Who initiated????

I think a lot of men get into this thinking one thing and didn’t realize they were going to lose something forever.

it’s like dropping something special off the Empire State Building - you ain’t never getting it back.

if you encourage women into this lifestyle your sex will be reduced tremendously.

it’s like when children try chocolate and ice cream - it’s a wrap on those carrot and broccoli snacks.

and when they do eat broccoli, it’s seemed more ****** than enjoyed.

It is what it is
I have to disagree with that thought. It was my husband who initiated our first encounter but he hasn't lost anything. If anything our sex life has become better than ever. For pure sex my black friend is superior to any guy I have been with but my love for my husband is unmatched. Our lifestyle is sort of our recreation, our fun. Its not meant to make him lose anything. Now I am not saying that you're wrong 100%. I'm sure you are right with some couples, just not us.
I have to disagree with that thought. It was my husband who initiated our first encounter but he hasn't lost anything. If anything our sex life has become better than ever. For pure sex my black friend is superior to any guy I have been with but my love for my husband is unmatched. Our lifestyle is sort of our recreation, our fun. Its not meant to make him lose anything. Now I am not saying that you're wrong 100%. I'm sure you are right with some couples, just not us.
That's what my wife says, It's just sex is all.
@Anthony0542 I think you were headed in the right general direction until you made it a "BBC" thing.
@Allison2u Might it be as simple as for the first time in human existence women are for the first time empowered to consider/ choose sexual consideration and experimentation solely in terms of sexuality, a place men have always empowered themselves. Women increasingly are less dependent on men for protection and security, as well as recognizing their sexuality has been shackled by biology (pregnancy), social standards (the scarlet letter), and yes, religion.

Girls your mothers may not have, your grandmothers certainly didn't....you're all way past due to relax and have some fucking FUN!!!! But please, please, please.....let ME have some fucking fun with you!!!
I tried to look to see if this topic was a thread already....I didn’t see it

I’ve got money on 75% of white men initiate the lifestyle....The women that initiate had lots of sex, whether with one BBC or many BBC before they got married...A tiny percentage of women that initiate are curious of BBC....

Very few women that never tried BBC before their partner actually initiate the lifestyle

let’s see how close I am?
My wife was the one who went black,she had several black coworkers,and started getting intimate with them. Before that we had many MMF threesomes with my friends. When she went black,she excluded me from being involved anymore,so I reverse cuckolded her back,which the jelious bitch didn't take well. Her relationships with BBC were brief,the longest was around six months,mine with other women lasted years. I'm not one of those cuckolds that sits home while the wife goes out and has her fun.
I have to disagree with that thought. It was my husband who initiated our first encounter but he hasn't lost anything. If anything our sex life has become better than ever. For pure sex my black friend is superior to any guy I have been with but my love for my husband is unmatched. Our lifestyle is sort of our recreation, our fun. Its not meant to make him lose anything. Now I am not saying that you're wrong 100%. I'm sure you are right with some couples, just not us.
Same here. Perfectly stated !!!!