Wives You Would Never Expect.

Yes, it was the battle flag of the Confederacy. The folks who fought to keep Black people enslaved. It is NOT okay to display it.
Sorry pal,,,it’s either freedom of speech or it isn’t freedom at all, the Supreme Court said you could go as far as spitting, pissing, $hitting and burning the Stars and Stripes (I didn’t like that, but I lived with it because freedom was more important than my feelings),,,I was around when the Neo Nazis marched through Skokie Illinois flying the Swastika flag,,,where were you then? People were lined up on both sides of the street, on either side of the Neo Nazis were cops protecting them, nobody like it that was wearing a Nazi uniform, but freedom of speech not only applies to everyone, but even more so to those that have something to say that no one likes. These days the term ignorant comes off as an insult, but in reality it simply means you’re uninformed, you Sir, don’t know what you’re talking about!