Your First Black

One of my sales accounts was a black family who lived in the suburbs near us. One day I was visiting trying to sell some cosmetics. The ******* in this family was a young man, about 23, who had been hitting on me for months. He came on strongly on this particular day and I told him where my husband and I would be that night. When I told my husband we agreed that if things went well we would play with him. Well things went well and the rest is history.....
After several years of swinging and sharing Elaine we decided to expand our adventures and go over to the dark side. I had deliberately picked out porn with black guys and white women. I asked Elaine if she ever wanted to try and find a black guy. At first she was reluctant, but eventually consented to see if we could have fun with a black guy. The hard part is always going from fantasy to reality. When we first started sharing Elaine agreed to fuck someone only if it was a person she did not know and did not live in our city. We soon developed friends with benefits and if we really liked them they got to sample Elaine's pussy more than once. I trusted her judgement of men and she would pretty much do a guy if I asked her. We were in a routine we were both comfortable with, but bringing up the subject of Elaine and a black guy was kind of like starting over.

I had played and coached college basketball and was still in touch with several black friends. I asked Elaine if she wanted to try one of them. She kind of reverted back to the beginning of our swinging and decided it would be better if it was someone I knew and trusted. She knew some of the guys but only from casual meetings. I made some phone calls trying to locate my old buddies. Most had moved away. One guy lived about 3 hours aways. He had met Elaine earlier and I thought he found her attractive. He was quite a ladies man when he was a student, but then again most 18 -22 year old are. He was probably in his late 30s. I asked him if he would like to visit us and and screw my wife. He started laughing and said he would love to, but wanted to know what the situation was that would let him fuck my wife. At first he thought we were divorced. I told him about our past wife sharing experiences assuring him I was cool with everything. He said due to his job he could only travel on a weekend and I said I would get back to him after talking to Elaine.

That evening I told Elaine I had heard from Nate. I thought she remembered him and she did. She asked me what I said to him. Despite having been in the lifestyle for years it always amazed me when she would suddenly turn shy and reserved. I told her I simply asked him if he would like to fuck my wife. She laughed and said why was I so blunt. I said if a man had to drive 3 hours he should know what is was going to get. She just smiled and said I should try to set it up for the next weekend. We decided on the following Saturday we would go to a very upscale hotel. Nate was not sure when he could get away so we were going to just make a day and night of having fun. We would call and tell him our room number and he would leave a message when he left and when he thought he would arrive.