Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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he has alot of lawyers to pay for....send money to keep him out of jail

A top GOP committee sent a message accusing supporters who hadn't donated of being traitors: 'You abandoned Trump.'​

  • The National Republican Congressional Committee sent an antagonistic message to donors this month.
  • The group accused those who had not yet contributed of being a "traitor" and abandoning Trump.
  • Some Trump advisers told The Washington Post they were livid with the framing of the message.
A top GOP committee dedicated to electing Republicans to the House of Representatives is taking an adversarial approach to some of its recent fundraising attempts.

The National Republican Congressional Committee sent a fundraising message this month threatening supporters who had not yet donated, calling them a "traitor," The Washington Post reported.

"You abandoned Trump," a text version of the message said. "We were told you were a tried & true, lifelong patriot."


'Shut this fake investigation down': Clumsy Republican 'audit' stunt elicits blowback​

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul talks with Rachel Maddow about the "glaring flaws" that have already compromised the credibility of a Republican effort to have two Trump loyalists reassess the outcome of the 2020 election in which Donald Trump was the loser, and why it's important to take the matter seriously even though it is being conducted in such an unserious manner.


wish they would put one where a few on here could see....​

A Republican group is putting up gigantic billboards to remind Trump that he lost​

A group of Republican officials is launching an anti-Trump campaign to call for an end to vote audits. Twitter/ AccountableGOP
© Twitter/ AccountableGOP A group of Republican officials is launching an anti-Trump campaign to call for an end to vote audits. Twitter/ AccountableGOP
  • A Republican group is putting up billboards to remind former President Trump that he lost the 2020 election.
  • The first billboard is up in Times Square, and reads "Trump lost. No more 'audits.'"
  • The group plans to run these billboards in states where Trump is calling for vote audits.
A group of Republicans is putting up billboards across America to remind former President Donald Trump that he lost last year's election, starting with a gigantic display in Times Square.

The Republicans for Voting Rights group tweeted a photo of the New York City billboard on October 14, which read: "TRUMP LOST. NO MORE 'AUDITS.'"

There are currently 36 "Trump Lost" billboards across nine states according to a map posted on the Republicans for Voting Rights website,

These billboards will run in Georgia, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan to denounce sham election audits that delegitimize our democratic process.


Republican candidate can't answer if he wants Trump campaigning in his state​

As both candidates continue to campaign for the Virginia gubernatorial election, Republican Glenn Youngkin seems to be distancing himself from former President Donald Trump. CNN's Jeff Zeleny reports.


P.utin has the evidence on this​

Trump Tells Senators and Donors at Retreat ‘I’m Not Into Golden Showers’​

Donald Trump wearing a suit and tie: Donald Trump speaks at NC GOP convention in June of 2021
© Provided by Mediaite Donald Trump speaks at NC GOP convention in June of 2021
Melissa Sue Gerrits, Getty Images

The National Republican Senatorial Committee held a retreat in Palm Springs, Florida on Thursday where Donald Trump apparently tried again to put an old rumor to rest.

Trump delivered a keynote on the final night of the retreat to a crowd of GOP senators, donors, and lobbyists. False claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election featured prominently, according to a report in The Washington Post.

“They cheat like hell, and they stick together,” Trump said about Democrats. “The Republican Party has to stick together.”

“It’s a terrible thing what they did in Georgia and other states,” he said, referring to a state that he and two incumbent Republican senators lost.

Trump also slammed the impeachment efforts against him, calling Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) “maniacs.”

“It was all phony s—, ok,” Trump said, calling the investigation of his potential ties to Russia “phony stuff.”

At one point, apropos of nothing, Trump recalled the unproven rumor against him stating that he likes being peed on for sexual pleasure. The claim appeared in the infamous Steele dossier.

“I’m not into golden showers,” he told the crowd. “You know the great thing, our great First Lady — ‘That one,’ she said, ‘I don’t believe that one.’”

Trump also took aim at those Republicans who have opposed him at various times, including Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Ben Sasse (R-NE).

The National Republican Senatorial Committee held a retreat in Palm Springs, Florida on Thursday where Donald Trump apparently tried again to put an old rumor to rest.

Trump delivered a keynote on the final night of the retreat to a crowd of GOP senators, donors, and lobbyists. False claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election featured prominently, according to a report in The Washington Post.

“They cheat like hell, and they stick together,” Trump said about Democrats. “The Republican Party has to stick together.”

“It’s a terrible thing what they did in Georgia and other states,” he said, referring to a state that he and two incumbent Republican senators lost.

Trump also slammed the impeachment efforts against him, calling Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) “maniacs.”

“It was all phony s—, ok,” Trump said, calling the investigation of his potential ties to Russia “phony stuff.”

At one point, apropos of nothing, Trump recalled the unproven rumor against him stating that he likes being peed on for sexual pleasure. The claim appeared in the infamous Steele dossier.

“I’m not into golden showers,” he told the crowd. “You know the great thing, our great First Lady — ‘That one,’ she said, ‘I don’t believe that one.’”

Trump also took aim at those Republicans who have opposed him at various times, including Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Ben Sasse (R-NE).

The 45th president also claimed he revived the Republican Party. “It was a dying party, I’ll be honest,” he said. “Now we have a very lively party.”

As the Post pointed out in its report, the GOP lost control of the House, Senate, and White House during his tenure.

Trump’s speech came just a day after he put out a statement telling Republicans to prioritize his false claims of election fraud or their voters will not turn out in 2022 or 2024.

The post Trump Tells Senators and Donors at Retreat ‘I’m Not Into Golden Showers’ first appeared on Mediaite.

can anyone name any other president in history that had to defend himself about golden showers


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that old blkdlaur plan.....doesn't work here won't work for the country either

Trump Plays ‘I’m Rubber, You’re Glue’ With 1/6 Committee: ‘They Should Hold Themselves in Criminal Contempt’​

Former President Donald Trump tried the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” argument with the January 6 select committee on Thursday.

The committee is planning to charge Steve Bannon with criminal contempt for defying their subpoena.

Chairman Bennie Thompson and other members of the committee have said this is a step they’re willing to take if people do not cooperate.

Trump himself put out a statement decrying the “January 6th Unselect Committee composed of Radical Left Democrats and a few horrible RINO Republicans.”

He grumbled that they’re “looking to hold people in criminal contempt for things relative to the Protest,” when, he declared, “they should hold themselves in criminal contempt.”


we stood by and let trump open that door.....making america that much more corrupt​

House Republican followed Trump's self-dealing model, spent thousands on her own companies: report​

Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney, who represents a conservative but swing district in central New York, reportedly enriched her personal business ventures with thousands in campaign cash, potentially violating Federal Election Commission laws.

FEC records reviewed by The Daily Beast indicate the New York conservative "shelled out $15,634.85 for a medley of rent, telephone service, and office supplies to OMP Park, Inc.," apparently a New York-based company registered and helmed by Tenney. According to a routine House disclosure from 2016, Tenney serves as the president of the OMP Park. In 2016, she also reportedly directed $28,676.86 in campaign funds to bankroll various administrative expenditures for both OMP and Mid-York Press, another New York-based business she apparently runs as "co-owner and legal counsel." In reviewing both state and federal campaign fund spending, The Daily Beast found that Tenney has earned her businesses at least $100,000 total.

As it stands, federal election law does not strictly prohibit the spending of campaign funds on personal business ventures "as long as the transaction is made at the fair market value," according to FEC's website. This stipulation apparently exists to ensure such transactions do not unfairly benefit candidates or their campaigns.

But advocates of campaign finance transparency say that, ideally, the transfer of campaign funds should be eschewed altogether to preclude any conflicts of interest from arising.

"It is generally best practice, if you can avoid it, not to engage in business with a company that you or your family owns," Adam Rappaport, senior counsel of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, told The Daily Beast. "If you are going to do it, it is best practice to make sure you're dealing at fair market values and to keep good records, because that's what the law calls for."

the start of things to come.....sure hope so....his lies will put him in jail

Judge orders Trump to sit for a videotaped deposition in case involving protesters who say they were assaulted at a MAGA rally​

  • A New York judge ordered Trump to sit for a videotape deposition in a civil case.
  • The case was filed by a group of protesters who said they were assaulted at a 2015 Trump rally.
  • State Supreme Court Justice Doris Gonzalez ordered Trump to sit for the deposition next week.
A judge in New York ordered former President Donald Trump to sit for a videotaped deposition on Monday as part of a civil case filed by protesters who say Trump's security guards assaulted them at a September 2015 rally.

Straight forward question...do you believe it's ok to make threats against elected officials in the performance of their duties?

You two went so far as to tag a fucking question with a dislike...not a statement, not an insult, a damn question! You obviously didn't have the guts to answer it, got enough to say why you didn't like a damn question?
If threats are proven - local authorities can handle that - no jurisdiction for the FBI - Dems wanna call anyone that doesn’t agree with their socialism domestic terrorists now so they can use the government’s version of the Stasi on them - it’s INTIMIDATION.

F - Federal

B - Bureau


I - Intimidation
Nothing sadder than a clown who just ain't funny.
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