Wedding Dresses

should white wifes be blacked ?

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Not into the cuck scene and divorced white hubby shortly after my first black experience.. It sure didn't take this little white girl very long to figure out what I was missing.. been black exclusive since
Great. That's your choice and I'm sure your happy with it
why wouldn't you marry a cuck?

Why would a woman marry a cuck or wimp? It makes as much sense to them as it does to most married women wondering why their husbands wish to sexually share them with other men.
There would be little to no sexual desire with the cuck. Women want their MEN capable of providing for them, that can give them strong, healthy children, AND satisfying sex. That's a pretty tall order for most men (of any race) to fulfill, and women aren't as hesitant today to get parts of those needs from more than one man.
That might also explain, to some degree, as to why white illegitimacy has risen from just 2% in the 1950's to over 42% as of 2010.
Why would a woman marry a cuck or wimp? It makes as much sense to them as it does to most married women wondering why their husbands wish to sexually share them with other men.
There would be little to no sexual desire with the cuck. Women want their MEN capable of providing for them, that can give them strong, healthy children, AND satisfying sex. That's a pretty tall order for most men (of any race) to fulfill, and women aren't as hesitant today to get parts of those needs from more than one man.
That might also explain, to some degree, as to why white illegitimacy has risen from just 2% in the 1950's to over 42% as of 2010.

However, there are some women who intentionally marry submissive men and cuckold them because they want the financial security that that man can provide, while still being able to enjoy sex with others. This is especially true for some middle aged women who have gone through a divorce from a man who may have been somewhat controlling and who left them for another woman.
These women don't want another "strong, in control" male as they just got screwed over by one, so they want a guy that they can control.

As you noted, they know that no one man is going to be able to be everything that they want or need, so they find one who can give them the security they need and then fill in the the other slots (pun intended) as needed.

There are also younger women who have found themselves pregnant and on their own who will marry the submissive guy that has been following her around like a lost puppy just to have someone to take care of her and her baby. These guys are often easy to cuckold as well.

Some, if desperate enough, will even hook up with guys who advertise specifically for a pregnant girl or single mom that they will offer to take care of financially in exchange for the woman cuckolding them and allowing them to watch or perform "clean up" when she comes home from her "dates".

This isn't mainstream, but it does happen.