Why I don’t vote for Donkeys

NYT has carried an article about how smug and unpleasant the Asses are, and how they turn off others to vote for Trump instead. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/08/opinion/warren-biden-trump.html?

I seriously think that it's not just Trump being his worst enemy. The Never Trumpers are also their own worst enemy. When they lost the last election and got violent for days, they lost me. They were the worst losers I had ever seen in any US election in my life.

Someone compared me to a Hitler voter for going third party. I vote for a Russian Jew and a Black activist, and that makes me a Nazi?
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NYT has carried an article about how smug and unpleasant the Asses are, and how they turn off others to vote for Trump instead. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/08/opinion/warren-biden-trump.html?

I seriously think that it's not just Trump being his worst enemy. The Never Trumpers are also their own worst enemy. When they lost the last election and got violent for days, they lost me. They were the worst losers I had ever seen in any US election in my life.

Someone compared me to a Hitler voter for going third party. I vote for a Russian Jew and a Black activist, and that makes me a Nazi?

someone completely void of facts....suseptical to mind washing......
Obama just made a speech warning democrats not to go too far to the left. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50445743

Link is to the BBC as I didn’t see it in the NYT.

In many ways I find that Democrats are simply unelectable.

If you’re a Republican and taking your instructions from your holy book or from tradition established in the past 200 years (which means white male supremacy), I can still understand where you are coming from. Even if I loathe it. But I can’t understand Democrats (or the political left in most developed countries) at all.

This article quotes Obama as urging Democrats to pay attention to real voters’ views, eg on immigration. He urges them not to ‘tear down the system’ and says that the country is ‘less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement’.

Obama is quite right. Why are the political left so keen on doing everything they can to change the character of our country? It’s not hell.

There are a lot of real s-hole countries in the world that produce nothing but refugees and civil war.

We do want a president better than Trump. But the Democrats must be mad if they think that I want to empower far left people like Mao’s Red Guards.

Trump may be every bit as bad as the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II. But remember, the political left that seized control from the right wing ancien regime, only led the Russians to more suffering such as Stalin’s purges and the Holodomor.

I can’t possibly vote Republican and support Trump. But I’m from a Blue State, so I don’t have a hard choice. I can go third party or sit on my hands, and the Democrats will still win. I daresay a lot of people in Purple States are scared that if they vote against Trump (Nicholas II), they might end up with something worse (extreme left Bolsheviks). Warren being so far left and showing no signs of self-reflection, I can’t say this is not true.
Obama just made a speech warning democrats not to go too far to the left. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50445743

Link is to the BBC as I didn’t see it in the NYT.

In many ways I find that Democrats are simply unelectable.

If you’re a Republican and taking your instructions from your holy book or from tradition established in the past 200 years (which means white male supremacy), I can still understand where you are coming from. Even if I loathe it. But I can’t understand Democrats (or the political left in most developed countries) at all.

This article quotes Obama as urging Democrats to pay attention to real voters’ views, eg on immigration. He urges them not to ‘tear down the system’ and says that the country is ‘less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement’.

Obama is quite right. Why are the political left so keen on doing everything they can to change the character of our country? It’s not hell.

There are a lot of real s-hole countries in the world that produce nothing but refugees and civil war.

We do want a president better than Trump. But the Democrats must be mad if they think that I want to empower far left people like Mao’s Red Guards.

Trump may be every bit as bad as the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II. But remember, the political left that seized control from the right wing ancien regime, only led the Russians to more suffering such as Stalin’s purges and the Holodomor.

I can’t possibly vote Republican and support Trump. But I’m from a Blue State, so I don’t have a hard choice. I can go third party or sit on my hands, and the Democrats will still win. I daresay a lot of people in Purple States are scared that if they vote against Trump (Nicholas II), they might end up with something worse (extreme left Bolsheviks). Warren being so far left and showing no signs of self-reflection, I can’t say this is not true.

I really don't think Warren will get there...….she is promising everything to everyone....and can't go into detail...against the rich...not bad but some of those on both sides...….think everyone knows to win you have to go with Biden....although the gay mayor and the gal from Minn are both on the same track as Biden and maybe just as good....but they don't have that Biden name.....Biden will pull in the independants
Have been noticing that Warren has been maintaining a lead as the democrats' favorite.
Putting her in the lead sinks my heart. Trump is gonna win a second term.

isn't that what you want?
been saying it on several threads and several times now....thread title speaks for it's self

maybe you should change the title from why I don't vote for donkeys....to....why I am a trump cult member but don't want anyone to know

I agreed with this article.

The correct way to oppose a professor who is deeply prejudiced is to make that information available to others. Not to shut him up. Cancel culture is tremendously destructive because it tries to shut people up and make them vanish, without addressing the allegedly unacceptable behavior.

Many things that we nowadays find bigoted, would not be considered bigoted just a few decades ago. I have personally known many professors who are ivory tower type curmudgeons, dissociated from the real world, far behind the times, who are nonetheless pretty decent, honorable folks on their own who mean no real harm despite expressing some pretty obnoxious views.

Article ends with a very nice quote that I subscribe to myself:
"""" “The First Amendment is strong medicine,” the provost said in her statement, “and works both ways.” """
Boris Johnson has thoroughly beaten the Labour Party in the UK.

That should be a warning to the Democrats also. Don't move far left in response to provocation. Stay moderate, and make sure you have the center with you.

The far left (eg Bolsheviks, Marxists, Maoists, Khmer Rouge, Ethiopian Derg, Shining Path) has no better a record of governance than the far right (bring up the usual Hitler-Mussolini-Franco triad).
Boris Johnson has thoroughly beaten the Labour Party in the UK.

That should be a warning to the Democrats also. Don't move far left in response to provocation. Stay moderate, and make sure you have the center with you.

The far left (eg Bolsheviks, Marxists, Maoists, Khmer Rouge, Ethiopian Derg, Shining Path) has no better a record of governance than the far right (bring up the usual Hitler-Mussolini-Franco triad).

warning my ass.....it was all about Brexit...being on their own....which could be a big mistake......has nothing to do with USA gop or Dems

just for you trumptards

Republicans Prove their Inability to Govern – the truth ...
Mar 27, 2017 · Republicans Prove their Inability to Govern. With the interjection of the TEA Party in 2010 the situation worsened. The GOP moved from a party of ideas, known for protecting individual rights and smaller government, to an organization seeking to control the daily lives of Americans. They supported big business, and passed legislation allowing them a greater …

GOP Unable to Govern – The Moderate Voice
Jul 31, 2014 · GOP Unable to Govern In a replay of similar fiascoes over other issues, the House GOP again showed its inability to govern (e.g propose and …

How the GOP Refuses to Govern - Republican Obstructionism
And the GOP is clearly willing to do virtually anything that it takes, regardless of what that means to America, to ensure that the wealth transfer continues to happen. I have seen absolutely nothing being proposed by the GOP over the past 30 years that can in any way be construed to be working for the betterment of our country.
Boris Johnson has thoroughly beaten the Labour Party in the UK.

That should be a warning to the Democrats also. Don't move far left in response to provocation. Stay moderate, and make sure you have the center with you.

The far left (eg Bolsheviks, Marxists, Maoists, Khmer Rouge, Ethiopian Derg, Shining Path) has no better a record of governance than the far right (bring up the usual Hitler-Mussolini-Franco triad).

this should be a lessen to republicans......

Italy’s New ‘Sardines’ Movement Packs Piazzas to Protest Far-Right Leader

A liberal, grass-roots movement aims to support civility, equality and a candidate to undercut Matteo Salvini’s anti-migrant rhetoric.

Boris Johnson has thoroughly beaten the Labour Party in the UK.

That should be a warning to the Democrats also. Don't move far left in response to provocation. Stay moderate, and make sure you have the center with you.

The far left (eg Bolsheviks, Marxists, Maoists, Khmer Rouge, Ethiopian Derg, Shining Path) has no better a record of governance than the far right (bring up the usual Hitler-Mussolini-Franco triad).

if Johnson was so far right why did he tell Trump to keep his nose out!

Boris Johnson To Trump: Stay Out Of Our Elections
Nov 29, 2019 · Boris Johnson To Trump: Stay Out Of Our Elections British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson (L) and US President Donald Trump greet before a meeting on United Nations Reform at UN headquarters in ...

like I said it was all about brexit

now if we just had a president that had balls enough to tell Russia the same thing....and let the voice of the people be heard.....but he knows without Russian help he doesn't stand a chance
Not one documented vote was changed by Russia - only in your head and other rabid Dems to try to delegitimize our President and all 63 million who voted for him.
Not one documented vote was changed by Russia - only in your head and other rabid Dems to try to delegitimize our President and all 63 million who voted for him.

Are you even responding to my post? I was warning the Dem Asses not to go too far left and to be moderate.

The way things are nowadays, even asking a Dem Ass to be moderate and not piss off the political center is practically begging to be labelled Russian Troll and Nazi.

I certainly think Trump is a legit president who has broad geographical support, unlike Hillary. Even though I won't vote for him.
Are you even responding to my post? I was warning the Dem Asses not to go too far left and to be moderate.

The way things are nowadays, even asking a Dem Ass to be moderate and not piss off the political center is practically begging to be labelled Russian Troll and Nazi.

I certainly think Trump is a legit president who has broad geographical support, unlike Hillary. Even though I won't vote for him.

sure.....you expect us to buy that.....your party is known for it's lies.....and has the biggest of the bunch in there now....what is it...follow the leader...so you try to echo that?......you keep throwing jabs at the left....while promoting trump....
we are not trumptards….we can spot bullshit when it shows
Are you even responding to my post? I was warning the Dem Asses not to go too far left and to be moderate.

The way things are nowadays, even asking a Dem Ass to be moderate and not piss off the political center is practically begging to be labelled Russian Troll and Nazi.

I certainly think Trump is a legit president who has broad geographical support, unlike Hillary. Even though I won't vote for him.
All that coming from someone who WON'T vote for Trump. WOW. Maybe if @subhub174014 rubs you the wrong way before November 2020 you might cast a vote for Trump just to spite him @Angelyn as well as those "Dem Ass"es 👏 ?
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All that coming from someone who WON'T vote for Trump. WOW. Maybe if @subhub174014 rubs you the wrong way before November 2020 you might cast a vote for Trump just to spite him @Angelyn as well as those "Dem Asses" 👏 ?

I fell for the avatar also until I started putting the comments together......
says she is a teacher.....remembers the end of Viet Nam...and the Jim Jones thing...that would put her in her 50's at least...…...now says she lives outside the US.....keeps trashing the Dems while praising trump.....ashamed to admit it?..........and says she is 3rd party....is she a citizen or not?...talks about the uk elections and them being an indicator for the US...……...I would not be surprised if "she" had a dick!......like the Indians used to say...."she speaks with forked tongue".....guess we will soon see another thread....everytime there are posts she doesn't like she creates a new thread

I know there are others on here that think she is a he...….like with the others,,,,,I don't give a *******....just be honest about it...…...people who lie a lot never can keep their stories straight......and there is an over abundance of phoneys on this site as a whole.....again not saying she /he is anything....other than stating one thing.....next thread a different position
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