Wife has STI

Most adults have herpies. It's so common that I don't they even test for it on a normal basis. Some have no idea they have, as they never have symptoms. My husband gets herpies blisters on his butt! They come on in the summer because of sun exposure. A lot of people have cold sores, same virus. Most of the people you have already had sex with have. There is no cure that I'm aware of, but an inexpensive pill will take away the symptoms. The bottom line is like everything there is risk. If this really freaks you out then maybe you should consider a different lifestyle?
Most adults have herpies. It's so common that I don't they even test for it on a normal basis. Some have no idea they have, as they never have symptoms. My husband gets herpies blisters on his butt! They come on in the summer because of sun exposure. A lot of people have cold sores, same virus. Most of the people you have already had sex with have. There is no cure that I'm aware of, but an inexpensive pill will take away the symptoms. The bottom line is like everything there is risk. If this really freaks you out then maybe you should consider a different lifestyle?
Thanks for such a detailed write-up. I have made a tryst with the Herpes part of my life and she is a very lovely person. This part of cuckolding is always proposed by me and she is of argument that she doesn't want to give it to someone. And she is of opinion that she needs to have that disclosure with the person other than me with whom she wants to have sex. So I am asking about taboo surrounding the Herpes? her last relationship broke because of that and that too just on text.
Wow, that's funny. I thought it was kind of an oddball question too at first, but apparently it wasn't. It looks like the answer to your question is that most bulls are willing to take the risk as long as you don't tell them. :unsure:

@VegascplXXX already did a good summary, but to add some numbers to put things in perspective:

  • For people who've had sex with more than 10 partners: 37.1% of women and 19.1% of men have HSV-2 ("genital herpes")
  • 29% of African American men have HSV-2
  • Roughly 1 in 3 American women in their 40s have HSV-2
  • Roughly 50% of new genital herpes infections are now cause by HSV-1 ("oral herpes"/cold sores)

If you're in this lifestyle and think you're not regularly having sex with people with herpes, that's because no one tests for it:

"Most infected persons may be unaware of their infection; in the United States, an estimated 87.4% of 14 to 49 year olds infected with HSV-2 have never received a clinical diagnosis."

And of the ~12% who do get a diagnosis, many (most?) don't bother disclosing to casual partners with the rationalization that most people who have casual sex realize they're regularly being exposed to it and likely to get it eventually.

Sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis and the fact that she's struggling with it. Fortunately or unfortunately, the stigma is far worse than the actual infection.

Good on her for disclosing and for taking antivirals. Unfortunately she'll probably get a lot of negative reactions from uninformed people based on some of the responses here (often from people who have it already but don't know ironically). Some people may eventually come around after reading more about it and realizing that the only way to avoid being exposed (if they haven't contracted it already) is to stop having sex.