White cuckold dilemma - for wannabe white cucks

Perhaps a better way to think about this dilemma is to focus on the needs of the white woman and the black man. To start out accepting and wanting chastity. To be a helper by doing housework or doing errands, etc. But most importantly by being a friend to women and helping them meet, date, and bed black men. The desire and admiration for the white woman and the black man will continue. Frustration will continue. But you will be happy being the submissive beta helper. In that way there will be a place for a white boy and there will be a woman or couple who will tak
There used to be a word for people like that and they were females, called Gal Fridays. So how about the name White Guy Fridays. lol
e you on in those terms. Anyways it is how I see it.
I think the biggest dilemma or problem most of us white cuck wannabes face in finding a suitable white female is this obvious point - we are sexually attracted to white women who like big black men and such women, of course, may not find us so sexually attractive.

The trouble is that we white cuck wannabes have no choice or way out of this dilemma, we crave white women who like big dominant black men and the more they like black men, the sexier and more alluring we find them.

So, how have some white guys managed to find that cuckoldress? Is it due to some particular kink or fetish the white female has or is it by offering something outside of the sexual relationship? Would love to know how some white guys have struck gold.

Interesting to me that some of you have NO experience with this whatsoever yet feel such a desire for it. Latent bi/homosexuality would be my guess.

None of this would have ever occurred to me personally, had I not met my wife and learned about her physical/sexual desire for black men.
I think that as a single white male, trying to find a white woman who likes black guys but will be your woman is a bad beat. An almost impossible task unless say you got lucky on the internet and found a woman who was specifically looking for a cuckold and that is extremely rare. Single women who like black guys don’t date white guys. My advice would be just to try and find a woman who is sexually adventurous and is open to love. One that wants to find a companion…the one. From there, after you have established a committed relationship, start to introduce her to your fantasies. Most women (as a percentage of the total) don’t know a damn thing about being a hotwife or cuckolding their man and have never even considered living a lifestyle like that. But once she knows you love her and vice versa, you have that base to start expanding upon. You can tell her your fantasies and she will feel secure enough hopefully to tell you hers. From there it’s a crap shoot. And I get it, it’s tough to have such a roaring desire and to be unable to fulfill that. But that’s life unfortunately. You can’t always get what you want. In my case, it took me 10 years to convince my wife to fuck other guys and frankly, the majority of that time I didn’t feel like I was going to ever succeed but ultimately my wife saw the benefit, wasn’t uptight in the first place and believed that it wouldn’t necessarily ruin our marriage. And I had to proceed much slower than I would’ve preferred so that I didn’t scare her. But that was the key. The idea had to start growing on her without her thinking that I was obsessed. So she went for it. Now she wishes she had listened to me 10 years earlier. But you can’t go back. And you have to have other pleasures in your life besides your overriding sexual lkink. You have to be ok and ready to be happy even if you can’t make this lifestyle a reality. Because the odds are against you. What you can do though is make yourself the most attractive you can possibly be so that you have the most possible options. Go to school, get a good career and make good money. Also exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the most part. Those two things will make you attractive to the largest pool of women. You can’t help your skin color or the size of your dick.
Very true and a great description of our relationship as well.
We were into femdom and even pretty strict chastity for a very long time (10ish years or so?) before my wife decided to try cuckolding me for real. Once she dipped her foot in, she liked what she felt and dove in! It's even taken our femdom/bdsm play up several notches. It can definitely work out. Patience and good communication are paramount imho. If you keep showing her how much you love and support her, express your desires openly when the timing is right, without pressure, I'd say there's always a chance. For us, the transition was remarkably natural.
My Mistress goes on a vacation to Namibia without me soon. We decided it, or lets say she decided it because we have the fetish she is allowed all freedom and me nothing. I hope she might find a lover there.
Been through this for years with real oppertunity to get cucked by my ex gf few times.

I can tell my experience. Its is simply imposible to find a premade cuckoldress unless you get married with a porn start or a *******. Almost all girls first need love, protection, safety and trust and that only comes when live with her enough to know each other. Once you pass this phase even then remember that this lifestyle is a whole tranformation and unusual experience and it has repercussions and ever lasting effects. You may or may not turn her into a hotwife simply because some women arent made for it.
I wouldn't wait to get married to find out if she's a cuckoldress, despite that most cuckolding relationships start by being married.