WHY do some of yall women deal with out of shape Black men

yeah this was addressed pages back, but everyone decided to read part instead of reading thru the whole book. @BigPapa had this convo on here and we said the same thing. People got in their feelings. https://www.blacktowhite.net/thread...shape-black-men-verified-only-answers.200486/ go head and see the difference of quality of answers. This post alone shows why verified people shoudlnt bother with "Gen Pop" the quality sucks over here. It took several people to reread everything said here for them to say to me "wow people butthurt over their own issues"
Word! Cooh. Just my 2 cents. Didn’t care to read through the whole list of replies. Sorry if my response wasn’t in the right place but just saying what it really is.
I know the answer already, Im curious to know why some of yall do.......And Im not talking to the average and below average looking women on the site, Im taking to all the Ladies who are 8's and better.........
You are only considering one aspect of what attracts me to black men - their physical makeup. But, as others have posted, I would rather be with a black man who might not be body-perfect, but who treats me with consideration and respect (I know that goes against the idea of controlling and owning, but so be it) and allows our feelings for one another to develop along with our physical relationship. I have encountered too many self-imagined studs who think of me and white women in general as notches to show their conquests. I don't need that kind of attitude to have to deal with.
Not sure I agree with you on couples having the "upper hand" so say, it's more mutual un my "opinion " but ok. I was saying you stated "facts" in your last statement about couples getting verified, using the kik camera and fakes looking for dick pics. I do not believe cpls have the upper hand nose does the bull. Each have rules that need to be played by.
nah im with you.

upperhand in terms of this site. Majority guys here take the "bait" and get butt afterwards.
You are only considering one aspect of what attracts me to black men - their physical makeup. But, as others have posted, I would rather be with a black man who might not be body-perfect, but who treats me with consideration and respect (I know that goes against the idea of controlling and owning, but so be it) and allows our feelings for one another to develop along with our physical relationship. I have encountered too many self-imagined studs who think of me and white women in general as notches to show their conquests. I don't need that kind of attitude to have to deal with.
get verified and answer here https://www.blacktowhite.net/thread...shape-black-men-verified-only-answers.200486/

The quality of answers were better in the "verified" side of this post.
and it doent seem like a type of question a mature man would answer when it says "Im talking to the ladies who are 8 and better" 🤷🏽‍♂️. since your verified, maturely go view what was said here https://www.blacktowhite.net/thread...shape-black-men-verified-only-answers.200486/
Youll notice women answered the questions, men didnt say much but flirt with the women. Go put your same answer here on the verified section.
Matter of fact a few people who answered here went over their and post a comment that was "not in their feelings"
I'm sorry friend but your whole demeanor just says you need to grow up a little more.
I'm sorry friend but your whole demeanor just says you need to grow up a little more.
Nah no growing up needed. I asked a question with no emotion, men like you and a few others got emotional. I never asked for a mans input but some men choose to make me wanna give two fucks about them. Also a few of these men that tried to make me care about them came over to my verified post switched up their attitude and now all of sudden wanna be cool. You got the link, adult women answered the question on the verified section with no issues and the men were flirting with the women. Now on this gen pop post 22 pages of some Black men who feel some kind of way about themselves were acting like im their GOD proving their worth..... a few cats in here who may fit the bill knew this question had nothing to do with them. There was nothing more then an experimental question post on a Gen Pop Section and a Verified Section. The Gen pop section are cry babies, the Verified section kept it real.........Good take a look for yourself. the ENEGRY was mush different in their. Before you any adult to grow up, take your time to read what I said in those 22 pages otherwise you were just speaking out your ass for attention.........
What I want to know is why do I see so many in shape black men fucking out of shape white women in this lifestyle??? That's what I want to know. Seems to me that's far more common, with these women expecting that the black man be "Adonis", while their tits are slapping the floor. Why are black men in this lifestyle so thirsty to be fucking these out of shape white women???
Some men like big women. Some women like big men. Not my place to judge what anyone else does or doesn't like.
I have been with a black man in his 60s who was out of shape but his Penis was perfect for me
these were the type of answers i got on the verified side. Thank you for the simple NON EMOTIONAL RESPONSE. This is how adults answer this question @Charles Hardwood people like you got inner issues that need to be worked out off the internet. 🤷🏽‍♂️
thats how simple the question was. Lots of yall that complained got unresolved issues with yourself to let a stranger on the internet bother you 🤷🏽‍♂️.
I don’t really have an answer to the question because I’ve actually been pretty selective with the men I’ve been with. I believe fitness is very important, both for myself and anyone I’m with. Because I’m already married and I’m not looking for a new partner who checks all the boxes so to speak, the attraction to me is definitely physical (although a man who can intelligently hold my attention is a huge turn-on). A tall, muscular man who has quiet confidence is what I’ve sought and found.

That’s a long way of saying I’m curious about this as well.