White Guys Like To Call Black Women, "Ho's?"

Check out Sean on the thread, "What White Guys Like To Watch." Post after post of denigrating comments towards Black Women. And people wonder, "why aren't there more black women on this site?" Sean will provide you a real world view of what many White Men think of Back Women. What if the tables were turned, and we Black men started calling all white women "Ho's," simply because they're white?
I used to live on a ranch in eastern San Diego county and a black chick used to drive two hours to stay with me for the weekend. She loved to pretend she was my slave girl and I would fuck her like one. She loved to be called a 'n word' slave bitch while I fucked her. After a while, she tried to become serious with me so I dumped her.
Black guys call us sluts- whats fair is fair right?. Now go ahead and call a black quuen a Ho and see what happens. I'll sit back and watch.
Whoa! Only a fool calls ANY woman a slut without getting her OK first. But if you guys are seriously step up to Black women calling them a ho, Annie you bring the Mountain Dew and I got the popcorn and chips, this will be a helluva show!!!
Not to pick sides, and I am sure to get flamed for this, but oh well, and any who knows me on here, knows I call it like it is. However, you could browse 9 out 10 posts on here and you will find a number of them where the white women are called a number of degrading names. True some enjoy it, but I feel it is uncalled for sometimes. Not saying the site is not for it, but if you look at some posts/threads, there is a certain undertone where you can pretty much tell it is said with some intent to demean, and not in a sexual way. I have said it before, but some on here try to disguise their racism or disdain behind their "sexual" remarks. And let me touch another nerve, yeah I do that sometimes, but that BNWO stuff, I feel falls into that spectrum. Not judging, just expressing my observation, so to each his/her own. Just remember, we train people how we want to be treated. So don't get mad when it happens once and you don't check it.
Not to pick sides, and I am sure to get flamed for this, but oh well, and any who knows me on here, knows I call it like it is. However, you could browse 9 out 10 posts on here and you will find a number of them where the white women are called a number of degrading names. True some enjoy it, but I feel it is uncalled for sometimes. Not saying the site is not for it, but if you look at some posts/threads, there is a certain undertone where you can pretty much tell it is said with some intent to demean, and not in a sexual way. I have said it before, but some on here try to disguise their racism or disdain behind their "sexual" remarks. And let me touch another nerve, yeah I do that sometimes, but that BNWO stuff, I feel falls into that spectrum. Not judging, just expressing my observation, so to each his/her own. Just remember, we train people how we want to be treated. So don't get mad when it happens once and you don't check it.
And most of the time you can tell those are the guys no one is talking to; most folks recognize bullsh*t for what it is.
As a black person i find the use of the N word very degrading no matter what race is using it . If anyone in the uk was to call me that to my face they would need to be ready to run because they eould be im danger of recieving some serious physical abuse .
There's an old saying that I was taught as a little girl, I will.share it, bc I still say it in my head sometimes, especially now a days when people are so openly hateful, and it's against the law for me to punch them in the throat!
"Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"
Or when I'm feeling petty, this one comes to mind.
" I'm the rubber, you're the glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me, and sticks to you!"
As a black person i find the use of the N word very degrading no matter what race is using it . If anyone in the uk was to call me that to my face they would need to be ready to run because they eould be im danger of recieving some serious physical abuse .
Wow, I bet you hardly ever turn on the radio. Every time I do and pass a rap station, the N word is all I hear.