Which One

Haha hell yeah love when latin sluts break out the spanish just makes me go harder on em
Goddamn right my nig! I've grown massive hard ons while getting cussed out by some Mami I pissed off lol. I almost looked forward to pissing her off till she pulled out a blade and was slicing me up like lunch meat! She made contact enough times for me to eventually grab her and shake the loco out of her for a good 30 seconds to put out the fire before ******* is going to be lost by another other than me for self preservation!
Goddamn right my nig! I've grown massive hard ons while getting cussed out by some Mami I pissed off lol. I almost looked forward to pissing her off till she pulled out a blade and was slicing me up like lunch meat! She made contact enough times for me to eventually grab her and shake the loco out of her for a good 30 seconds to put out the fire before ******* is going to be lost by another other than me for self preservation!
Hahaha damn neva had em try dat before but straight up conquered her with raw power made dat hoe your good work brotha