Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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Tell all the working class people why they would listen to any of this crap. It was the LEFT and still is the LEFT who ****** business’ to remain shut when Trump tried to open up the economy again. People lost so much because of democratic states and governors. Ask business owners on state lines in blue states who were shut down how it felt to have red state contractors come here and steal their work. Now the debt rises because people remain on unemployment and thats on you buddy.
Like I’ve said before it really seems like everything Biden does hurts the good ole USA

Leaving Americans and 83 billion dollars of our weaponry behind for the Taliban

Letting illegal migrants flood our country with a high Covid infection rate during a pandemic

Stifling our energy production

Creating mandates that cost people jobs

Now using the FBI to intimidate parents at local school board meetings that don’t agree with leftist policies and labeling them “domestic terrorists”

It’s getting hard to recognize this country anymore - the left is REALLY going after freedom of speech now!!!!!!

They’re scared SHITELESS of two things:

1. Freedom of Speech

2. Donald Trump
Are you serious, if the O'Biden Administration lasts 3 more years in office first there may not be a country or second even Americans with half a brain will remember and realize that we are being attacked from the day O'Biden took office and stop being sheep.
Elevate the game, Stanley.....you've been stuck on "The sky is falling, the sky is falling, it fell on my little head" far too long.
So do you support the draft? Or do you support people's freedom to choose to serve... I have no doubt that not only you served, but I'm sure you served with honor. I, for one, say thank you for that...
I do not support either. I am a firm believer in the Israeli model which is conscription, EVERYBODY must serve and there are NO exceptions.

You must work with 'them', and too many minimize how many different flavors of ice cream (them) there are. Always, the only one or ones of 'them' that closely fit the description are the ones at the top, the multitude caught in the current. I graduated high school just before Nixon got elected. From 9/11 until today, the American lives lost are just a fraction of the 58,000 dead, 158, 000 wounded in Vietnam and the overwhelming majority of them were poor-poor whites from the country or poor black from anywhere. The wealthy and powerful got excuses, which included 'Ivy League' deferrals and wink and nod visas outside of the U.S., party and religion didn't mean a damn thing.

You will never truly see any of America without getting outside of America to look.
Anybody know what a Kangol hat is? The first time I saw someone killed was in Rota, Spain. A kid snatched the hat from one of my shipmates, who yelled and started to chase him. Spanish soldier looked, leveled his rifle, killed him, walked over and took the hat and gave it to the guy, body just in the street.... couldn't have been 15. Thank God that ain't home! That was 1977 and here in 2021, it's closer and NOTHING will ever convince me that's ok.
Like I’ve said before it really seems like everything Biden does hurts the good ole USA

Leaving Americans and 83 billion dollars of our weaponry behind for the Taliban

Letting illegal migrants flood our country with a high Covid infection rate during a pandemic

Stifling our energy production

Creating mandates that cost people jobs

Now using the FBI to intimidate parents at local school board meetings that don’t agree with leftist policies and labeling them “domestic terrorists”

It’s getting hard to recognize this country anymore - the left is REALLY going after freedom of speech now!!!!!!

They’re scared SHITELESS of two things:

1. Freedom of Speech

2. Donald Trump

do you ever consider posting anything else.......you post the same thing day after day.....and you are to retarded to understand the answer.....or in your typical trump frame of mind....the answer is not what you want to hear

rather than keep repeating your dim wit post....you could just post the # of the one post and repeat the number everyday save you typing.....forget it....way over your head......being a graduate of trump university you have very little reading comprehension

Tell all the working class people why they would listen to any of this crap. It was the LEFT and still is the LEFT who ****** business’ to remain shut when Trump tried to open up the economy again. People lost so much because of democratic states and governors. Ask business owners on state lines in blue states who were shut down how it felt to have red state contractors come here and steal their work. Now the debt rises because people remain on unemployment and thats on you buddy.
to many on the right just starving for attention....you see a few on here...................I won't mention any names right blkdumy.....

the obstructionist party at it again......they did it to Obama ...and now to Biden..........just wanting to country to fail so they can be the savior.....they had a chance before and blew it!

Biden's Treasury hobbled by Cruz's nomination blocks over Nord Stream 2 -officials​

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury is being held hostage by Republican Senator Ted Cruz's efforts to halt a Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline, blocking critical appointments when the federal debt limit remains a pressing issue, White House officials and Democrats in Congress say.

they have stanley hooked thats for sure

Deepfake technology's potential to change media and disrupt society​

You may never have heard the term "synthetic media"— more commonly known as "deepfakes"— but our military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies certainly have. They are hyper-realistic video and audio recordings that use artificial intelligence and "deep" learning to create "fake" content or "deepfakes." The U.S. government has grown increasingly concerned about their potential to be used to spread disinformation and commit crimes. That's because the creators of deepfakes have the power to make people say or do anything, at least on our screens. Most Americans have no idea how far the technology has come in just the last four years or the danger, disruption and opportunities that come with it.


Most Senate Republicans don't want to see Trump run again​

Senate Republicans, with a few exceptions, are hoping that former President Trump does not announce his intention to run again for president.

These GOP senators definitely don't want to see Trump announce a bid before the 2022 midterm elections, fearing that could sink their hopes of winning back the Senate.

More broadly, they're generally reluctant to see him on the ballot in 2024 at all because of his track record with independent and swing voters.

Several Republican senators, who requested anonymity to discuss Trump frankly, said they don't want to see Trump return as the party's standard bearer.

"I think we're better off when he's not part of any story," said a Republican senator, who said his view is widely shared in the GOP conference.

"He's a clinical narcissist. He threw away the election in the debate with Biden and he threw away the Senate out of spite," the lawmaker added, referring to Trump's first against Biden, which many Republican senators viewed as a disaster, and his influence on Republican voter turnout in the Georgia special election.

One thing is crystal clear: Most GOP senators think Trump announcing a bid before the midterms would hurt them.

"The 2022 election ought to be about the Biden administration and its rolling disasters so anything that would detract from the public being focused on what Democratic governance is doing to this country would be ill-advised," said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), a Trump ally, when asked about the possibility Trump could announce his campaign in the next year.

Johnson, a top Democratic target next year, hasn't decided whether to run for reelection, but expects Democrats to make the Wisconsin Senate race all about Trump.


he's back....or on the way anyway

Biden Approval Back Up to 50 Percent After Recent Numbers Showing Him Well Underwater: NEW POLL​

Joe Biden wearing a suit and tie: Biden Approval Up to 50 Percent
© Provided by Mediaite Biden Approval Up to 50 Percent
Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images.
President Joe Biden has righted the ship with his job approval numbers — according to a new survey.

CBS and YouGov put out a poll, on Sunday, which reveals that Biden’s job approval stands at 50 percent. This stands in stark contrast with other prominent, recent data. A Sept. 22 Gallup poll put Biden at 43 percent approval, while a Quinnipiac survey from earlier this week found only 38 percent approve of the president’s job performance.

Crucially, the CBS poll finds that Biden is gaining traction with independents. Forty-five percent of independents approve of the president’s job performance, according to the new survey, while 55 percent disapprove. That number is still below water, but far better than what other recent polls have turned up for Biden.

I do not support either. I am a firm believer in the Israeli model which is conscription, EVERYBODY must serve and there are NO exceptions.
I completely disagree with the idea of conscription... It flys in the face of our individual liberties that are guaranteed by the constitution, and backed up by our state constitutions. No one should be ****** into any sort of service.

You must work with 'them', and too many minimize how many different flavors of ice cream (them) there are. Always, the only one or ones of 'them' that closely fit the description are the ones at the top, the multitude caught in the current. I graduated high school just before Nixon got elected. From 9/11 until today, the American lives lost are just a fraction of the 58,000 dead, 158, 000 wounded in Vietnam and the overwhelming majority of them were poor-poor whites from the country or poor black from anywhere. The wealthy and powerful got excuses, which included 'Ivy League' deferrals and wink and nod visas outside of the U.S., party and religion didn't mean a damn thing.
I understand what you're saying, but it's just an example of how the draft and conscription will never work in the US as the same types of things will be happening... Our all volunteer forces are the greatest in the world, and we need to continue to support them.

You will never truly see any of America without getting outside of America to look.
Anybody know what a Kangol hat is? The first time I saw someone killed was in Rota, Spain. A kid snatched the hat from one of my shipmates, who yelled and started to chase him. Spanish soldier looked, leveled his rifle, killed him, walked over and took the hat and gave it to the guy, body just in the street.... couldn't have been 15. Thank God that ain't home! That was 1977 and here in 2021, it's closer and NOTHING will ever convince me that's ok.
You're right, it's not OK, but the more people are allowed to act like some do, the closer we get to that... Now it won't be soldiers doing it, when I look, the America that I grew up in is slipping away, people don't care about each other, violence in cities is growing... There's a lot of reasons why, but the main reason is the elimination of the family unit by an out of control government hell bent on creating dependents. That has to stop.
do you ever consider posting anything else.......you post the same thing day after day.....and you are to retarded to understand the answer.....or in your typical trump frame of mind....the answer is not what you want to hear

rather than keep repeating your dim wit post....you could just post the # of the one post and repeat the number everyday save you typing.....forget it....way over your head......being a graduate of trump university you have very little reading comprehension

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Pot callin the kettle . . .

they have stanley hooked thats for sure

Deepfake technology's potential to change media and disrupt society​

You may never have heard the term "synthetic media"— more commonly known as "deepfakes"— but our military, law enforcement and intelligence agencies certainly have. They are hyper-realistic video and audio recordings that use artificial intelligence and "deep" learning to create "fake" content or "deepfakes." The U.S. government has grown increasingly concerned about their potential to be used to spread disinformation and commit crimes. That's because the creators of deepfakes have the power to make people say or do anything, at least on our screens. Most Americans have no idea how far the technology has come in just the last four years or the danger, disruption and opportunities that come with it.

Isn’t that the Main Street Media ?????!!
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