Vanilla Wife stories

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the story is about her trying bbc for first time and me who convinced her to try. She found my secret stash of interracial cuckold porn on my computer got mad and I told her that it exited me and would love for her to try it she is reluctant at first but then tries it. use slutty lingerie but start her off conservative in terms of clothes like normal jeans. and then she gets slutier wear as time goes.
the story is about her trying bbc for first time and me who convinced her to try. She found my secret stash of interracial cuckold porn on my computer got mad and I told her that it exited me and would love for her to try it she is reluctant at first but then tries it. use slutty lingerie but start her off conservative in terms of clothes like normal jeans. and then she gets slutier wear as time goes.
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