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  1. Angelyn

    Read this and get enraged: Slave owner, trader’s descendant proud of him

    I'm just going to throw this in for discussion's sake: The article linked below is to someone descended from a slaveowner and slave trader. She's proud of her great-grandfather who "was renowned for his business prowess, outstanding boldness, strong leadership, vast influence, immense...
  2. Angelyn

    Democrats and their Wakandan Chess Set Performance

    It's a week since Pelosi and her gang of rich white property owners made a big show of kneeling in kente cloth. I still can't get that image out of my mind. Because it's so contrived. It's like a Hillary Clinton speech. Someone online compared them to a Wakandan chess set. Someone else pointed...
  3. Angelyn

    I support JK Rowling and her stance on Gender issues!

    This article set me off. I can’t stand it anymore. It’s amazing how JKRowling, whose compassion for the women and the disadvantaged is well known, is now being roasted by the woke left for having her reservations...
  4. Angelyn

    PRC Propaganda claims USA has 100x the death rate of China from Covid! Would you believe this? Time Magazine is a notorious Chinese propaganda arm. The authors are from Duke and UCSF, which have so many Chinese grad students that their vending machines serve Hunan noodles. The article claims USA...
  5. Angelyn

    Musings on a famous scene from the Pink Panther movie

    I'm referring to Fran Jeffries' performance of Meglio Stasera, from the 1963 movie Pink Panther. Since I have more time recently and don't have a man in the house to talk to. I have a very ambivalent reaction to this memorable scene. When I was younger I immediately got turned off because they...
  6. Angelyn

    My Personal Review of The Hunt (it’s political!)

    I watched The Hunt. It’s really a misunderstood movie. About misunderstanding and miscommunication across the political spectrum. I would recommend everybody quarreling and ranting on this forum, especially this section, watch The Hunt too. This was way more gory than what I normally watch...
  7. Angelyn

    Who believes that biological males should be allowed to use women's bathrooms?

    This is a huge bugbear for me. I just can't stand it. I have no problems having sex with women and men at the same time. I like it. I have no problems working with or even being in fairly close contact with lesbians and gays. Such as sharing a tent when we go camping. But I am just not...
  8. Angelyn

    The worst possible scenario (for a non-Republican) is starting to look likely

    The impeachment fiasco, followed by the Iowa fiasco, is looking very, very ugly for ordinary voters like me who aren't on either party's side. In my previous posts, I have articulated my general dislike of Democrats and their party. But I also do not consider the Republicans a party that...
  9. Angelyn

    Angelyn's The Lust Mile (a fantasy story)

    Just let me dream on... A sleazy sex shop in the middle of a bad place. What is a bad place? I would call it a bad place for women to be. It’s screaming with unbridled testesterone. Any woman who walks into that female-unfriendly place is running the risk of being grabbed and ****** into...
  10. Angelyn

    Third Party Voters Hold the Key

    I'm reading TIME online, and they say pro-impeachment Americans outnumber anti-impeachment Americans by about 5% on average. But it's like 48% to 43%. This seems to be an entire pattern around our present political circumstances. No matter how you slice it, Trump is liked by a LOT of...
  11. Angelyn

    Murderer sues Victim's Family for $100m for malicious prosecution This is one of these 'are you kidding me' moments. Because I was reading this quickly, I did a double take along the way and actually had to reread a name I'd read that...
  12. Angelyn

    Mexico is really a s-hole. What to do?

    We have a huge problem south of our border. The question is, what can/ should we do about it. First off, don’t bring up race here. The country being a s-hole doesn’t mean that everybody, or even the majority, of Mexicans are garbage people and rapists. As a teacher I’ve met plenty of decent...
  13. Angelyn

    Why I don’t vote for Donkeys

    It’s funny how I didn’t mean to post this here originally. But since I don’t want to post my views on a forum where my identity is actually known... Just so ironic. To go to a sex site to talk politics. This reminds me of my failed meetups with men. Instead of having good sex, I wind up talking...
  14. Angelyn

    Post your own funny #WaPoDeathNotices

    Got insipired when WaPo tried to make ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sound like a nice guy. This is the moment to do creative writing, folks!
  15. Angelyn

    Pocahontas Posts Purile Prevaricating Pronouncement

    Elizabeth Warren has started fake ads on Facebook because she wants to ‘test’ or ‘challenge’ them about Donald Trump’s ads. I find that so childish. It’s just like liberals to behave in this manner. I’m so sick of them. If someone is conservative, they won’t believe what a liberal says...
  16. Angelyn

    Bodily Functions Great article and it totally grabbed me by the... One of my commonest rants and grouses is the lack of facilities for women everywhere. I want female urinals! Female urinals! Cubicles with partitions nearly all the way to the...
  17. Angelyn

    Are guys really so big about breasts? My bikini contest (watching) experience.

    (I meant to put a poll in here, but somehow can't find the options. Helpful advice appreciated. My questions will be about what men like to look at when given the opportunity) I watched a Bikini contest recently on youtube. These were all white girls, so they didn’t have any bubble butts...
  18. Angelyn

    Is modern interracial porn (after around 2010) too bright?

    I have fantasized about being a pornstar for a day. But it won’t work in real life One thing I like about Japanese scenes and porn made in the 1990s and 2000s is that they are often not too bright. Nowadays and legalporno make disgustingly bright scenes that women can’t enjoy. I’m...
  19. Angelyn

    Changes in a woman's sexual needs as she gets older

    Hi folks I have wanted to write this article for a long time. Finally I psyched myself into writing it. I am hoping to stimulate some discussion. I have no objection to the moderators moving this article to any thread where they deem more appropriate. OK I’ll get to the point. It’s a point I...
  20. Angelyn

    What women need from porn... something to masturbate to...

    This weekend I was looking through my collection of pictures for something to masturbate to, and I found these two pictures. And I just felt the need to comment on them. Porn can be much more women friendly, without being any less hardcore and gritty. Women will masturbate to nearly the same...