Who introduced chastity into your relationship?

Hi, there! Chastity in general and with caging as the ultimate kick must be a pitiable fetish or wifie's late revenge to allow hubby or friend running around and watch in a cage device. In my opinion, if it comes to a threesome - although it isn't necessarily my thing - both bulls should be active never-mind what size the dicks are. Well, everybody to his taste, said the maid and kissed the cow! :devil:
being caged with someone else holding the key is a powerful exchange of authority, whether for a night's play, during the week, or longer. kind of eliminates false 'macho' attitudes and behaviors when you cannot get an erection. guys like that, not all of course, being passive and maybe subservient does remove that pressure-to-perform anxiety. becoming soft, sensitive, and obedient can be something liberating. besides, how many guys would like being teased and denied this way? seems an awful lot by the plethora of chastity devices that have become mainstream.