Unspoken Truths in the Cuckold Bedroom

jeff & christy

Gold Member
I'm very curious about other's perspectives in the lifestyle. Of course, a LOT of things get discussed. But, are there taboo subjects between a wife and even a cuckolded husband?

My husband and I do NOT talk about certain aspects of our past - like when we were dating, when we were just friends before dating, who of his friends I did the most with, etc.

Another thing he hates to talk about is the circumstances around cunnilingus over the years. He loves eating my pussy and it is the biggest part of our sex life, but we often don't discuss the circumstances before or after. There are times when he doesn't know where I have ben just prior, who I have ben with or what was done. I like him to eat me, and he doesn't seem to want to know so we don't discuss it quite often. Mystery in the relationship so to speak . . . .

Any other topics that are off limits?
I'm very curious about other's perspectives in the lifestyle. Of course, a LOT of things get discussed. But, are there taboo subjects between a wife and even a cuckolded husband?

My husband and I do NOT talk about certain aspects of our past - like when we were dating, when we were just friends before dating, who of his friends I did the most with, etc.

Another thing he hates to talk about is the circumstances around cunnilingus over the years. He loves eating my pussy and it is the biggest part of our sex life, but we often don't discuss the circumstances before or after. There are times when he doesn't know where I have ben just prior, who I have ben with or what was done. I like him to eat me, and he doesn't seem to want to know so we don't discuss it quite often. Mystery in the relationship so to speak . . . .

Any other topics that are off limits?

He maybe bothered by the lifestyle. One of couple I was with had there rules. And they always communicate with each other. Maybe he wants to be there to watch?
My wife, never really discloses the text messages she has with our fuckbuddy friend. They are never without my knowledge, but she'll sit on the sofa at night, and they'll text either for hours, then every now and again she'll laugh/ giggle etc. yet when I ask her what did he say, or tell me the joke... she'll say its nothing special or she'll explain later... she never does :) Its a beautiful rush of cuckold angst being left out of the conversations, flirting, swapped pics, jokes etc. She knows i'll later be begging her for sex on those nights :)
My wife, never really discloses the text messages she has with our fuckbuddy friend. They are never without my knowledge, but she'll sit on the sofa at night, and they'll text either for hours, then every now and again she'll laugh/ giggle etc. yet when I ask her what did he say, or tell me the joke... she'll say its nothing special or she'll explain later... she never does :) Its a beautiful rush of cuckold angst being left out of the conversations, flirting, swapped pics, jokes etc. She knows i'll later be begging her for sex on those nights :)

The more of a relationship develops, the more this will become the case - where they have their own memories, experiences, arguments, reconciliations, etc. That way they can develop apart from you, even if only by a few yards or a few hours.
The more of a relationship develops, the more this will become the case - where they have their own memories, experiences, arguments, reconciliations, etc. That way they can develop apart from you, even if only by a few yards or a few hours.
Yeah, they are only little things, but they do seperate me from them. I love when I need to leave the room to grab something and their talking drops to a whisper or they go from talkng normally to no talking at all and all I hear is silence. That moment where they have waited for me not to be there to see what they do or what they are whispering to each other.
Yeah, they are only little things, but they do seperate me from them. I love when I need to leave the room to grab something and their talking drops to a whisper or they go from talking normally to no talking at all and all I hear is silence. That moment where they have waited for me not to be there to see what they do or what they are whispering to each other.

For the first five years we were in the lifestyle, my husband never knew that if I really liked a man or just wanted to impress him and make sure I saw him again, I would do rim jobs. He cried for hours when he eventually found out. It was sad, but a progression.

For the first five years we were in the lifestyle, my husband never knew that if I really liked a man or just wanted to impress him and make sure I saw him again, I would do rim jobs. He cried for hours when he eventually found out. It was sad, but a progression.
Which bit did he cry about, that you'd rim another man or that you weren't rimming him (your hubby)? If there is one way to get a good bull to keep coming back, is to rim him :) Our one almost never hooks up with other couples because we 'help him out' as he calls it when he wants it, by rimming him... well my hubby does anyway :)
Which bit did he cry about, that you'd rim another man or that you weren't rimming him (your hubby)? If there is one way to get a good bull to keep coming back, is to rim him :) Our one almost never hooks up with other couples because we 'help him out' as he calls it when he wants it, by rimming him... well my hubby does anyway :)

Twofold - that I would put my mouth and tongue up a black man's ass, and that I had been secretly doing it for several years with him in close proximity without telling him . . . or necessarily cleaning up.
My wife never initiates conversation about her boyfriend's or compares me physically or sexually with them. She enjoys sex with me and when we are together (which isn't a lot) her and I only have sex with each other. We have an open marriage and I know she has lovers and will honestly answer any direct questions I ask her but she never volunteers to talk about her men.
My wife never initiates conversation about her boyfriend's or compares me physically or sexually with them. She enjoys sex with me and when we are together (which isn't a lot) her and I only have sex with each other. We have an open marriage and I know she has lovers and will honestly answer any direct questions I ask her but she never volunteers to talk about her men.

My husband is a cuckold masochist. He honestly, thoroughly enjoys emotional pain up to fairly high limits.