Edited to add I see she has been supportive now. That's great news and maybe will help her understand things if she has issues with her libido.
First thank you all for the nice comments from my family here on B2W :lips:. Ok well her and I spent a lot of time together yesterday afternoon and had a very adult talk about my lifestyle and her *******'s. I told her that we are still very much in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. I'm not going to go into details but I pretty much said I have a high sex drive that her ******* can't satisfy and he's good with it and that I like being with black men. Of course there was a hell of a lot more in between and hours of talking. She left with an understanding that I enjoy what I do and she was fine with it :love:. The most important thing was she didn't tell anyone else, which I was very happy with. Were good

Beenblacked, that’s a tough situation but tone will heal wounds. The number 1 thing that will help your ******* is the fact that it was a mutual decision between you and her dad. That helps. The idea that you are doing this together will help her through this.
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
That really does suck but at this point your still the mom and old enough to make your choices all that being said hope it works out for the best
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
I genuinely feel for you and you have my best wishes.....hope everything finds a way of working our best wishes and hugs xxx
First thank you all for the nice comments from my family here on B2W :lips:. Ok well her and I spent a lot of time together yesterday afternoon and had a very adult talk about my lifestyle and her *******'s. I told her that we are still very much in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. I'm not going to go into details but I pretty much said I have a high sex drive that her ******* can't satisfy and he's good with it and that I like being with black men. Of course there was a hell of a lot more in between and hours of talking. She left with an understanding that I enjoy what I do and she was fine with it :love:. The most important thing was she didn't tell anyone else, which I was very happy with. Were good
Glad to hear all is well. It's hard for ******* to process that their parents are adults with sexual needs and desires. That we do have sex. It is nice to hear that she understands that happiness comes in many different forms and hopefully she understands most important of all, you and the hubby are happy.
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
Oh damn, babygirl! While I'm sure she was surprised and quite upset, at the end of the day, you're still mom and *******. She will get thru this episode. It's not as though she walked in and your ass was in the air, taking dick😁
I left my computer on and on this website last week. My adult ******* came over to use it and seen everything and was shocked and upset. So I've been dealing with that and haven't been on here. Trying to explain hasn't went well and has got me in a pretty down mood :(
I am sorry that this has happened. `just know that there are pose out here that understand your situation and support you.
I was happy to read that you guys had a long talk and that your ******* accepts your lifestyle and realizes that your relationship with your hubby is not in jeopardy. In a way, just be thankful that she was the one that saw your stuff and not somebody else. And perhaps she learned some things about herself. Best Wishes to a happy, fulfilled future in all aspects of your life.
Although we have not been in this situation mostly due to the the area we live in is very conservative and we would be ostracised by friends and family as much as we would like to be open about our lifestyle which we are not ashamed of.
Maybe you should explain to your ******* the pleasures the lifestyle gives you and maybe she will understand the reasons that going black works so well for you .
You never know she might want to sample bbc herself.
First thank you all for the nice comments from my family here on B2W :lips:. Ok well her and I spent a lot of time together yesterday afternoon and had a very adult talk about my lifestyle and her *******'s. I told her that we are still very much in love with each other and nothing was going to change that. I'm not going to go into details but I pretty much said I have a high sex drive that her ******* can't satisfy and he's good with it and that I like being with black men. Of course there was a hell of a lot more in between and hours of talking. She left with an understanding that I enjoy what I do and she was fine with it :love:. The most important thing was she didn't tell anyone else, which I was very happy with. Were good
Glad to hear you and her worked it out. This community since I found it has been great and some of you guys like yourself actually is what has begun helping me open up, I've always been comfortable in my skin since I was a young but this site has helped me get more comfortable with people around me in life. Still a work in progress I've always had to hide my alpha/bull self, but the people that have gotten in my circle has really reaped the discreet benefits. Because of my life and profession I still have to sort of be an even ******* boring guy in my small community. Also with still having teenagers I can't wait until they are adults to have the conversation you had with your *******. I worry more about them currently as teenagers in the community and getting some stigma.
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