Were you Raised to date white?

Im curious if there are any women out there whose parents raised them or influenced them to date within their race. If so, what's something that persuaded you or tempted you to take the chance and date outside of your race?
We did. My ******* would not have excepted anyone other then latins. Mentality has changed but, growing up never even associated with others..
My wife was in college 5 yrs to get her Masters the last year and a half she tutored black athletes and wound up dating them since she lived of campus and dating in college usually meant sex. She said she never told her family or friends because they would of been upset and said her ******* would of been embarrassed. I know from her sharing this with me she did not regret dating them.
Both my parents wanted me to date and hang out with only white Christian men, so my entire young adult life that's all I dated I had one or two girlfriends that drifted and when I say drifted they dated a dark Puerto Rican my ******* was Furious he did not want me to stay with her anymore, it wasn't until years later on an all-girls trip that I had my first black experience
I don't know what it's like in other countries but here in America if you don't live in or around a city it's entirely possible that you couldn't date a black person even if you wanted to. There just weren't any around. I grew up in a small town in New Jersey where there weren't any non whites so I wasn't raised to date only white- it was my only option. I can't recall my parents ever saying anything to me about only dating whites.

I went to a small college in rural Pennsylvania and there were some black students but not in great numbers. So again, it wasn't a conscious decision to only date whites nor was I following any directive from my parents. Now that I'm married and live in an area where there are lots of black men it's now an option. I see lot's of white women with black men. I'm sure for some of them there's some push-back with their family but on a whole I think it's pretty common.

It's probably more common for people to be raised to believe that they need to stay within the same religion.

If I'm wrong I'm sure someone will let me know both here in this thread and through a personal message. ;)
Both my parents wanted me to date and hang out with only white Christian men, so my entire young adult life that's all I dated I had one or two girlfriends that drifted and when I say drifted they dated a dark Puerto Rican my ******* was Furious he did not want me to stay with her anymore, it wasn't until years later on an all-girls trip that I had my first black experience

How was it?
My dad had made it clear that he wanted my future husband to be white but didn't object when I dated black in high school. My mom was more relaxed about boyfriends as long as I stayed safe. Growing up I think both of them didn't think I would move to Kenya, marry a Kenyan man and have children with him.

We're black men just your preference growing up or was it an acquired taste?
I don't know what it's like in other countries but here in America if you don't live in or around a city it's entirely possible that you couldn't date a black person even if you wanted to. There just weren't any around. I grew up in a small town in New Jersey where there weren't any non whites so I wasn't raised to date only white- it was my only option. I can't recall my parents ever saying anything to me about only dating whites.

I went to a small college in rural Pennsylvania and there were some black students but not in great numbers. So again, it wasn't a conscious decision to only date whites nor was I following any directive from my parents. Now that I'm married and live in an area where there are lots of black men it's now an option. I see lot's of white women with black men. I'm sure for some of them there's some push-back with their family but on a whole I think it's pretty common.

It's probably more common for people to be raised to believe that they need to stay within the same religion.

If I'm wrong I'm sure someone will let me know both here in this thread and through a personal message. ;)
I don't think you're wrong. Most ppl just know the environment they live in. Having lived in a few different countries the hardest thing to overcome wasn't my color it was being American. Living in America the hardest thing to overcome is my color. So is the standard (no black men) the same if he's affluent or rich?