Where are the 1%?

Well thing most men know females just don’t care for us to know and I have met some good folks over the years but most females here just don’t care about that stuff or care for us to know about there personality or hobbies. Most get what they want and bounce. Almost all the females I used to talk to for years stop talking to you after a while anyways it’s the nature of the BEAST. But I will keep it 💯 with you most females don’t care about men today just ask them and you will see. So as a Man I accept that.🤷🏾‍♂️
The majority of women don't respect men in general these days. It's always "What can you do for me?" Keeping on this topic i hope you find that 10" or 11" dick your searching for.

Staying on topic of what my brother said. Women don't care about men...Let's just say you have this 10" or 11" dick then you still have to be good looking, have a nice body, have a good personality, be able to hold a conversation. All these qualifications to even get in the door. Gentlemen ladies are looking for anyway to say no to you and she's judging you by a part of your body you can't even control.

It's the way it is all good just roll with me. She'll find her 10" or 11" no need to go hard. Let it be.
The majority of women don't respect men in general these days. It's always "What can you do for me?" Keeping on this topic i hope you find that 10" or 11" dick your searching for.

Staying on topic of what my brother said. Women don't care about men...Let's just say you have this 10" or 11" dick then you still have to be good looking, have a nice body, have a good personality, be able to hold a conversation. All these qualifications to even get in the door. Gentlemen ladies are looking for anyway to say no to you and she's judging you by a part of your body you can't even control.

It's the way it is all good just roll with me. She'll find her 10" or 11" no need to go hard. Let it be.
There is some accuracy in what you say with one exception - you should have started with the majority of PEOPLE don’t respect…

Women face the exact same challenges as men do - we have discussed it in the female only forum. In its simplest form we hear things like you’re the hottest I’ve ever seen, give me that ass bitch, suck my dick slut, etc etc etc. When we turn them down , all of the sudden we’re too fat or too skinny, no ass ugly sluts.

And to your last point - this is a forum dedicated to white women and black males who like interracial sex. Few are looking for long term relationships here - for most real people it is about fun, safe and respectful sexual encounters.
There is some accuracy in what you say with one exception - you should have started with the majority of PEOPLE don’t respect…

Women face the exact same challenges as men do - we have discussed it in the female only forum. In its simplest form we hear things like you’re the hottest I’ve ever seen, give me that ass bitch, suck my dick slut, etc etc etc. When we turn them down , all of the sudden we’re too fat or too skinny, no ass ugly sluts.

And to your last point - this is a forum dedicated to white women and black males who like interracial sex. Few are looking for long term relationships here - for most real people it is about fun, safe and respectful sexual encounters.
I agree I've seen screenshots and have been told once some men don't get the girl he wants we'll name call her saying she's a fat ugly bitch anyway. When 5 minutes ago they were saying how sexy they were. Some men just have to accept some women aren't going to be into you at all. They just have to find the ones that are going to be into them.

I completely understand what this site is for and most people aren't looking for long term relationships but even if it is for fun and safe fun. Just people you have a 10" or 12" dick but your fat, the women isn't attracted to you, you can't hold a conversation your not gonna be given much of a chance. That has nothing to do with long term relationship you just have to be into the other person besides how big they are.
I agree I've seen screenshots and have been told once some men don't get the girl he wants we'll name call her saying she's a fat ugly bitch anyway. When 5 minutes ago they were saying how sexy they were. Some men just have to accept some women aren't going to be into you at all. They just have to find the ones that are going to be into them.

I completely understand what this site is for and most people aren't looking for long term relationships but even if it is for fun and safe fun. Just people you have a 10" or 12" dick but your fat, the women isn't attracted to you, you can't hold a conversation your not gonna be given much of a chance. That has nothing to do with long term relationship you just have to be into the other person besides how big they are.
There are certain traits and preferences we ALL have! Some women want huge dicks and a trim body. Some men want huge ass, or big tits, or any other number of preferences.

Preferences and opinions aren’t wrong - belittling and condemning someone is - of which I have never done.
There is some accuracy in what you say with one exception - you should have started with the majority of PEOPLE don’t respect…

Women face the exact same challenges as men do - we have discussed it in the female only forum. In its simplest form we hear things like you’re the hottest I’ve ever seen, give me that ass bitch, suck my dick slut, etc etc etc. When we turn them down , all of the sudden we’re too fat or too skinny, no ass ugly sluts.

And to your last point - this is a forum dedicated to white women and black males who like interracial sex. Few are looking for long term relationships here - for most real people it is about fun, safe and respectful sexual encounters.
The majority of the visitors IMO have issues with strong self confident and assured females. The whole slut, bitch, whore thing comes in my DM box a dozen times a day.
There are certain traits and preferences we ALL have! Some women want huge dicks and a trim body. Some men want huge ass, or big tits, or any other number of preferences.

Preferences and opinions aren’t wrong - belittling and condemning someone is - of which I have never done.
I agree if someone isn't into you then you should simply say okay thank you and exit the conversation but some don't don't do that they have to get a dig in.

Their aren't all good people out there.
The majority of the visitors IMO have issues with strong self confident and assured females. The whole slut, bitch, whore thing comes in my DM box a dozen times a day.
I don't think it's strong self confident and assured female at all. It's more of a inner self problem. If they worked on themselves inside and out and became the guy some ladies might like then i don't think they would have an issue but some don't want to do the work.
The majority of the visitors IMO have issues with strong self confident and assured females. The whole slut, bitch, whore thing comes in my DM box a dozen times a day.
It's certainly that plus also, not respecting or valuing women. They don't really see them as human, just sexual gratification items. It's awful.
The whole slut, bitch, whore thing comes in my DM box a dozen times a day.
Now I love @AnnieS and her sexy media and contributions to the site are awesome…

But when you call yourself a “black cock slut” in a video you can’t really blame the men who call you the same thing in your inbox.
The majority of the visitors IMO have issues with strong self confident and assured females. The whole slut, bitch, whore thing comes in my DM box a dozen times a day.
Never used those terms (slut, whore, bitch) unless directed by her or hubby because such language frankly is pathetic...
"sexy" nah
"bold" no
"man" I got that one

As Meatloaf (RIP) once sang, "One out of three ain't bad" or something like that :LOL:

as always, a ❤️ to you dear TMP
Hey you were close. The correct lyric is "Two out of Three Aint Bad." .333 could win the batting championship but. 2/3s? you are a GOD!