US prisons

Are you asking are black & white inmates kept in the same cells? Whites tend to hang out with whites and blacks with blacks, in general, but they aren't separated by race in prison cell. More often, they are separated by the degree/type of crimes ... for example, pedophiles are kept separate from the general prison population, etc.
Pedophiles are not kept separate from the general population in any prison I know of. There are pedophiles in supermax, max, medium, and minimum custody. They're definitely low on the totem pole. Anyone who hurts ******* is the lowest, inmates that hurt women are the 2nd lowest. If an inmate hurt a pregnant woman they'd probably be interstate compacted (shipped to another state).

As for races, plenty of mixing as with normal society. Plenty of self segregation as with most societies, but that happens with other demographics too. Older inmates may socialize with younger inmates but for the most part they mostly socialize with people their same age.