Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Geez - everyfuckinthing is Trumps fault - how are those pimples on yer Dem arse he gave ya ????!!!

Dems just blame the administration before it for all their folly - always have always will.

Trouble is Debacle Biden is president NOW and he REALLY SUX !!!!!! :|
you mean like trump did to obama?.........no dems do not do that....they dig in and repair things

and yes alot of our problems are trumps fault to include the trump virus....because he gave us this virus.....it and he left the economy in trouble....he inherited a great economy and trashed it....like he does everything else.....check out his track record on biz....but then you already know he is a loser...just refuse to admit it
you mean like trump did to obama?.........no dems do not do that....they dig in and repair things

and yes alot of our problems are trumps fault to include the trump virus....because he gave us this virus.....it and he left the economy in trouble....he inherited a great economy and trashed it....like he does everything else.....check out his track record on biz....but then you already know he is a loser...just refuse to admit it

It’s truly SCARY how delusional you are !!!!!

Although I heard Donald and Ivanka did batch up that thar virus !!!!!

O yeah - that was from you - NEVERMIND. 😆
Calls them as I sees them - in the statement he made regarding the Dems looking at the edge of a cliff - Biden stepping on a rake - slipping on a banana peel - he was right on !!!
Being that the FBI has stated January 6th was NOT an insurrection - not so much :}
But you didn't answer the question. If you think Van Jones is a "very bright guy" when he criticizes Joe, do you think he is a "very bright guy" when he calls the rioters treasonous?

Go ahead.

wish they would put one where a few on here could see....​

A Republican group is putting up gigantic billboards to remind Trump that he lost​

A group of Republican officials is launching an anti-Trump campaign to call for an end to vote audits. Twitter/ AccountableGOP
© Twitter/ AccountableGOP A group of Republican officials is launching an anti-Trump campaign to call for an end to vote audits. Twitter/ AccountableGOP
  • A Republican group is putting up billboards to remind former President Trump that he lost the 2020 election.
  • The first billboard is up in Times Square, and reads "Trump lost. No more 'audits.'"
  • The group plans to run these billboards in states where Trump is calling for vote audits.
A group of Republicans is putting up billboards across America to remind former President Donald Trump that he lost last year's election, starting with a gigantic display in Times Square.

The Republicans for Voting Rights group tweeted a photo of the New York City billboard on October 14, which read: "TRUMP LOST. NO MORE 'AUDITS.'"

There are currently 36 "Trump Lost" billboards across nine states according to a map posted on the Republicans for Voting Rights website,

These billboards will run in Georgia, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan to denounce sham election audits that delegitimize our democratic process.

We should keep that billboard in circulation for decades.
You know Stanley, I took a day to think about what you wrote. Good Afternoon Ed. Your I question your taking a day to think about what I wrote. To think in a positive or negative way? To build an offence or to strengthen your defense?
I've figured this, if you are as poor and disabled as you say, you are also a 'tard by choice to support this bullshit. Compared to you and your worldly way of thinking I am financially poor, physically and emotionally disabled without a doubt. I wish I hadn't shared any of my personal life, I only supplied fuel to add to personal judging. I have been what you consider to be a Trumptard , but in reality there has been no other choice in the last two election cycles.
So, no guilt for highlighting your record level of stupidity. You fall short as a man and a human being calling someone you do not know stupid. You support a party man who does nothing for people like you in their job of public policy, That is your opinion. and furthermore, you ******* upon the party that actually supports people in your situation. I am, and always have been an independent thinker voting for the person not the party. The Democrats don't support the "Poor" in this country and they shouldn't have to in order to really help them make better lives for themselves. A handout is not often a hand up but just enough crumbs to make so many dependent upon continued handouts.
You just may be more than a Trumptard, you may be an actually self inflicted 'tard. A self inflicted " Tard", why because I can see good from evil ? Or am I required to follow you because your right and those who don't submit to your opinions are wrong.
You are literally a dog fighting for the affection of your owners who still treat you like a dog. I could say the same about you, not in such a dehumanizing way, because neither one of us are "Dogs" but we on here are all in the same sinking boat trying to reach the safety of land before we all drown. The problem as I see it is that we keep getting told by the Government and it's media that our boat isn't in distress and even if it was they can save us.

You two went so far as to tag a fucking question with a dislike...not a statement, not an insult, a damn question! You obviously didn't have the guts to answer it, got enough to say why you didn't like a damn question?
Sure I do, under the right circumstances depending on the situation, the government is suppose to be accountable to the people not the other way around.
It’s truly SCARY how delusional you are !!!!!

Although I heard Donald and Ivanka did batch up that thar virus !!!!!

O yeah - that was from you - NEVERMIND. 😆
facts do seem to scare you........and you must have paid some attention if you knew trump fucked up the trump virus

Warnings Ignored: A Timeline of Trump’s COVID-19 Response ...

January 18, 2020: After two weeks of attempts, HHS Secretary Alex Azar finally gets the chance to speak to Trump about the virus. The president redirects the conversation to vaping, according to the Washington Post. January 20, 2020: First U.S. case is reported in Washington state.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump wrongly takes full credit for vaccine ...

Nov 13, 2020 · WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump on Friday wrongly claimed full credit for Pfizer Inc.’s announcement that its COVID-19 vaccine was robustly successful, misrepresenting the extent of

Donald Trump, Remorseless Asshole, Apparently Won’t ...

Aug 13, 2021 · Yet others have recommended Trump do vaccine drives at his rallies. ... his wife had not bought or sold stock in an individual company in at least ... on the threat of the coronavirus from Trump

Trump quietly closed the U.S.'s vaccine safety office last ...

Oct 23, 2020 · Developers will start rolling out their COVID-19 vaccines in the coming months, leaving U.S. health officials to test their long-term safety. But that won't be easy, especially given that the Trump administration quietly shut down the office responsible for ensuring the safety of vaccines last year, The New York Times reports.Before the late 1980s, vaccine safety relied on parents, doctors ...
That's true, Hillary did start the corruption against Trump.
wrong again needle dick.......

New reports show just how hard Russia worked to help Trump ...

Dec 17, 2018 · Russia's major goal on social media 'was to support Donald Trump,' according to two new reports commissioned by the Senate. Two new reports, commissioned on a bipartisan basis from the Senate Intelligence Committee, leave no room for doubt: Russia used every major social media platform in an unabashed attempt to help Trump and hurt Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton during the 2016 …
Says U - it was all orchestrated to hurt President Trump - and - you KNOW it.

Kamala was helping to bail out the miscreant rioters so they could return to trashing our cities and attacking the cops !!!!!
People of all colors, all over the world standing together to call for a halt to police gun tactics (reworded it for you) wasn't about ending people being shot but about hurting Trump?

What a maroon!
I hear they’re starting to call our president:

“Walk-away Joe” - cause he turns his back on reporters


“Bare-shelves Biden” cause the store shelves are emptying out

Keep those debacles coming ole Unca Joe :}
Name ONE U.S. President who did not ignore screaming reporters for the most part?
Damn that is one long assed tunnel your vision is in.....
You want the President to get involved in private business decisions? Really?
This is what I mean by a disingenuine soul. You are lying to yourself.
The president has intervened but he cannot go in and make them pay and hire people.
Stores are not running out of items, you've been corrected but stick to the lie, for convenience.

You do. You did. You are.
Yes Stores are running out of certain items, supply and demand can't keep up, transporting issues will continue to clog the system as well.
sure.........trump has no russian ties........practically begging for help again........don't think it will work as well this time on to him

Trump praised Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, ranted about windmills, and pushed his baseless election fraud claims at a GOP retreat, report says​

  • Trump harped on about his false election claims and grievances at a Senate GOP retreat in Florida.
  • He also praised Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, and ranted about windmills, The Post said.
  • Insider previously reported that some Republicans are worried about Trump's impact on the party's ability to win in the 2022 election.
Former President Donald Trump continued to push false claims about the 2020 election, blasted his foes in Congress, and played all the biggest hits from his routine of grievances at Thursday's National Republican Senatorial Committee's retreat in Florida, a preview of the role he may play in the approaching 2022 midterm cycle.

worried the midterms may be a non participant election....voter apathy.........but the more trump talks........the more he reminds people of why they voted him out!
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