Wives You'd Never Suspect

Does Your Wife Look like she's a "Hot Wife"

  • Not at all

    Votes: 1,599 25.5%
  • Yes she does

    Votes: 2,559 40.8%
  • No, but she could if she dressed for it

    Votes: 2,115 33.7%

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Well,,,apparently my assessment on your demeanor was right on,,,not looking to offend anyone, but although an upbringing in Chicago is grounds for taking one seriously when it come to “making it” in real life,,,it doesn’t impress someone born on the lower east side of New York and raised in Brooklyn. As for my hubs degree, its required to be eligible to become an architect, to be a licensed architect merely needs the passing of a forty hour test,,,coincidently, my husband was in charge of the entire HVAC system in the new Sentinel Star building when it was taking over by the Chicago Sun Times, that’s when they changed the name to the Orlando Sentinel,,,the new building was designed by an architectural firm out of Chicago. The same firm that requested my husband REDESIGN 30% of the HVAC system they approved, since there was no way it would work using their designs. Keep in mind, my husband’s actual experience in the field is where the “street smarts” came into play, which translates to knowing all the codes and tolerances of the material that was being used, I did kinda gloss over the fact that the architectural firm that originally designed the build were licensed architects. My husbands degree is just that, not a certificate, he was offered a job by a license firm, even if he never got a degree all he needed to do was work for a licensed firm for 12 years, then he would’ve been eligible to take the test. One other thing, I’m not a genius, but I was amazed when I discovered the average IQ of an American was in the high two digits,,,eligibility into Mensa used to be a minimum IQ of 150, for some reason it’s recently been reduced to 140 (sign of the times I guess), mine happens to be 136. As for my analogy of my hub being able to make a woman cum all day, is an exact representation of the differences of book smarts versus street smarts, the latter being the actual practice of making a woman cum, as opposed to reading about it in a book. While there’s no doubt that some doctors are more than capable of making a woman cum, the seven years it takes to actually be able to call yourself a doctor, again, when it comes to pleasing a woman, I’ll take the porn star over the doctor anytime,,,

P.S. This is the part where I suggest we agree to disagree, you go your way and I’ll go mine,,,I’m even willing to let you go first and I’ll just take a different direction,,,any direction,,,wait, I take that back, forget I mentioned direction, I wouldn’t want you to assume I’m giving you a stamp of approval to start directing videos. Damn,,,I must've really hit a nerve, I have to admit I half expected I did, not too many people take a stand against practical application over “book learning”,,,in fact in most situations, the first thing told to a green employee is to “forget everything you learned in school,,,this is the real world”, whether it’s a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman, or a soldier,,,everybody has a plan till the first shot is fired,,,then you swing over and look to the guy with experience! Keep in mind, this whole thing started over a woman (trying to rewrite history to set her apart from the rest of us sluts), who wanted to avoid blame for her actions, using the very same claim that I described, that she was essentially f0rced. Let’s remember,,,in this day and age, the entire world can flip with just a seven minute clip,,,considering the sixth organized crime family in this country is operating out of the Whitehouse,,,and we’ve seen hundreds of seven minute clips of that fiasco, and an entire country is watching it, yet we either see what we want to see, or what‘s promoted,,,either way I can’t ignore a face that screams “get me outta here“ as opposed to one that clearly says “give me that dick”,,,oh wow, I almost forgot I was on a porn site,,,LOL
Yes, this is a porn site, so I'll be brief.
People who dismiss education most likely don't have one and still can't figure out why white collar positions pay more than most, not all, blue collar positions.
Calling the Bidens, especially Joe, a crime family is a fucking stretch. Hunter fucked up but, it seems the reason the Republican can't find the 20 or 30 million they supposedly got from Russia and China is because those checks went straight to MarALargo. There is not another single family, aside from the Waltons, with a bigger financial connection and debt to Russia and China than the Trumps. Your street sense seven minute clips aren't informing you. I suggest you pay attention to current affairs. The hell with Russia, on China alone from the former disgraced President's secret Chinese checking account to him paying more taxes there than here, to his ******* being granted a dozen patents while the Chinese President was visiting President Daddy, oh ******* and let's not forget that after DT won, the Chinese government rents out a whole floor of over priced apartments in Trump Tower until the day he lost. When you come back with equal evidence of stumbling Joe selling us and benefiting like that, let us know.

It takes eight, not seven years to be titled Doctor as in MD.

There are other ways to become a MENSA member than an IQ test like SAT scores. I've been a member since I was 17.

So, if your husband would have went to school and got his BS and MS in the normal 5-6 years, he would have had to work 12 years for a firm before taking the boards and being hired as an architect. Those 12 years would have been spent honing up on his craft, building a reputation and successful body of work.

And finally, I'm from Chicago, fuck New York.
Well.... That escalated quickly. :oops:

2000s it wasnt me GIF
Yes, this is a porn site, so I'll be brief.
People who dismiss education most likely don't have one and still can't figure out why white collar positions pay more than most, not all, blue collar positions.
Calling the Bidens, especially Joe, a crime family is a fucking stretch. Hunter fucked up but, it seems the reason the Republican can't find the 20 or 30 million they supposedly got from Russia and China is because those checks went straight to MarALargo. There is not another single family, aside from the Waltons, with a bigger financial connection and debt to Russia and China than the Trumps. Your street sense seven minute clips aren't informing you. I suggest you pay attention to current affairs. The hell with Russia, on China alone from the former disgraced President's secret Chinese checking account to him paying more taxes there than here, to his ******* being granted a dozen patents while the Chinese President was visiting President Daddy, oh ******* and let's not forget that after DT won, the Chinese government rents out a whole floor of over priced apartments in Trump Tower until the day he lost. When you come back with equal evidence of stumbling Joe selling us and benefiting like that, let us know.

It takes eight, not seven years to be titled Doctor as in MD.

There are other ways to become a MENSA member than an IQ test like SAT scores. I've been a member since I was 17.

So, if your husband would have went to school and got his BS and MS in the normal 5-6 years, he would have had to work 12 years for a firm before taking the boards and being hired as an architect. Those 12 years would have been spent honing up on his craft, building a reputation and successful body of work.

And finally, I'm from Chicago, fuck New York.
Most educated people understand the phrase “agree to disagree” signifies the end of the discussion!
And finally, Chicago is native for “place that smells bad”,,,
Okay, now this one does it for me, all except for the condom. Haha! Get rid of it! Let's delete it in post! And edit out the external cum climax. I hate "money shots." Internal ejaculation only.

Of course, the "vanilla world" family photos are the defining element. These items make her real beyond the fantasy, providing the essential contrast and dimension. The surrounding still-frames lay a more identifying foundation of this beautiful white woman as a happily-married m0ther (The d@ughter is the spitting image of her M0m!). Instead of just some "sexual object," we get to see her decent public side, her innocent side, and that makes the sexual freak in her even more exciting. I also like how vocal she is during sex, showing how much she enjoys being nasty, fucking and getting fucked outside of her marriage. With her pretty smile and twinkling eyes, that slender figure, and with such a tiny, tight white ass, this is exactly the kind of white wife I crave for sharing. She looks like the ideal example of why married pussy is the best pussy.
Thanks, @johnnyperr!
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Yeah, but you're the one who said 'fuck New York.' Please don't disrespect my old home town. The Big Apple has survived a great deal, and it's still considered the greatest city in the world.
I'm making friends all over.
I'm not changing my opinion on New York. Period.
It was great, in the 18th and 19th Century.