White Women Are Superior

This is why the academic in me always wants to refer to actual factual data, statistics, and the findings from studies because it puts a lid on all the opinions.

The post says "White women are superior"! Superior for what?
Superior at what?

If the subject was "White women are superior at giving blow jobs"! Then I would say I agree with that opinion 👏
Fuck Kevin Samuels lol. I do agree with him about the man being the prize and that men like younger, slimmer women. I hate him cos his videos hit too close to home for me. I’m not slim, plus I’m not in my age prime anymore so his videos are too triggering for me. I don’t like how he publicly embarrasses black women either. But black women keep calling into his show- probably because they have a humiliation kink lol.
In the military in basic training when a recruit is in formation and his cover is crooked even a little bit the drill instructor will snatch it off his head and throw it as far as he can and yell at his ass in front of the whole platoon.

When a recruit didn't make his bunk properly the whole mattress, the linens, and the bunk itself got tossed up and he got yelled at in front of the whole platoon.

When a recruit was identified as "a diet recruit" or translation "a disgusting fatass" that recruit was identified in the platoon by his platoon numbers being written in red letters on his sweatshirts. This recruit was never allowed to eat regular meals like everyone else. They were never allowed to eat any desserts like everyone else. This recruit was only given half food portions and it was mostly salads. These guys were always picked on and yelled at in front of the platoon and made to do more spontaneous disciplinary exercises because they were diet recruits and seen as having less discipline than everyone else.

Those things were considered the nicer things that they experienced.

Imagine the entire platoon made to do pullups on the pullup bars. The drill instructor tells the diet recruit unless he completes one full pullup the entire platoon will stay on the pullup bars. (Keep in mind that we've all performed as many pullups as we could and now our arms are burning as we hang there on the bar!) So the recruit is jumping up and he keeps slipping off and telling the drill instructor that he cannot do it. Now imagine the entire platoon who is hanging on the bars yelling and screaming, cursing at the diet recruit and even threatening him with violence if he doesn't get his fat ass up on that bar and do one pullup! And guess what he did? He somehow got his ass up on that bar and did a pull up!

When you say Kevin Samuels "publicly embarrasses black women" what you fail to realize is that since the beginning of civilization shame, embarrassment, humiliation, a harsher tone, and firmer treatment has been the difference between a good portion of society turning out as decent and discipline, law abiding, productive people! It's the potential to shamed and embarrassed or actually being shamed and embarrassed for a lack of discipline or bad behavior which actually causes some people to as we said in the Marines "unfuck themselves" or "get themselves squared away" meaning self correct and stop the bad behavior or adopt discipline in the area of their life where they had none! Does it work on everyone? No but as long as 1 out of 1 million gets themselves together because of the harsher tone or firm treatment, then a man like Kevin Samuels can say "I did what I was called to do in this world by motivating a change in someone's life"!

What you probably don't know is that multiple women have written him letters other have made videos thanking him for what he is doing because they took the information, got triggered by his style of treatment and actually made a change in their lives and ended up either getting married or engaged! This is why he is so popular and successful because he actually has gotten multiple black men and women and none black women the results and outcomes that they wanted. None of Kevin Samuels critic's have ever showed any letters, or videos of anyone whom they have helped succeed in getting engaged or married yet they have plenty of books and tapes to sale and plenty of seminars for folks to go to where they are getting zero results! 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Countless women have talked to Kevin Samuels and said when I first saw a clip of you or heard you for the first time I didn't like you, but after I listened to a whole show I actually agree with you. They are calling them because they have some kind of kink for humiliation they call him because his tone and his treatment actually works for them personally! The military isn't for everyone but I guarantee you that there is a certain percentage of citizens within your society that will absolutely swear that it was the military that made them get their act together and gave them discipline, order, and structure they didn't have helping them to become the successful productive professional that they are today!

They are calling him because regardless the fact that his style triggers them it also motivates and disciplines them. They see other women getting results because they are calling him just to say thank you I got engaged after taking your advice.

What alot of black women fail to realize with Kevin Samuels is that he is 100% percent all about getting black men and black women together and married. What Kevin Samuels is doing is telling black women "this is what the successful black men that you say you want, actually want in their women and if you don't make a change and give them what they want then you will not only continue to stay at the bottom and not get these men that you say that you want, but you will lose those men to these other women"!

Kevin Samuels is the drill instructor of black love not the Dr Phil!!! LOL

Lastly there was a black female Youtuber called the Pink Pill. She was a swirler and divester and her channel was all about teaching black women to be the best version of themselves to attract Brad and Chad and divest from black men. She called Kevin Samuels show one day and told Kevin Samuels live on the air that one of the things that she was trying to address with black women was their weight. She told Kevein that she had to stop talking about it because she was getting too much push back and complaints about it! She folded, she relented and went back to telling them they were all that and a bag of chips, telling them that they are all queens and goddesses and that they are the prize and that it's all about black girl magic just to keep them happy and to keep that money coming in. Guess what her followers got zero results and her channel died out and she is no longer on YouTube.
This is why the academic in me always wants to refer to actual factual data, statistics, and the findings from studies because it puts a lid on all the opinions.

The post says "White women are superior"! Superior for what?
Superior at what?

If the subject was "White women are superior at giving blow jobs"! Then I would say I agree with that opinion 👏
In the military in basic training when a recruit is in formation and his cover is crooked even a little bit the drill instructor will snatch it off his head and throw it as far as he can and yell at his ass in front of the whole platoon.

When a recruit didn't make his bunk properly the whole mattress, the linens, and the bunk itself got tossed up and he got yelled at in front of the whole platoon.

When a recruit was identified as "a diet recruit" or translation "a disgusting fatass" that recruit was identified in the platoon by his platoon numbers being written in red letters on his sweatshirts. This recruit was never allowed to eat regular meals like everyone else. They were never allowed to eat any desserts like everyone else. This recruit was only given half food portions and it was mostly salads. These guys were always picked on and yelled at in front of the platoon and made to do more spontaneous disciplinary exercises because they were diet recruits and seen as having less discipline than everyone else.

Those things were considered the nicer things that they experienced.

Imagine the entire platoon made to do pullups on the pullup bars. The drill instructor tells the diet recruit unless he completes one full pullup the entire platoon will stay on the pullup bars. (Keep in mind that we've all performed as many pullups as we could and now our arms are burning as we hang there on the bar!) So the recruit is jumping up and he keeps slipping off and telling the drill instructor that he cannot do it. Now imagine the entire platoon who is hanging on the bars yelling and screaming, cursing at the diet recruit and even threatening him with violence if he doesn't get his fat ass up on that bar and do one pullup! And guess what he did? He somehow got his ass up on that bar and did a pull up!

When you say Kevin Samuels "publicly embarrasses black women" what you fail to realize is that since the beginning of civilization shame, embarrassment, humiliation, a harsher tone, and firmer treatment has been the difference between a good portion of society turning out as decent and discipline, law abiding, productive people! It's the potential to shamed and embarrassed or actually being shamed and embarrassed for a lack of discipline or bad behavior which actually causes some people to as we said in the Marines "unfuck themselves" or "get themselves squared away" meaning self correct and stop the bad behavior or adopt discipline in the area of their life where they had none! Does it work on everyone? No but as long as 1 out of 1 million gets themselves together because of the harsher tone or firm treatment, then a man like Kevin Samuels can say "I did what I was called to do in this world by motivating a change in someone's life"!

What you probably don't know is that multiple women have written him letters other have made videos thanking him for what he is doing because they took the information, got triggered by his style of treatment and actually made a change in their lives and ended up either getting married or engaged! This is why he is so popular and successful because he actually has gotten multiple black men and women and none black women the results and outcomes that they wanted. None of Kevin Samuels critic's have ever showed any letters, or videos of anyone whom they have helped succeed in getting engaged or married yet they have plenty of books and tapes to sale and plenty of seminars for folks to go to where they are getting zero results! 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Countless women have talked to Kevin Samuels and said when I first saw a clip of you or heard you for the first time I didn't like you, but after I listened to a whole show I actually agree with you. They are calling them because they have some kind of kink for humiliation they call him because his tone and his treatment actually works for them personally! The military isn't for everyone but I guarantee you that there is a certain percentage of citizens within your society that will absolutely swear that it was the military that made them get their act together and gave them discipline, order, and structure they didn't have helping them to become the successful productive professional that they are today!

They are calling him because regardless the fact that his style triggers them it also motivates and disciplines them. They see other women getting results because they are calling him just to say thank you I got engaged after taking your advice.

What alot of black women fail to realize with Kevin Samuels is that he is 100% percent all about getting black men and black women together and married. What Kevin Samuels is doing is telling black women "this is what the successful black men that you say you want, actually want in their women and if you don't make a change and give them what they want then you will not only continue to stay at the bottom and not get these men that you say that you want, but you will lose those men to these other women"!

Kevin Samuels is the drill instructor of black love not the Dr Phil!!! LOL

Lastly there was a black female Youtuber called the Pink Pill. She was a swirler and divester and her channel was all about teaching black women to be the best version of themselves to attract Brad and Chad and divest from black men. She called Kevin Samuels show one day and told Kevin Samuels live on the air that one of the things that she was trying to address with black women was their weight. She told Kevein that she had to stop talking about it because she was getting too much push back and complaints about it! She folded, she relented and went back to telling them they were all that and a bag of chips, telling them that they are all queens and goddesses and that they are the prize and that it's all about black girl magic just to keep them happy and to keep that money coming in. Guess what her followers got zero results and her channel died out and she is no longer on YouTube.
This is about fucking and sucking. Not marriage, that’s the overall theme of this blog.
This is why the academic in me always wants to refer to actual factual data, statistics, and the findings from studies because it puts a lid on all the opinions.

The post says "White women are superior"! Superior for what?
Superior at what?

If the subject was "White women are superior at giving blow jobs"! Then I would say I agree with that opinion 👏
In the military in basic training when a recruit is in formation and his cover is crooked even a little bit the drill instructor will snatch it off his head and throw it as far as he can and yell at his ass in front of the whole platoon.

When a recruit didn't make his bunk properly the whole mattress, the linens, and the bunk itself got tossed up and he got yelled at in front of the whole platoon.

When a recruit was identified as "a diet recruit" or translation "a disgusting fatass" that recruit was identified in the platoon by his platoon numbers being written in red letters on his sweatshirts. This recruit was never allowed to eat regular meals like everyone else. They were never allowed to eat any desserts like everyone else. This recruit was only given half food portions and it was mostly salads. These guys were always picked on and yelled at in front of the platoon and made to do more spontaneous disciplinary exercises because they were diet recruits and seen as having less discipline than everyone else.

Those things were considered the nicer things that they experienced.

Imagine the entire platoon made to do pullups on the pullup bars. The drill instructor tells the diet recruit unless he completes one full pullup the entire platoon will stay on the pullup bars. (Keep in mind that we've all performed as many pullups as we could and now our arms are burning as we hang there on the bar!) So the recruit is jumping up and he keeps slipping off and telling the drill instructor that he cannot do it. Now imagine the entire platoon who is hanging on the bars yelling and screaming, cursing at the diet recruit and even threatening him with violence if he doesn't get his fat ass up on that bar and do one pullup! And guess what he did? He somehow got his ass up on that bar and did a pull up!

When you say Kevin Samuels "publicly embarrasses black women" what you fail to realize is that since the beginning of civilization shame, embarrassment, humiliation, a harsher tone, and firmer treatment has been the difference between a good portion of society turning out as decent and discipline, law abiding, productive people! It's the potential to shamed and embarrassed or actually being shamed and embarrassed for a lack of discipline or bad behavior which actually causes some people to as we said in the Marines "unfuck themselves" or "get themselves squared away" meaning self correct and stop the bad behavior or adopt discipline in the area of their life where they had none! Does it work on everyone? No but as long as 1 out of 1 million gets themselves together because of the harsher tone or firm treatment, then a man like Kevin Samuels can say "I did what I was called to do in this world by motivating a change in someone's life"!

What you probably don't know is that multiple women have written him letters other have made videos thanking him for what he is doing because they took the information, got triggered by his style of treatment and actually made a change in their lives and ended up either getting married or engaged! This is why he is so popular and successful because he actually has gotten multiple black men and women and none black women the results and outcomes that they wanted. None of Kevin Samuels critic's have ever showed any letters, or videos of anyone whom they have helped succeed in getting engaged or married yet they have plenty of books and tapes to sale and plenty of seminars for folks to go to where they are getting zero results! 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Countless women have talked to Kevin Samuels and said when I first saw a clip of you or heard you for the first time I didn't like you, but after I listened to a whole show I actually agree with you. They are calling them because they have some kind of kink for humiliation they call him because his tone and his treatment actually works for them personally! The military isn't for everyone but I guarantee you that there is a certain percentage of citizens within your society that will absolutely swear that it was the military that made them get their act together and gave them discipline, order, and structure they didn't have helping them to become the successful productive professional that they are today!

They are calling him because regardless the fact that his style triggers them it also motivates and disciplines them. They see other women getting results because they are calling him just to say thank you I got engaged after taking your advice.

What alot of black women fail to realize with Kevin Samuels is that he is 100% percent all about getting black men and black women together and married. What Kevin Samuels is doing is telling black women "this is what the successful black men that you say you want, actually want in their women and if you don't make a change and give them what they want then you will not only continue to stay at the bottom and not get these men that you say that you want, but you will lose those men to these other women"!

Kevin Samuels is the drill instructor of black love not the Dr Phil!!! LOL

Lastly there was a black female Youtuber called the Pink Pill. She was a swirler and divester and her channel was all about teaching black women to be the best version of themselves to attract Brad and Chad and divest from black men. She called Kevin Samuels show one day and told Kevin Samuels live on the air that one of the things that she was trying to address with black women was their weight. She told Kevein that she had to stop talking about it because she was getting too much push back and complaints about it! She folded, she relented and went back to telling them they were all that and a bag of chips, telling them that they are all queens and goddesses and that they are the prize and that it's all about black girl magic just to keep them happy and to keep that money coming in. Guess what her followers got zero results and her channel died out and she is no longer on YouTube.
we dont need your life story mate. a simple 4 sentences would have been fine. nobody gonna read all that nonsense
we dont need your life story mate. a simple 4 sentences would have been fine. nobody gonna read all that nonsense
we dont need your life story mate. a simple 4 sentences would have been fine. nobody gonna read all that nonsense
Create a real profile, get confirmed, show your location, post your picture, post pictures of real women you've been with, make some intelligent posts showing that you can have a intellectual conversation and then we can have a discussion about what I said speaking directly to someone!

I notice all you folks of the same low vibration tend to like each others ignorance and not one confirmation, location, or media between any of you trolls!
Create a real profile, get confirmed, show your location, post your picture, post pictures of real women you've been with, make some intelligent posts showing that you can have a intellectual conversation and then we can have a discussion about what I said speaking directly to someone!

I notice all you folks of the same low vibration tend to like each others ignorance and not one confirmation, location, or media between any of you trolls!
You sound upset there friend
You sound upset there friend
No actually I love competition!

Get verified, show yourself, show your women, show your intelligent inspiring well spoken and thought provoking post and what people have said about them, and then we will compare all the above and let the community decide who wins!

How about it?

Now everything I just listed I have already done because I am really about that life from hotwives to porn stars and I am not a troll. So I am here for all the smoke and competition from real people!
Create a real profile, get confirmed, show your location, post your picture, post pictures of real women you've been with, make some intelligent posts showing that you can have a intellectual conversation and then we can have a discussion about what I said speaking directly to someone!

I notice all you folks of the same low vibration tend to like each others ignorance and not one confirmation, location, or media between any of you trolls!
your post was multiple paragraphs of nonsense. i got like 1/3 through it before i realised what a waste of time it was.
No actually I love competition!

Get verified, show yourself, show your women, show your intelligent inspiring well spoken and thought provoking post and what people have said about them, and then we will compare all the above and let the community decide who wins!

How about it?

Now everything I just listed I have already done because I am really about that life from hotwives to porn stars and I am not a troll. So I am here for all the smoke and competition from real people!
Slim, if you really had it like that you wouldn’t waste time with all of these paragraphs. Lol
your post was multiple paragraphs of nonsense. i got like 1/3 through it before i realised what a waste of time it was.
Like I said dude put up a real profile and come with your best homeboy and let's let the community decide?🤔

I always love a good challenge!🤷‍♂️

What I want to know are most of your posts responding and criticizing other patrons with real and verified profiles while you yourself are not?

Please point me to some of your most intelligent, sexy, popular posts so we can see that you are really about this lifestyle and that you actually have real playmates in your media?
I'll wait bro???🤷‍♂️
Last edited:
Slim, if you really had it like that you wouldn’t waste time with all of these paragraphs. Lol
Like I said to both of y'al put up or shut up dude!

Show the community that you are handsome, that you have plenty of hotwives and porn stars in your media, that you have some of the most interesting, sexy, intelligent, academic, thought provoking posts on this sight and that you get a tone of positive feedback both publicly and in your personal messages!

Here's a good way to tell if you are a troll or not, are most of your posts criticizing what other people have to say while you yourself are unverified with no media or information about yourself like a real adult?
Like I said to both of y'al put up or shut up dude!

Show the community that you are handsome, that you have plenty of hotwives and porn stars in your media, that you have some of the most interesting, sexy, intelligent, academic, thought provoking posts on this sight and that you get a tone of positive feedback both publicly and in your personal messages!

Here's a good way to tell if you are a troll or not, are most of your posts criticizing what other people have to say while you yourself are unverified with no media or information about yourself like a real adult?
I have plenty of threads posted here. Have at it…..LMAOOOO
Like I said dude put up a real profile and come with your best homeboy and let's let the community decide?🤔

I always love a good challenge!🤷‍♂️

What I want to know are most of your posts responding and criticizing other patrons with real and verified profiles while you yourself are not?

Please point me to some of your most intelligent, sexy, popular posts so we can see that you are really about this lifestyle and that you actually have real playmates in your media?
I'll wait bro???🤷‍♂️
What exactly do I have to prove to you?
Why do I have to prove anything to you ?
On the other hand I think you’re amazing. Not many people can masturbate and type at the same time.
What exactly do I have to prove to you?
Why do I have to prove anything to you ?
On the other hand I think you’re amazing. Not many people can masturbate and type at the same time.
Guys who have hotwives like in my videos don't have to masturbate!

See that's what I'm saying man I'll make a post and post my picture, a video, and sexy intelligent post about this lifestyle and you do the same and we will let the community decide who is real and who is the troll??? 🤷‍♂️

Tell us a little bit about you!🤔
Where are you from?
How long have you been in the lifestyle?
What's your ideal lifestyle scenario?

This has nothing to do with you providing anything to me I already think you are just a troll here to do nothing but criticize, judge, and disrupt this community. You don't even read well and pay attention to detail because I was actually talking to someone specifically addressing something they said and giving them some factual data and information. You clear lack of patience and attention to detail and butting in says alot about the results a lady would have with you!

See to an academic like myself when someone says a specific group of women are more superior than other's the academic in me wants to know if that I'd the case why does the data, studies, and statistics all show that some other group of women are actually proven to be more successful in dating and marriage as well as mating (which includes the sex acts of fucking and sucking for those who don't know) and why they are the most desired (which includes sexual attraction for those who don't know) women on the market if someone else is superior?🤔

See I like to have intelligent conversation about facts data and statistics about sex and what's desired or not I am not a primitive or basic dude. I like to get deep into a subject how I like to do the ladies. Its obvious we are not on the same level, have the same experience, aren't stimulated by the same level of intellectual conversation so why even speak to me in the first place?
Guys who have hotwives like in my videos don't have to masturbate!

See that's what I'm saying man I'll make a post and post my picture, a video, and sexy intelligent post about this lifestyle and you do the same and we will let the community decide who is real and who is the troll??? 🤷‍♂️

Tell us a little bit about you!🤔
Where are you from?
How long have you been in the lifestyle?
What's your ideal lifestyle scenario?

This has nothing to do with you providing anything to me I already think you are just a troll here to do nothing but criticize, judge, and disrupt this community. You don't even read well and pay attention to detail because I was actually talking to someone specifically addressing something they said and giving them some factual data and information. You clear lack of patience and attention to detail and butting in says alot about the results a lady would have with you!

See to an academic like myself when someone says a specific group of women are more superior than other's the academic in me wants to know if that I'd the case why does the data, studies, and statistics all show that some other group of women are actually proven to be more successful in dating and marriage as well as mating (which includes the sex acts of fucking and sucking for those who don't know) and why they are the most desired (which includes sexual attraction for those who don't know) women on the market if someone else is superior?🤔

See I like to have intelligent conversation about facts data and statistics about sex and what's desired or not I am not a primitive or basic dude. I like to get deep into a subject how I like to do the ladies. Its obvious we are not on the same level, have the same experience, aren't stimulated by the same level of intellectual conversation so why even speak to me in the first place?
See? If you was fucking white women like you claim you wouldn’t have time to write all of this.
See? If you was fucking white women like you claim you wouldn’t have time to write all of this.
How much effort do you think it actually takes to type out a few paragraphs?

I have three different partners to keep up with while working a fulltime job and I manage just fine lol what version of earth are you from 🤦🏻‍♀️
See? If you was fucking white women like you claim you wouldn’t have time to write all of this.
Stop deflecting!

Are we posting from our confirmed profiles or are you choosing to show these people that you are nothing more than a troll who just came here to criticize and talk at people?🤷‍♂️

Yes or No?
Stop deflecting!

Are we posting from our confirmed profiles or are you choosing to show these people that you are nothing more than a troll who just came here to criticize and talk at people?🤷‍♂️

Yes or No?
Give him time to respond, clearly typing a few things on the internet is such an undertaking he needs to cancel plans over it 😂